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Visualizzazione post con etichetta people. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 28 maggio 2012

Mauerpark und Karnival - Berlin

Mauerpark is a public park located in Prenzlauerberg, one of the most fashionable and aesthetically pleasing district in Berlin . The name translates to "Wall Park", referring to its status as a former part of the Berlin Wall and its Death Strip. The park is one of the most popular places for young residents of Berlin, and in 2004 was established the Flea Market, that soon became a weekly appointment for locals and tourists. It became probably the most famous flea market of the city, and every sunday, with the sun on your head or the snow falling down, you can go there for a walk and find the most interesting, weird and old-fashioned things you can imagine. From vintage to handmade, passing by cycles, supplies and food from every corner of the world, there's really everything you can look for on a relaxing sunday. Just across the market there's a little amphitheater, where you can assist (or challenge!) at the "Bearpit Karaoke Show", a real Karaoke competition with a very interested audience. Over the years this tradition became a regular fixture in the park on Sunday afternoons, and it's possible to visit the shows from spring through to late autumn.
Some weeks ago we made our first attempt. The weather was a bit cold, but the sun was shining, the people appreciated our stuff and we found a lot of inspiring things as well! We'll repeat very very soon...In the meanwhile, some pictures of the Cultures Carnival (more infos about the event here)

martedì 28 giugno 2011

moustached people vol.II

domenica 6 marzo 2011

moustached people

sabato 13 marzo 2010

gente baffuta