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Showing posts with the label medical informatics

AMIA Board: specification of core competencies in Biomedical Informatics

In 1998 I launched a website called " Medical Informatics and Leadership of Clinical Computing " (now entitled " Contemporary Issues in Medical Informatics- Common Examples of Healthcare Information Technology Difficulties " at this link ). Its theme was that leadership of IT in healthcare was severely lacking in the formal competencies needed to reach any measure of success, and in fact the lack of informatics competencies in the usual IT actors was causing wasted resources and patient harm. I had also commented that the term "Medical Informatics" itself was being misappropriated by anyone claiming to do anything with computers in medicine, even the creation of trivial and/or low-value programs. Sadly, little has changed in that regard since 1998; in fact things are much worse.  The meaning of the term "Medical Informatics" itself has become severely blurred, and job listings that use the term are largely misguided.  They often seek a nurse (mos...