The watch for the electronic geek. All the features of a watch combined with an oscilloscope and a waveform generator. I've signed up to fund the Kickstarter project which has reached it's goal - happy days!
- Mixed Signal Oscilloscope: Simultaneous sampling of analog and digital signals.
- Advanced Trigger: Normal / Single / Auto, with rising or falling edge and adjustable trigger level.
- Meter Mode: Average, Peak to peak and Frequency readout.
- XY Mode (Plot Lissajous patterns or see the phase difference between two waveforms).
- Spectrum Analyzer with different windowing options and selectable vertical log.
- Horizontal and Vertical Cursors with automatic waveform measurements.
- Arbitrary Waveform Generator with Sweep on all parameters.
- Display options: Persistence, Different grid options, and more.
- Curve tracer function