Sunday, July 19, 2009


Hoop was very thankful for all the comments on his comic strip Wednesday. His only complaint was that there weren't MORE. I told him he needs to find a more popular host than. He would also like to add that despite what it seems, he is not a pothead. To which I would like to add, "anymore". In other news, I found out today that the word pickle is also slang for dildo. Did you know this? Which makes the name of this blog very interesting... if not a little redundant. I wish someone would have told me three years ago.

Daily Etsy Picks:
Cloisonne Fish Charms (They do exist in America!)
Disgusting 1970s Betty Crocker Recipe Card Box (Fantastically gross.)
Flying Key Necklace (Reminds me of Harry Potter.)

WTF Etsy?:
Critter Hairpin (Scare the shit out anyone standing behind you in line.)
Silver Condom Necklace (Yuck.)
Cheap Trick Dress (Dedicating it to the band doesn't make it better.)
The Fifth World (What?)
Uterus Serving Platter (Perfect for baby carrots.)

You Heart Etsy:
Special Edition Jewelry Holder (A WTF nomination from Kelly)

P.S. I've opened my own
Zazzle shop! Check it out. You don't have to buy anything. But please leave feedback here. Knot says I need more zombie stuff. I think some spork stuff would be nice too, as well as a new header.


Thursday, July 02, 2009


Daily Etsy Picks:
Cake Mail
Mythbusters Bots (I also love her Zombie Bot!)
Bombilla- Metal Drinking Straw
Bunny Jewelry Holder
Strawberry Chocolate Malt Crunch Pop (Mmmm!)

WTF Etsy?:
Hail Bacon Shirt (Clever, but still weird.)
Poopy Diaper Catnip Toy
The Felt Dangle (Oh-kay.)
"Don't Touch The Trash Can" Bag
Pancreas Mug


Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Thursday Somewhere

The pickins on Etsy have gotten pretty slim lately.

Either people are making less crap, or they're on to me.

Daily Etsy Picks:
Ants On My Sugar Pot
Cool iPod/iPhone/iTouch Cases
Teddy Bear 911 (I wonder if they do dog toys too.)
Male/Female WC Decor Bathroom Sign

WTF Etsy?:
Shark Hat
Chocolate Covered Bacon (Anyone want to be the guinea pig?)
Green Butt House (Really?)
Trailer Trash Stick Figure Decals
Eyeball Christmas Ornament (Santa's watching you!)

Have an awesome weekend Homebloys!


Friday, June 12, 2009

I Heart The 80's

Hoop and I signed up for Netflix recently for the sole reason of renting 80's movies. Blockbuster has pushed most of theirs out of circulation. When Hoop started compiling a list of "must see" 80's flicks (The Last Dragon, D.A.R.Y.L., Greedy), I was ashamed to admit that I hadn't seen most of them. The ones I had seen were so dusty in my memory, I'd long ago mixed them together with other movies. We watched Cocoon last night and I kept confusing it with Body Snatchers. At one point I turned to Hoop and asked, "So is this the part where they shove the old people into the cocoons?"

What 80's movies are on your "must see" list?

Daily Etsy Picks:
Salt and Pepa Shakers (Ah-hahaha! Effing brilliant.)
Pacman Fused Glass Mirror
Vintage 1989 Super Mario Doll
5 Vintage Smurf Glasses

WTF Etsy?:
Coolits Roll-On Sunglasses (Not cool then... or now.)
Walkers' BBQ Chips Bag Magnet (WHY?)
Ninja Turtles Figures (Are they zombies? Don't stare into their dead eyes!)
Mr. T Egg Cosy

Have a rad weekend Homebloys!


Thursday, June 04, 2009


Hoop started his new job on Tuesday. He likes it so far. But he won't really know what it is he does until he's out of orientation on Friday. There's a girl in his class who insists everyone call her "Muffin". Really. The big perk about this job is that it's only five minutes away from home. So Hoop comes home for lunch and I pause my chick flick long enough to make us sandwiches. Don't look at me like that. I watch while I'm folding laundry. I'm a little sad that I'm almost out of clothes to wash.

Hoop and I saw "Drag Me To Hell" last night. I jumped out of my seat so many times I think I can count it as butt aerobics. If you like gorror movies, this one is pretty good. It's a bit predictable and some of the scenes are downright corny. But it was spooky enough to give me nightmares last night. All I can remember is that it was the Apocalypse and I got nominated to grow food for the fallout. But all I could grow were RADISHES. So they threw me in jail... Rough.

Daily Etsy Picks:
Peanut Butter and Jelly BF Necklaces
Nebulae Bowl
Tug-of-war Game Sarubobo (I don't know why.)
Vintage Owl Saki Set

WTF Etsy?:
Leprechaun Larvae
Novelty Cookie Jar Breasts (It's not even food safe!)
Not George Bush Framed Embroidery (Thanks for clearing it up.)
Werewolf Throw Pillow


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At Midnight I Turn Into A Pumpkin

(A totally pointless title.)

I've been reading J.D. Robb books for the last week. They make me want to kick some bad guy butt. It's a good thing I've been going to the gym; because I'm WEAK. I was doing mountain climbing on the treadmill this afternoon (I'm not quite to Kilimanjaro) and I literally had to talk my legs into finishing. I was like, "Do you want that ice cream float later? Well, do you?!" Apparently, they did. And it was good.

Enough randomosity. Here's Etsy!

Daily Etsy Picks:
Secret Decoder Card With Secret Message
Young Mad Scientist Alphabet Blocks
One Carat Carrot Ring

WTF Etsy?:
"Got Any Weed?" Card (Because that's not sketchy or anything.)
Fetus Puppet
Fuzzy Brown Cattbutt Magnet
Johnny Carcinogen (Dude, I think you should listen to your wife.)
Dollhouse Miniature of Used Chamber Pot

Hoop Quote Of The Day:
"Let me get my glasses so I can see in High-Def."


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm drunk blogging. Why? Because I totally forgot about this Etsy post until now. So forgive me if these Etsy picks suck. It was $1 drafts tonight and after three days of continuous rain, I was getting severe cabin fever. I tried to drunk dial Allison (Alien), but she didn't answer her phone. The boys, Hoop and Bob, are playing Resistance. I just can't get into that game. It's too scary. Instead of shooting aliens, I end up running away like a sissy. So the boys don't want to play with me anymore. Anyway, here are my stupid picks...

Daily Etsy Picks:
Word Key Pendant
Men's Shave Set (For The Guys)
Mod Dots Zipper Tote (For The Girls)

WTF Etsy?:
Leandro the Owl Finger Puppet (In what world is that an owl?)
Zombie Feet Shoes
Original Art of "Toilet Filled With Steamy Poo"
Dollar Bill Art (This dollar bill could be yours for only $3 plus $2 shipping!)
A Piece Of Yourself (This is so weird!)


Friday, May 15, 2009

There's Always Room For Etsy!

I'm all over the place right now.

Like Jell-O without the mold.

Which explains how I completely forgot to post Etsy links yesterday. Because frankly, I have no freakin' idea what day it is anymore. I can't say I haven't enjoyed my stay in Unemploymentville (that should have been my Wild World city name!). But I'm ready to get back to work now. Now if I could just find a job that didn't involve working for *peanuts or touching dead people...

*I said this to a friend and she thought I said "penis". I told her, "That too."

Daily Etsy Picks:
Star Trek Vinyl Decal (How can you not laugh?)
Cupcake Stand
Journey Journal
"Explore" Shirt

WTF Etsy?:
Lucy's Potty Pants (When you secretly hate your baby.)
Cherokee Booger Mask
Merkin Hair Panties
Bridal Surgical Mask

Etsy of Note:
Baby Viking Hat (Jay, if you had kids...)

Daily Hoop Conversations:
Tink: Dane Cook is kind of cute. It's a shame he's such a jerk.
Hoop: Well that's an improvement. You used to just hate him.
Tink: Yeah. He grew on me a little.
Hoop: So if I were laying here passed out and he offered you sex, would you do him?
Tink: What? No! Why are you passed out?
Hoop: I don't know.
Tink: Did Dane Cook knock you out?
Hoop: Pfft. Please.
Tink: Did someone poison you?!
Hoop: You're missing the point.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Daily Etsy Picks:
Robot Love Vinyl Messenger Bag
Unemployed Magnet
Vintage Roulette Set
Wishing Tree Sculpture (Only $20!)

WTF Etsy?:
Bacon Soap (Because nothing gets you clean like grease.)
Mr. T Tampon Case
Real Moose Poop Earrings
Dead Animal Face On A Vase (Oh-kay.)


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Better Delayed Than Delayed-er

Daily Etsy Picks:
Jizo Set (Awesome!)
Sahara 1922 Necklace
Amazing Wine Bottle Holder
Foxy Loxy Locket

WTF Etsy?:
Slime Face T-shirt
Hanging Gilded Vagina Lightcatcher (WOW.)
Mushroom Cap Floppy Hat (In formal black!)

You Heart Etsy:
Little My in Red Violet (Thank you Niki for finding this!)


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sometimes Like Dumpster Diving

...for those too lazy to move from their computer.

Daily Etsy Picks:
Smokey Guitar Strap
Vintage Bordello Lamp
Kawaii Sticker Pad

WTF Etsy?:
Fred Astor The Dancing Spice Man
Lint Girls (So creepy.)
Bleach Bag (For those who REALLY have too much money.)
Born With A Beard - A Novel
Sooo-Per Cap (Also known as, PLEASE beat up my kid.)


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Etsy Is My Boyfriend

Daily Etsy Picks:
Hand Carved Spork Stamp
PIF Copper Fishbone Earrings
"Beards Are Sexy" Tote (For Van, LL and Hoop.)
Silver Kaleidoscope Ring

WTF Etsy?:
Snaggle Tooth Braces Catnip Toy
Kurt Cobain Troll
Wild Porcini Mushroom Monster Doll
Home Smells Great (Really? Why would anyone want this?)

Etsy of Note:
Brain Slug (The pictures for this listing are great!)

P.S. I have a job interview tomorrow night. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This Message Is Tink Approved

What do you mean I'm late? It's not midnight yet.

Daily Etsy Picks:
Awesomely Proper Insults (Perfect for that after-break-up last word.)
Zombie Anti-Bite First Aid Kit
Custom Made Barbarian/Viking Beanie (For Jay.)
P.I.F. Copper Rings

WTF Etsy?:
Metal Stilettos
Fantasy Face Pin (I think it's more likely that people stop her daughter because they think she's homeless.)
Popping Pimples Bird Toy
Rubber Fish Skeletons ("Great wedding gifts!")


Thursday, March 12, 2009

To Etsy With Love

Daily Etsy Pick:
"Wanderlust" Print
Fork Tines Necklace
Roots Woodburned Box
Book Bookshelves

WTF Etsy?:
Snapely Snapper Fish Sculpture
Men's Briefs with Jawbone Screenprint (Oh-kay.)
Fanged Chicken (With attachable tongue.)
Jock Alien Monster
Jesus and the Turtle

Etsy of Note:
Little Pocket Book (Written by a 13 year old who warns, "Not meant for children." AWESOME.)


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 74!

The words for this week were White and Mailbox/slot.

How did you interpret them?

White Fish Saltshaker

White Grapefruit Blossoms

White Picket Fence

Peeling Mailbox

Busted Mailbox

(Scottish Highland Games '09)

Big Bit's First Job

A Little Competitor

Women's Ax Throwing Winners

That's me on the end. I got third place! My Grandmother got second and my Mom got first. We like to keep it in the family. ;)

(Other Random Photos)

My New Do

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The words for next week are:

Daily Etsy Pick:
Bottle Opener Belt Buckle
Spork Bangle
"Ktog"- Knitting on Canvas (This is so cool!)

WTF Etsy?:
One Unflattering Portrait
Cthithuly (I wouldn't pay $1 for this, let alone $100)
Evil Egg Purse

Daily Hoop Conversation:
Tink: I just found a spork bangle!
Hoop: What is that, a tiger?

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 73!

The "words" for this week were 2 and Expressive Face.

How did you interpret them?

2 chalk. a set.

Just The Two Of Us

Expressive Faces


(Left to right and down) Happy face... or is that sarcastic? Angry face... or maybe a crazy pirate? Sexy face... or feeling sneaky? Scared face... or just poked in the butt?


Bento for Hoop 02-23

Bento for Hoop 02-24

(Other Random Photos)

Keystone Library Tree

Original Drive-Thru Diagram (at Work)

Modified Drive-Thru Diagram (with Godzilla)

Who would do such a thing? *Walks away whistling*

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The words for next week are:

Daily Etsy Pick:
"Home Is Where..." Print
"What the Funk?" Mixed Tape Pouch
Board Mounted Giclee of Snake

WTF Etsy?:
"Squitches Master" print
Octopus Heart T-Shirt
Horse Butt Pillow

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 72!

The "words" for this week were Z and Abandoned.

I was really pathetic this week. No, really. The only picture I took for the challenge was...

Z for Zelda

It's not even interesting. Next weeks words should be a lot more inspiring.


Bento for Hoop (Valentines)

Bento for Tink (Valentines)

One morning, when I was running even later than usual, Hoop offered to make my lunch. He called at noon to ask if I had seen his note. "Your note?" I asked, looking for some paper or napkin tucked into my box. "In the fruit!" So I looked at my fruit and saw...

"House, circle, I? Is this a cleaning reference?" "Turn it around." "Oh!"


(Other Random Photos)

Chef Hoop

Oddly, this was one of his Christmas presents.

Wasp in Lemon Tree

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The words for next week are:
Expressive Face

Daily Etsy Pick:
Koi Fish in Scarlet and Electric Orange
Sasquatch In My Pocket
Owl Recipe Cards

WTF Etsy?:
Bacon Devils
Turd Burglar Magnet
Golden Girls Necklace
Boobie Pin (Mature)

You Heart Etsy:
Star Trek Corset (Chris, who tipped me off on this gem, and I agree that they should put a disclaimer stating, "wearing corset will not guarantee awesome rack like one shown". Because there might be, you know, some confusion.)

You Heart Etsy:
Sushi Pillows (Amusing was awesome enough to tip me off on these should-be-Etsy items.)

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 71!

The "words" for this week were G and On This Day.

How did you interpret them?

Laughing God

Grimm's Fairy Tales

Good Girl

On This Day (02/05)

There might have been snow...


Bento for Hoop (02/10)

Bento for Tink (02/06)

(Other Random Photos)

That's the money you could have been saving with Geico.

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The words for next week are:
Z (Ooo, toughie!)

Daily Etsy Pick:
"Sunset Dandelion" Print
Men's Vintage Leather Shaving Kit
Custom Robot Metal Wall Art

WTF Etsy?:
Hot Pink "Fabulous" Leggings (My God this girl is awkward.)
Pull Toy Chicken
"Eat Your Popsicles Kids" Drawing
"Spork-tastic" Bag

Somewhere In Between:
"Turn Down The Suck" Ring

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pickled Beef Bison

There are some people who can whip things up without a recipe, innately knowing which flavors can mix and which can't. Then there are people like Hoop, the man who thought orange extract would make pizza sauce more zesty. It didn't; just in case you were wondering. Hoop isn't a bad cook. Really. He's rather good, when he follows a format. But he's not the best at improv. Ever since he discovering that our government has approved the integration of cloned meat and milk into our food supply, he's been boycotting beef.

I'm not complaining. I'm all for putting better things in our body. But boycotting beef is harder than it sounds for a man who loves burgers, meaty lasagna and tacos. Tuesday night, as we were at the grocery store, Hoop decided to buy a pound of Bison meat as a possible substitute. I came home last night to burgers. They looked beautiful. They smelled wonderful. Unfortunately, they didn't taste as good as they looked or smelled. "What do you think?" Hoop mumbled around his mouthful. "Um... Honestly? It's not very good."

Hoop stared at his burger suspiciously. "It does taste a little off. Do you think the meat is bad?" "No. It just doesn't taste very good." We chewed in silence for awhile, not willing to admit defeat or waste the food. I tried in vain to pinpoint the flavor. Nothing came to mind. "I was really hoping this would taste better," Hoop sighed while finishing the last bite. I frowned and nodded my agreement while cleaning up the plates. About five minutes later Hoop turned to me and said, "Do you think it was the vegetable oil?"


A few people have marveled at the smallness of the manatees in my Tuesday photos. To put it in perspective, the fish in that lone manatee shot is the size of my arm, my entire arm... including my weird elbow. I knew when I was taking the shots that it would be hard to gage their size without some reference. I thought about throwing something into the water while we were there, like maybe a can, or one of those small children running around the dock. But I didn't think the park rangers would like that very much.


I bought my little ninjas (Hiyeee and Ya!) at this etsy shop:
Goose Grease. They're very small. I would not recommend them for children or really immature adults. Other cool ninja figures from Etsy can be found here, here, and here. You're welcome.

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 70!

The "words" for this week were Jump and M.

How did you interpret them?

Don't Jump, Ninja!

Man, ninjas have it so rough.

Manatees at Blue Springs

All those blobs in the water are Manatees, 90+ in total.

(Other Random Photos)

Manatee Reserve

"WTF?" Flea Market Find

("Biggest Loser" Sabotage)
We're having a "Biggest Loser" competition in our office.

In Front of My Door

In the Kitchen

In the Sales Room


Bento for Hoop 02/02

These are the meat pastries I made on Sunday.

Bento for Tink 02/02

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The words for next week are:
On This Day

Daily Etsy Pick:
MADART Painting
Scrabble Nameplate
"If you don't tell your cat..." T-shirt

WTF Etsy?:
A $30 Photo of a Shoulder
Mr. McSquissy and His Cat Tiddles
"We Are In This Together" Print

Somewhere In Between:
"Fire In The Hole" Grenade Candle

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