I swear I wasn’t stressing out.
I was seriously trying to go with the flow, be happy with what I could get done. Let go of what I couldn’t get to until the next day.
I was dealing with the frantic pace of work and the week before finals.
With two parent meetings this week when I needed to be tutoring students. Or grading. Or Christmas shopping. Or Christmas a million other things.
My daughter’s frantic pace of finishing up 17 credits at UH and opening week of the play she is in. And she started a new job.
Did I mention she commutes 44 miles round trip each day to school?
Of juggling cars.
So I was more than a little bummed when I woke up at 1 AM Monday night with a migraine.
And it didn’t respond to the Imitrex by 4 AM so I had to take another.
Then, the headache came back in the middle of the night on Tuesday.
I took my last Imitrex. I can’t refill my prescription until the 15th because our insurance will only pay for one refill every 27 days. Even though my internist has written them two letters saying my chronic migraine syndrome acts up on a more regular basis than the amount of pills they are willing to supply.
I could pay $130. But it’s Christmas. Things are tight. Tuition is due. So I dealt with it for a day without migraine meds.
The headache went away yesterday. Yea.
So we got the Christmas boxes down and the tree down. Yeah, I know. We have a fake tree. But I tried the real tree over here, and what with the tropical weather, it dies faster than Christmas shopping days fly past. By Christmas morning it would look like a giant matchstick ready to spontaneously combust.
So, like I was saying, we got the Christmas stuff down last night. Which surprised me because my husband was in a foul mood. The night before, my daughter got a flat tire on her way home.
At 11 at night.
Afraid to stop? Unwilling? She drove my car two miles on a flat tire. So, my husband spent the day at the tire center at Sears. The warranty did not cover $150 for the alignment.
So, like I was saying, we got the Christmas stuff down last night.
Then, the 15 year old tree stand broke. My husband went out to get a new one and decided to kill 1,000 birds with one stone and never got back.
This morning, there is an artificial tree in three parts on the floor.
There are eight boxes hanging out with the tree parts. They are having a party.
I’m supposed to be making a DVD that will serve as a Christmas present for many a peoples.
But our computer that we bought last summer does not have a movie making software program, so I am supposed to be researching what to buy. I was supposed to do that last month.
Anyone out there know of a good editing program that can make videos and slideshows on a PC? My daughter suggested Vegas?
Appreciating all advice as the way things are going, Christmas is going to occur at our home around January 5th.
Oh, and while I was down for the count, two of my measly 12 followers dropped me. It's a tough world out here too apparently.