Showing posts with label my mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my mother. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

You Don't Have to Feel Embarrassed for Me. It's Already Been Taken Care Of.

Click to Enlarge
 I read a post on someone's blog once, where she mentioned something about being embarrassed for bloggers who write about their mothers.

At first, I did what I usually do, making sure the aluminum foil shield was securely in place over the little black dot on the top of my computer screen and then I felt....well,  embarrassed because really she shouldn't have to be embarrassed for me.  I am perfectly capable of being embarrassed all by myself, thank you very much. I've had, in fact, many years of experience dealing with this particular emotion, most of it  caused by my mother.

I'm sure the woman who wrote this had one of those Betty Crocker moms who cleaned and baked and joined committees and signed up to chaperone field trips.  You know the kind of mom who gets up before noon, who doesn't completely ignore any attempts to persuade her to leave the bed, who doesn't pull the covers over her head when a group of bulls (escaped from the local bull farm) are standing outside her bedroom window,  their faces  pressed up against the glass, their expressions indicating that they too, are unable to believe she isn't up and around yet.  I bet her mother didn't spend all the food money on Jackie Kennedy lookalike clothing while her kid walked around looking like The Little Match Girl, or a red haired version of Julie Andrews (as a nun) because Millie, of Millie's House of Style gave her a bad summer hair cut but  - on the upside,  now combing the snarls out of her daughter's hair was yet another chore scratched off the list, leaving more time to entertain the bulls.

I bet her mom never walked around for over a week wearing a cheap rhinestone crown she received after winning a very small town version of the Miss America pageant, wearing it everywhere - even to the supermarket, when at that point her very young daughter (who was quite familiar with pageants rules for some reason)  asked her how much longer she was allowed to wear it  and she replied "two weeks," as if  there was a real rule about how long Miss Small Town could reign.

Forever, as it turns out.

You know what?  I bet that woman had a mom who bought good candy on Halloween, you know, like Hershey bars and Snickers and Milky Way Bars, the kind kids never trade or share with their little brother.  I bet her mother never told her daughter to give out potatoes when she ran out of no-name sale candy from Woolworths, forcing her daughter to develop her patented "silent placement technique" in which the potato, much heavier than a Snicker's bar, could be placed skillfully and carefully in the treat bag without its weight causing anyone to even suspect what just happened and the secret would be safe until much later when all the lights were turned off, officially putting an end to Halloween for another year.

Would her mother buy her a white bathing suit that had a faux red banner across the front that said "Future Miss Universe" and still allow her to wear it despite the fact that when it got wet it was completely absolutely see-through? I don't think so.   Would she let her daughter cake dark blue eyeshadow on her lids and bright orange lipstick on her lips and then allow her to go out in public without even attempting to take some of the clown out of it?  Doubt it. Would she give her boyfriend some money, ask him to run out to get a loaf of bread and when he returned notice that the change he gave her was short a quarter and then make him go outside in the dark and search for it the driveway?


No. No.  No one does that except My Mom, the Evil Queen The Queen Mother of The House of Tiaras and you know what?  Others can be embarrassed for me as much as they want.  Hey! Knock yourself out, all you do-gooders out there who feel so very sorry for me while wearing sad, smirking expressions on your plastic faces, because my mother is The Evil Queen  The Queen Mother of The House of Tiaras and she still reigns (because she comes from the Order of Those Who Do Not Die Easily) and she will make feature appearances on this blog, and this blog ONLY (I made her sign a contract, but in her condition it probably won't hold up in court) and pretty soon when I  am famous you won't have to feel sorry for me anymore until I develop a drug habit that will take over the embarrassment duties once handled by my mother.

And I will live happily ever after.  And you people who feel sorry for me? Well don't.  You should feel sorry for yourselves because you will never have any Mom stories to tell unless you make them up because you have boring stupid good mothers.  Anyone can have a good mom. There's nothing special about that.   I mean think about it. Aprons or Tiaras?  What's more interesting?  Yeah, that's all I'm sayin'.  In fact, I am beginning to think more of my mother all the time, especially in the last 20 minutes it to to write this post.  I think I'm going to change her title from Evil Queen to Queen Mother, of the House of Tiaras.

And don't try to steal my mother either.  She's old and doesn't remember much so I know she is vulnerable to those who might want to steal her and get some good embarrassing stories out of the whole ordeal, but honestly, you won't last two  hours.  No story is worth that, trust me.

Besides, Mr. T is her bodyguard, and he's just looking for some more fools to pity. Don't give him a reason to put more gaudy jewelry on. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Saved So Much Money That I Created My Own Career And How To Avoid Death by Dented Can


 Recently I've decided to "stock up" on certain foods (mostly canned) the ones I use most frequently.  My master plan was to stock up when these foods were on sale, resulting in decreasing the food budget by at least 62 cents.(Note: that estimate is a total, rather than 62 cents per can.)

Originally, cutting the food budget and saving in other ways was how I planned to justify my existence while in the ranks of the unemployed.  I have carefully calculated how much money former my "career" (ha. funny.)  has cost us and how I can actually SAVE the same, if not more than my average take-home pay, therefore turning my unemployment into a profession, maybe even with a title, such as Cost Analysis/Budget Expert/ Sale- Flyer Inspector.

Unfortunately any money saved at the beginning of this venture was lost due to the expense associated with food hoarding stocking, including large shelving units that were installed in the basement and the 24 hour a day armed guard hired to protect us and our canned tomatoes during the Zombie Apocalypse.  However, I do believe these will be perfectly legitimate tax write offs.  I will consult the accountant and report back.

As if this was not reason enough to boldly invent this new career, there is another, more personal reason I decided to join the ranks of the hoarders and it is this.  I am still trying not to be my mother. You see, The Evil Queen was a daily shopper.  She completely and absolutely believed that getting in the car daily and driving to the supermarket (then called the grocery store) to buy only the food we needed, which usually included carrots (because let's face it, carrots are always on sale and they will last at least eight months in the refrigerator,) was the way to spend the very least on food, something she wasn't much of a fan of anyway, but she had four mouths to feed because The Pill and lesbianism hadn't been invented yet.

She also believed in keeping the register receipts.

Let me explain.  My mother would keep the receipts from the grocery store, those usually long cash register tapes (but my mom's wasn't all that long because of the buying of things like carrots) and then, once home,  checking off each and every item before putting it away.  Now this was a group effort, mind you. One kid was in charge of checking off the items while the rest of us put them away, calling out the name of the item and the price.  Sometimes we'd yell "Bingo!" because oh my God were we were a bunch of cut-ups!!!!  And if a price didn't match, or God-forbid something was missing she'd go right back to the store and get her item or her refund.  Yes, my mother believed that she was saving money by once again getting into the car and driving back to the supermarket to get back the 17 cents she was overcharged on the can of Green Giant Cream-Style Corn.

Listen.  I know what you're thinking but you can't make this shit up. Anyway, the point is, (1) I needed to justify my new role in the household and (2) I didn't want to become my mother, so I had to go The Other Way, by stocking up, WAY up,  buying not only more than one dinner's worth of food, but hundreds of dinner's worth and even extra some stuff  that I might not even live long enough to enjoy, all the while, smug in the fact that I have and will continue to save more money than she ever did in her entire life , and in the process of doing so, manage to somehow come off looking much less miserly and also,  quite frankly, less insane.

As entertaining as that story was, however, it has little to do with the subject of this post.  You see, I am going to talk about dented cans.

To at least attempt a segue, I will start the story with this tidbit I'm sure you didn't know:  The Evil Queen had a little issue, as in "no wire hangers" about dented cans.  She made damn sure not to buy a dented can but again if one accidentally made its way into our house, she would get right back in that car and spend $5.00 to return a 59 cent dented can of beans.

She taught us that dented cans were, not only insanity provoking, but also dangerous.  And I believed her.  I've tried not to by using reason, by arguing that there are plenty of dented cans out there and I have not once heard a news story of a person dying of dented can poisoning.  I have rationalized that professional canning surely has reached the point of fool-proof (surely Campbells isn't going to risk being taken down by a improperly canned artichoke) so a little dent isn't going to be a problem, but that fear of dented cans still lives in the darkest part of my soul where only the scariest,  most persistent demons of hell also live.

You know, I've said this before but I'll say it again.  Goddamn I just love the internet.   You see, the other day I went down to the basement food storage facility, "tipped" Mr. T and he let me at the shelves of canned things.  I chose a can of pasta sauce, which I got on sale and used a coupon. I carried it upstairs, placed it on the counter, found the can opener and was just about to open it when I saw it - The Dent.  The Dent that strikes fear in the hearts of those who don't even have hearts.  It strikes fear in the hearts of those whose mother didn't tell them ghastly stories of botulism.  This dent strikes fear in EVERY SINGLE PERSON'S HEART is all I'm sayin'. Big time.

It was a smallish dent, really. Not that that makes any difference, but it looked, well, almost harmless.  But just to be sure I decided to do what we all do now before we attempt anything whatsoever.  I Googled "Is a dented can safe?"  And I was eventually directed to this WEBSITE.

Really, you should bookmark this website for sure.  But here is what I found. 

There are, according to this article, 4 ways to find out if your dented can is safe.

Push On The Top And Bottom Of Can

THE WEBSITE ADVICE:  If the top or bottom of the can moves or makes a popping sound, the can’s seal has been broken and air has made its way inside. Popped cans should be thrown out. On the other hand, if the can does not make a noise or move, it is most likely safe to eat despite any dents.  

MY RESPONSE:  Sorry, "most likely" is just not good enough for me. And I don't like the term "popped cans" either.  That just doesn't


Bulging And Bloated Can

THE WEBSITE ADVICE: If the can is bulging and bloated, it is not safe. Cans will bulge and bloat when bacteria begins to produce gasses which push the can outward. 

MY RESPONSE: That makes perfect sense.  You know,  when I'm bulging and bloated, I'm not usually very safe either.


Rusted Can

THE WEBSITE ADVICE : Rust can weaken the integrity of the can and allow air and bacteria to enter it, particularly if the rust does not simply brush off.

"Mom, is it ok to use this RUSTED can of green beans? "

" Sure, honey, as long as the rust brushes off!"


When You Open It With A Can Opener

THE WEBSITE ADVICE:  When you open the can and once you puncture it with your can opener, it should not spray or explode. If it does spray or explode, do not eat the food because it may be contaminated. Safe dented cans will open the same as non dented cans.

MY RESPONSE:  Contrary to the some of the vicious rumors currently circulating about me, I stay FAR AWAY from anything that sprays or explodes (because indeed it may be contaminated, trust me.) 

 Listen, if someone eats something after it sprays and explodes on her, well, you know, different strokes for different folks, man.  Of course, if this something happens to be a dinner ingredient  well then, for the love of God, listen to the expert - SAFE DENTED CANS (if there is such a thing) do not spray or explode and are (dare I say) are PROBABLY contaminated  I would disregard the words "may be" here.  


Ok, so I hoped that I have properly educated and enlightened you about dented cans.  Look, just stay away from them, ok?   If you find one on the store shelves, do not touch it, but choose another non-dented can - preferably one that has not been in contact with the dented one.   If by chance you ever find that you have mistakenly taken a dented can into your home, take the can (wearing gloves and a HAZMAT suit) back to the store (with the receipt) and exchange it for a new non-dented one, and I don't care how far you have to drive.  What is your life worth for God's sake?  Before returning home, contact the hazardous materials people to inspect your home with a geiger counter or whatever device they use to detect dented can poisonous substances and then when they feel it is safe to enter, scrub the whole place with Mr. Clean or any other cleaner that has a picture of a very strong man who looks like a very powerful, yet kind of sexy genie on the bottle.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

They Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore

It's happened.

I did that thing. That thing you always say you'll never do. I became that person. The person you swear you'll never turn into but that is now staring back at you in the mirror. I said them. The words you vow never to utter.

"I haven't heard from you in a long time, so I called - you know - because I was worried." which as we all know is just as good as saying "You never call me," but that's just between you and me and the lamp post and a whole bunch of online people. But don't tell anyone else, ok?

Yes. I have turned into the mother I swore I'd never be. There, said. Admitted. Head hung in shame. Forced to eat some ice cream for comfort. Never to wear real pants again. All because I have turned into the mother of adult children and they no longer want to hang out with me.

Notice I didn't say I have turned into my mother, because if I had turned into my mother I wouldn't be writing this blog post because (a) my mother had to learn to use the microwave after my father died and to this day I'm not sure she knows what a computer is for exactly and (b) my mother didn't call or say she was worried, or concerned or even - well, call. Her kids did the calling and if for some reason we didn't, years could go by. I'm not kidding. Years. She wore the tiara, and you can bet she wasn't letting you forget it.

So, I have turned into the mother that helped Amy make a little cash, the one that leaves those messages on the machine and if by chance a real child does answer, I make sure to sound a little rejected, slightly worried and now relieved to hear the voice of someone who is alive and unharmed. Because when someone doesn't check in regularly, well what can one be expected to think? There are wolves and children-eating witches you know.

So my kids are older now - all grown up and because I probably can't relate to recent pop culture and I don't know all the latest songs and artists and I don't watch endless episodes of reality shows, there's really nothing to talk about and so they call each other instead. And instead of patting myself on the back and congratulating myself on doing such a great job at parenting, the ultimate proof being my very independent life adjusted adult children, I sit around moping and remembering when I braided their hair and tied their shoes and stuffed them into leotards and tights for the dance recital.

Then I remember three girls fighting to the death every morning for bathroom time, grumbling at the table every night because someone hated something, realizing I had nothing (without dried spit up on it) to wear in public. Forgetting how to talk in a normal (rather than high-pitched sing-songy) voice. Worrying every single minute they were out of my sight. sibling wrestling, vomiting from the top bunk, the broken arm, the braces, the boys that broke hearts, the ones I had to scare away. Wood paneling, station wagons, and everything plastic and oversized and colored in bright yellow, orange, green, blue and red. Doing things I'd never do and putting up with things I'd never have put up with if not for them - and that's when I think - yeah, everything's fine. It's cool.

It's exactly the way it's supposed to be.

Comic found here