Abbreviation : CD (cloth diapers)
DD (disposable diapers)
many months before (after buy CD) we only used CD during weekends.
easy for us,because the nursery is not CD's friendly
kang elok Rijal dijaga,di buat memacam.
so xpela.
memandangkan sekarang i manage my own time
i prefer to use CD
easy to monitor his stool (an indication for me what he ate at my back!)hahah
one more thing that i notice, i loveee to stare his stool.
and it is amazing though rijal is barely ate anything since couple of weeks ago
his stool crumple together (mcm najis kita yg sihat)
siap timbul tau bila bilas CD. nice!
termengarut plak pasal taik.
CD,so far mlm2 aku still malas nk guna CD,sbb tanak bgn tgh mlm tukar.
tanak tilam basah kena air kencing rijal.
aritu ade beli insert bamboo,tp bila pakai nmpk bulky.
so tgh survey utk tambah stash CD.
one more product that i'm eying right now is GFH. (Gift From Heaven)
GFH.cantik. |
murah sket dari lunatots.
tgh nk tanya cutting dia.
rijal sesuai cutting kecik.
plus kang pakai bulky sgt lagi kengkang anak aku bljr jalan.
alangkan pakai CD besa ni pon jalan kengkang.
walhal pakai DD ok je jalan.
one more reason aku suka CD.
sbb aku dah start sakit hati tgk DD yg baru kejap pakai,xpenuh lagi dah buang.
eh,bazirun syaitonun.
kalo CD,lantak la..basuh je.
kering pon sat je. =)
another thing,harga DD (huggies yg rijal pakai) dah naik.
berbulu bijik mata tgk harga tu.
siap bila buang,aku dah terbayang duit2 aku yg telah dibazirkan.
haih....sabo,dpt green light nnt tros sambar GFH.
mlm ni mau manderem kuat2 supaya CD dpt cepat.