Showing posts with label RTT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RTT. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

RTT: It’s a Sushi Bar Luau. Only With No Hula Dancers. Or Roasted Pigs.

I was delighted when Jan from Jan's Sushi Bar agreed to guest post on Random Tuesday. I always look forward to her Random posts. Well, actually, I look forward to all her posts. Jan has a wonderful sense of humor, is a wonderful writer, and posts recipes to die for (including martini recipes). Thank-you Jan!

Hello, there, all of Pseudo’s regular readers. As you probably all know, Pseudo is taking a bit of a break from her blog and has asked some of us to paddle out here to the mid-Pacific, come ashore on the aisle of Oahu, and sort of take care of the place for her.

Well, twist my arm. When asked which day she’d like me to come and blog-sit, she said, “Tuesday. I love your random thoughts.”

Did you read that, Ex-husband? SOMEONE likes the way I think. Nyah, nyah, nyah.


Well, The Young One is now officially a man.

He watched Caddyshack for the first time Monday afternoon and loved it.
*sigh* Yes, I knew this day would come.


How the blue blazes can I have 47 different popup blockers on my computer and STILL get 300 popup windows when I got to certain sites?, you are testing my patience – I don’t care HOW good your jalapeno cheesecake recipe is.


I really, really wish I could remember how this conversation came about, or what we were talking about. But all I remember is how The Young One, with a completely earnest yet disgusted look on his face, asked me:

“But Moooooooooom, how can you look at Beloved naked???”

Well, son, it’s a lot easier than you’d think, but I won’t traumatize you further by telling you that.


Jen at Sprite’s Keeper told a cute story for the Spin Cycle last week about how she and her husband both forgot their anniversary this year. Although Beloved and I have been “together” for over 10 years now, we haven’t been married long enough (2 1/2 years) to forget our anniversary.

But don’t think I don’t have a story (don’t I always??).

Once, when I was facing an emergency room admitting nurse and was asked my birthday, I came up a complete blank. Beloved, sitting next to me, chirped up, “January 15, 1958.”
How sweet, you all think. Except that is his EX-WIFE’S birthday.

There was no permanent damage done, but I think they’ll be hosting the Winter Olympics in Guatemala before he makes that mistake again.


A couple of months ago, I posted about a prank played by a friend of my brother’s. The prank consisted of the friend, Englebert, kidnapping lawn flamingos and ransoming them. If you care to read the post, you can do so here. And you really should, because it helps the following video make a little more sense.

And proves I wasn’t making it up, although I had NO idea that it had made national “news” until I told my brother I’d blogged about it. He then gave me the link.

The video is even funnier when you realize that the anchor of the tabloid news show it appeared on is Bill O’Reilly.

For more random thoughts, go visit Keely at The Un-Mom. She’ll take that $32,000 and a picture of Marlon Brando, no questions asked.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RTT Say you Know Me

Hey hey hey it's Random Tuesday...

We have a new microwave. It's in a box on the kitchen counter. The old one finally fizzled and flipped out. The little half pint microwave lasted twenty years. For the last three years (since the cancer debacle) I wouldn't even be in the same room as it when it was on. I'm just saying.

I'm trying (not to successfully) to catch up on my blog reading. Work and life have me running in circles.

Mango Girl gifted me with the Honest Scrap award. Her blog is a somewhat recent discovery for me. I have her featured under the sunset in the sidebar. She has a series going on over at her place about a period in her life where she took a job bartending on a remote private island in the Bahamas. I caught up with the posts this weekend and am convinced I was meant to be her work buddy and not the prissy girl who did not last a week. Anywhos check Mango Girl out - it is an amazing story.

Somewhere in my archives I have a post that goes with the Honest Scrap award. Or if you are new here, click on a favorite post in the sidebar, especially the survivor or teaching posts. That's about as honest as I get...

Amy over at Keeping Up with the Schultz Family passed on this Splash award. You all know how much I love anything ocean related so of course I think this is as pretty as they come. Amy is about the sweetest blogger out there so go check her out too.

I'd like to invite anyone who stops by and leaves a comment to help themselves to either or both of these awards. Stop by Mango Girl's or Amy's for the particulars.
For more Randomness, hop on over to Keely at the Unmom's.
I leave you with a random music video.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RTT: Welcome to Crap Week

Portmanteau word is on the first vocabulary list.

Definition: a word composed of parts of two words, combining both the sounds and meanings of the two words, such as chortle from chuckle and snort and motel from motor and hotel. The term was first used by Lewis Carroll to describe many of the unusual words in his Through the Looking-Glass (1871), particularly in the poem "Jabberwocky."

The students’ extension activity is to create their own portmanteau word. My rules are that 1) it can’t be made up already. I don’t want a repetition of last year where I got 12 ligers. And 2) the two words their portmanteau words are derived from can’t mean the same thing. No more prettifuls.

I’m walking around the room and a student (same one who thanked me the first day of school) says “Miss, can I am make up the word ‘maby’ (pronounced maybe).”

“Maybe is already a word.”

“No. Maby. Like. Have you ever mabied?”

Kids are laughing.

“OK. I’ll bite. What two words does it come from?”

“Make and baby.”

Rule #3 was made up on the spot. I did not think it needed saying.

Honeymoon first week is over.


I’ve gotten about four hours sleep a night lately.

It’s not because I have been blogging. I have sorely been neglecting my bloggie friends and I do apologize.

My reader is backed up.

But not as much as my life.


Mercury goes into retrograde next week.

Apparently my astrological clock is early….


Two followers dropped me. I think they both are public poopers who took my last post personally.

For more Random Tuesday, head on over to the Unmom’s.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bits from the North Shore: RTT

I’ve been enjoying reading Tuesdays’ Random Posts around the internets. So, finally, today I am giving it go…


I went up to our favorite beach on the North Shore yesterday with Hubs, Daughter, and Border Collie. The Boy opted for hanging out with his friends. Big surprise.

First thing I did was take my beach walk with BC. While walking down the pristine, near empty stretches of white sand,
BC decided to both surprise and embarrass me when he raced ahead, paused two feet in front of two women lying on the beach, and pooped right there and then. Granted, I clean up after him, but still…

On the way back, he did the same thing a foot away from a young couple.

The couple was nicer about it.

I really need to work on BC’s manners.

After snorkeling, I’m getting all comfy in my beach chair and getting ready to read my book. Hubs asked me where I packed his I-shuffle. I informed him it was in the front zip pouch of the beach bag. Since he was getting his (and mine was right there next to it) I extended my hand, palm up, for him to pass me my I-shuffle.

Hubs looked at my hand and said, “What?”

“Hello… I-shuffle please.”

To which he surprised me with this response, “Follow the man rules and ask out loud for what you want. We men don’t read minds, as much as you women think we should.”

What the fuck has he been watching?

Man rules???

We almost lost BC to the horizon. He likes to swim in and check on me when I’m snorkeling. But he wasn’t keeping tab so good. He swam out to a lady on a boogey board, and when he realized it wasn’t me, he just kept going, on and out towards the horizon. Hubs had to call him back.

I happened to look up from where I was to see my dog swimming about 20 yards out. Later, on the beach, Hubs told me my dog almost swam to my homeland – California.

Daughter rolled her eyes and informed her dad that since we were on the North Shore, BC was heading toward Alaska.

We stopped in Hali’ewa for Mexican food at Cholo’s where you can sit outside with the dog. Our table faced some shrubbery and a crew of kamikaze sparrows were focused on our chips sans salsa.

Twice they tried to dive onto the table and steal a chip.
I was more worried about the cocktails.

Birds really freak out Daughter and so she asked her father to get rid of them.

Instead, he did this.

For more Random Tuesday Posts, head on over to The Unmom.