I took delivery of my demo CG2700X Eizo monitor over the weekend and ran it through its paces; suffice to say I am pretty impressed.

- Broadcast engineering and IT related links and stuff. Maybe some music, films and other things.
I took delivery of my demo CG2700X Eizo monitor over the weekend and ran it through its paces; suffice to say I am pretty impressed.
My, my; it's been eighteen months since I paid any attention to this blog. Possibly the longest quiet period since I started writing it in 2003! Anyway - it's mostly down to work (I started Media Engineers at the start of 2020; a few weeks before the pandemic started).
Back in 2019 I was approached by ASUS to point a probe at their new PA32U (the first of their 32" monitors to carry the ProArt product name). It had a lot of issues and I wrote up my findings here. I also made a video showing my LightSpace profiling.
Last thoughts;
Colourist:"It doesn't match my Dolby",
Me:"…you just watched me calibrate the monitor for Rec.709",
Colourist:"It's wrong",
Me: "Is the Dolby set for Rec.709?",
Colourist: "No, I feel that when I export Quicktimes for customer approval how I have the monitor set now matches what they see better"