Showing posts with label Backwater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backwater. Show all posts

March 12, 2017

India, Alappuzha backwaters

Its taken few weeks to get back here, but here we go :)
Our last days in India were spend at Kondai lip backwater resort - A fantastic place surrounded by lakes and canals. The birdlife was incredible, bird where ever you look and best of all  - many different kinds of kingfishers - My favorit. Unfortunately I only had my normal zoom with me which also mean no good pics of birds. As a part of the package, the first evening we went on a bout trip through the canals all the way to the Arabian Sea, or actually we had walk the last couple of hundreds meter over the sand banks but it was worth it :) 
The water was surprisingly warm, although unprepared as we were there were no swimming. Not sure its even 'possible' due to the strong currents.
Following morning we went out by ourselves in a small paddle boat for some fishing and bird watching - we saw a lots of birds but didn't catch a single fish.
Around lunch we got collected by our driver that took us to the last place we would be visit in India this time - Alappuzha. A harbour filled with hundreds of houseboating, also called rice boats.
We had the whole boat to ourselves till the next day, including a chef that cooked and served us all the food and the refreshments while we were cruising the canals and lakes. By the time it was dark and bedtime we were back to the harbour. Following morning, during breakfast the course was shorter as were had to be back by lunch to head back to the airport.
Time flies by when having fun, it was time for us to get back to Sweden.