Showing posts with label cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cookies. Show all posts

Monday, March 19, 2012

chipsmore no more ;-)


salam all

i know i know thousands apologise ye sebab of late ni slalu sangat menghilangkan diri Smile

reasonnya bz bz bz ajek..erkkk macam ler orang lain tak bz ye dok?

anyway another reason why malas nak update blog is because i couldn’t find my windows live writer yang kat dalam tu ada baaanyak draft for my entries ni..ehehe mcm banyak tul draft ye! ha ah saya tk suka nk update blog guna blog post tu, itu pasallah bila windows live writer hilang i jadi tak keruan hahaha macam putus chenta lagaknya Open-mouthed smile

btw, i am back now and i hope can be active like before or if not seminggu sekali ada entry pun ok lah jugak kan kan! hehe kenot wat entry hari hari sebab slalu tak masak Smile with tongue out

well, here ada a few pictures of chocolate cookies that i bake recently and surprising was my MIL’s favorite..hokkay, raya nanti saya buat lagi ye mak Open-mouthed smileish sungguh menantu hantu sebab tunggu raya jek nak wat cookies for mak Smile with tongue out




recipe adapted from joy of baking



1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature (i used salted butetr)
1/2 cup (105 grams) light brown sugar
1/4 cup (50 grams) white granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract ( i used vanilla essence)
1 cup (130 grams) all purpose flour (i used gandum jek)
1/4 cup (30 grams) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt – (tak masuk pun)
1 1/2 cups (260 grams) white chocolate chips or chunks (i used choc chips)







Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.

In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the butter and sugars until light and fluffy (2-3 minutes). Add the egg and vanilla extract and beat until incorporated. First sift together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder, and salt and then add to the butter and egg mixture. Mix just until incorporated. Fold in the the chocolate chips.

Using a small ice cream scoop or two spoons (i used 2 teaspoons), place about 1 1/2 tablespoons (i used 1/2 – 1 tsp) of batter on the prepared baking sheet, spacing about 2 inches (5 cm) apart.

Bake for approximately 8 -10 minutes or until the the cookies are still soft in the center but are firm around the edges (as for me, i panjangkan tempoh bakar to 13 minutes sbb i suka yg crunchy crunchy gituh). Remove from oven and let cookies cool on baking sheet for about 5 minutes before removing the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.

Makes about 24 - 3 inch round cookies – sorry lupa nak count how many pieces of cookies i dpt hikhik


ok, till then have a nice day peeps!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

sedap….boleh makan


buat cookies ni masa cuti berpuasa itu hari


elok je keluar from oven tu dah tak sabar nak makan ;-)

tapi masih sabar tunggu cookies tu sejuk dulu then after that terus tak henti dok amik satu lepas satu ku makan :D

hahaha tuuu diaaaa..penangan orang tak puasa lah katakan

i like this cookies so much… hubster pun sukak jugak

ironic pulak sebabnya german cookies ni ada sikit sikit rasa macam biskut sugi tu tapikan i sungguh lah tak suka makan biskut sugi tu. tiba biskut ni..i suka lah pulak ;-)

sebab both hubster and me suka kan biskut ni, nampak gayanya petang nanti kena buat lagi sikit sebab nak bawak balik kampung esok..yang buat itu hari dah habis daaaa


anyway, thanks a bunch to shasha sebab suh i mencuba biskut ni… kalau dia tak suruh sure i tak buat lagi sebab i maaaalas sangat nak pi beli potato starch hikhik macam macam alasan kan!


source shasha and ttm

(makes 60 pieces)
125g butter, soften at room temperature – i used anchor
40g icing sugar, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) – i used vanilla essence
125g potato starch
80g cake flour – i used plain flour


  1. In a mixing bowl, beat butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy. Add in vanilla extract (if using) and mix well.
  2. Sift in potato starch and cake flour. With a spatula, mix to form a soft dough. Note: if the mixture appears too soft and wet to shape, leave the dough to chill in the fridge for about 10-15mins .
  3. Roll dough into small balls (about 2cm in diameter), arrange on lined baking pan and press lightly with a fork (dip the fork in water after each press to prevent cookie dough from sticking to the fork).
  4. Bake in preheated oven at 170 deg C for 15 minutes, upper rack (need not bake till cookies turn brown).


lupa plak, saya dah buat 2 adunan…satu adunan kosonga jek dan satu lagi adunan saya tambah 1 cawan almond nibs…haaa dua dua saya suka, husbter pulak laaagi suka yanga da almond nibs tu..

Friday, August 12, 2011

owh! it’s friday oredi ahhh ;-)


it’s been a while kan since my last post itu hari. ada sesiapa rindu rinduan? muahaha ferasan!

mulanya tak sempat, then bila dah sempat malas pulak then bila dah sempat and tak malas streamyx pulak down. hmmm macam macam alasan kan ;-)

anyway, been busy with a few cookies orders and hari raya hampers. tak banyak pun tapi sebab empunya diri ni lemah gemalai aje gerak geri dia bila tiba bulan puasa ni makanya yang tak banyak tu pun terasa macam beban yang berat ajek ;-P

talking about cookies for raya, baked this cornflakes for hubster the other day. cornflakes ni kesukaan dia sangat so kan sejak memula kawin dulu gigih i mencari resepi cornflakes nih :D


after a few times of trial and error maka akhirnya jumpa lah resepi ni. so kan, sejak jumpa tu, almost every time raya harus di buat untuk hubster. eh, slalunya di buat sebelum puasa lagik sebab dia nak makan masa puasa. then bila tiba raya dia dah takmo makan..tunggu dah nak habis raya nanti kena buat lagi skali for him ;-)


ini resepinya

Bahan Bahan

250 gm butter

1/2 cawan penuh icing sugar ( kalau nak manis sikit guna 3/4 cawan)

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 biji kuning telur (gred A)

250 gm cornflakes (di ramas ramas sikit ye!)

2 1/2 cawan tepung rose ( boleh guna tepung gandum biasa jugak)

1 tsp baking powder 

red cherries – kalau rajin potong kecik, kalau tak rajin guna je besar gedabak tu ;-)

don’t forget the paper cups size kecik tu

Cara Cara

Pukul butter dan icing sugar hingga kembang.

then, masukkan kuning telur dan essence vanilla. pukul lagi biar sebati dan adunan nampak putih

then slow kan mixer ke no 1 dan masukkan tepung rose/gandum dan baking powder.

kacau biar sebati and then tutup mixer dan masukkan cornflakes yang di ramas tadi. kacau adunan dengan menggunakan senduk kayu

guna teaspoon, masukkan sedikit sedikit adunan tadi ke dalam paper cups and boleh di hias dengan red cherries tadi. boleh jugak tabur colorful bead and cherries agar lebih meriah (saya punya red cherries je sbb itu je yg ada kat rumah plus saya tk rajin sangat hihi)

bakar dalam oven pada suhu 175 C selama 18 minit

cool it first before store in air tight container.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

rice bubble



weekend itu hari buat rice bubble ni ngan hasya

buat ni sebab hasya’s cousins nak datang umah jumpa tok wan and tok ki dorang

senang aje buat rice bubble ni sebab no need to bakar pun

gaul aje rice crispies tu dengan melted cooking chocolate (meltkan guna double boiler), then masukkan dalam paper cups tu

then biar chocolate tu kering…dah siap..senang kan!


itu version untuk kanak kanak, adult version pulak, masukkan seketul kacang hazel yang dah di bakar dlm oven dulu (hazelnut) ke dalam paper cup and then taruk je rice crispies yang dah di gaul dengan melted chocolate tu kat atas hazelnut tu…. biar kering…siap…


senang kan!

kanak kanak suka… mak pak pun sukak ;-))


Thursday, March 31, 2011

mommy, hasya nak choc chips cookies….





asal cookies jar dah kosong je, mesti dia cakap macam tu tau! slalunya memang dia je lah kat rumah ni yang hantu  cookies ni. so, sebab dia suka sangat makan cookies ni maka i pun ajak je lah dia buat skali kan..alaaaa teman mommy kat dapur kan..sambil2 tu boleh ngap skali kan :D

masa nak stir the batter with choc chips tu beria lah dia menolong tapi bila tiba nak spoon ke atas pan tu tetiba je dia cakap, “mommy, hasya tak nak tolong dah.. nanti dah siap mommy panggil hasya ye! hasya nak makan” hikhik pandai aje dia kan…part yang senang je dia nak buat ye!


anyway, here’s the recipe. itu hari nampak shidah buat cookies ni…i pun cuba lah…hmmmm hasya suka..sedap la tu :-D


source: dan dairimama


  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 2 1/2 cups packed brown sugar 
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 4 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract – (saya guna 3 tbsp vanilla essence)
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda (saya masukkan 1/2 tsp baking soda sebab dah habis lorrr and saya masukkan 1 tsp emplex)
  • 2 cups white & dark chocolate chips (saya guna dark chocolate sahaja)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (saya tak masukkan – anak saya tak suka kekacang )


  1. Cream sugar into shortening. Add milk and vanilla beat until fluffy. Blend in egg. Then add dry ingredients and mix well. Stir in chips and nuts.
  2. Drop by teaspoon onto greased baking sheets and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 8-10 minutes for chewy cookies or 10-13 minutes for crispy cookies.


Monday, February 21, 2011

chocolate chips cookies untuk kanak kanak riang ;-)



weekend itu hari hasya’s cousin datang sleep over at our house. i baked these chocolate chips cookies for both of them

suka lah dorang, penat memain pastu berdua duan makan choc chips cookies ni

bila tiba nak hantar cousin dia balik rumah, hasya tak nangis but her cousin yang nangis sebab tak nak balik. macam macam kelentong baru boleh hantar dia balik tapi bila sampai her house dia nangis nak ikut we all lagi. sudahnya we all lari je balik hikhik tapi promise lah nanti we all datang amik dia lagi. dalam keta pulak hasya yang nangis sebab sedih takde kawan nak main lagi dah.


anyway, here’s the recipe. i amik ni kat sini

  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons hot water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts – saya tak masukkan pun
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Cream together the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla.
  3. Dissolve baking soda in hot water. (saya tak buat mcm ni – saya masukkan je baking soda n hot water dlm batter tu skali harung je)
  4. Add to batter along with salt. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and nuts. Drop by large spoonfuls onto ungreased pans.
  5. Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until edges are nicely browned.  (saya lebihkan masa bakar tu sebab nak lagi crunchy – saya bakar dlm 15 – 18 minit)



Friday, January 28, 2011

meringue kisses mmuah!



patutnya nak spring cleaning rumah tapi ternampak egg whites belen buat layer cakes semalam masih ada kat dalam peti ais tu

semalam nak buang sayang, simpan dulu kot kot rajin nak buat something else. tapi memang vitamin R tu dah fades away dah. so i just pejam mata and throw aje lah those egg whites tu tapi sempat tinggalkan sikit about sebiji lebih sikit kot and i tukarkan the egg white tu jadi these meringue kisses.

buat sikit aje pun tapi banyak biji jugak dapatnya. ingat nak taruk atas hantaran my brother nanti tapi hasya dok asyik pulun makan pulak…”sedap and crunchy” hasya kata escpecially part yang ada choccolate coating tu..i kata a bit manis and the other half pulak kata “apa nih? tkde rasa apa pun” huh, sah sah taste bud dia dah gone with the wind dah ahaha suka hati i je kata kat my other half tu ye!


anyway, here’s the recipe. took it from alex goh cooking book. next time if buat lagi i kena kurangkan gula sikit lagi and taruk choc coating tu banyak lg lah ye!

meringue kisses

bahan bahan

2 egg whites

180 gm caster sugar

1/4 tsp cream of tartar

1/2 tbsp cornflour

150 gm cooking chocolate (melt kan guna double boiler ye!)


cara cara

whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peak forms (kembang and berbuih gitu) the add the sugar sikit sikit while continue to whisk until well blended and menjadi agak pekat ye!

then stopkan mixer and add cornflour and kaup balik adunan hingga rata

then masukkan adunan ni dalam piping bag fitted with big star nozzle and pipekan ke atas baking paper

then bake in preheated oven 130C for 1 hour or until crispy

sejukkan dan dipkan meringue tadi ke dalam melted cooking chocolate tadi 

then letak atas baking paper hingga chocolate itu keras


Monday, November 8, 2010

hasya and chocolate chips cookies




hasya loves chocolate chips cookies, so whenever i terjumpa any recipe choc chips ni sure i akan cuba buat and bila buat cokies ni, i kena buat dengan hasya sebab she also loves playing with the batter

the other day i terjumpa this recipe here!

decided to give a try lah sebab kan hasya suka makan and some  more she can play with the cookies cutter tuh

ini yang hasya buat…ada rupa macam ginger bread man tak? and lagi satu tu dia nak heart shape


owh, here’s the recipe. i cnp je ye! to the owner of this recipe…thanks a bunch ye!


2 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup butter at room temperature, 1/2 cup corn oil

1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 tsp vanilla

2 cups dark chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celcius. Using a wire wisk, mix flour, baking soda and salt, set aside. Using a hand mixer, beat butter, oil and sugars until combined. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Add in flour mixture and combine well. Stir in the chocolate chips. Drop the dough using two teaspoons and bake for about 10 to 15 minutes. ( i bake for 18 minutes sebab nak lebih crunchy sikit lagi )

source : kitchen guardian




anyway, hasya loves these cookies and so do mommy and papa :D

haisshhh pandai pulak my other half tu bukak pintu rumah sebaik saja i keluarkan cookise ni from the oven…hmmmm sah sah memang langkah kanan kan!

sudahnya sekejap je cookies ni habis :D

Sunday, September 26, 2010

biskut dahlia


masih dalam musim raya so, i buat sikit lagi kuih raya sebab kuih raya yang buat before raya itu hari dah habis lincin tinggal tupperware je :-)

heheh buat the easiest biscuits je pun tapikan walaupun resepinya very easy peasy gitu tapikan i rasakan after this i tak nak wat lagi lah biscuits ni gara gara i sungguhlah tak reti nak wat biscuits ni jadi bunga dahlia yang cantik itu

sudahnya herot petot je rupa biscuits ni :D


resepinya i guna je resepi yang sama macam i buat biscuits semprit extra long i tu cuma i tak taruk extra 1/2 cup of wheat flour

rasanya enak and gebu tapi sebab tangan kerasku ini susah tul nak buat bunga tu, makanya dah ku bye bye dah kat biscuits ni ye! cukuplah skali ku cuba tau!

okay, here’s the recipe


300 gm butter 
150 gm icing sugar
2 egg yolk ( original was 2 1/2 egg yolk but i used 2 gred A egg yolk )
1 tsp vanilla essence
250 gm flour
100 gm corn flour
160 gm custard flour



  1. sift all dry ingredients together
  2. then in the mixer, beat the icing sugar and butter until fluffy
  3. then add the egg yolk and vanilla essence, continue beating until you get a creamy batter
  4. then add the dry ingredients (i used slow speed – speed 1)
  5. mix well and once all have bee mixed together, off the mixer and leave the batter for 10 minutes
  6. after 10 minutes, press using your desired shape and put a broken cherry on top and then bake in the oven for 17-20 minutes at temperature 175 degree


p/s:  jenuh cari rupa biscuits yang ok sikit rupanya semata mata nak amik gambor punya pasal ;- )

Sunday, September 5, 2010

honey honey cornflakes



siapa tak suka honey cornflakes kan!

tak kira lah kanak kanak, mak kanak kanak, bapak kanak kanak datuk dan nenek kanak kanak pun suka makan honey cornflakes ni :)

nasib baik nak membuatnya senang sangat so kan rasanya almost every year honey cornflakes akan ada waktu hari raya…

haaa kalau takde tu maknanya kanak kanak dan mak pak datuk nenek dah habiskan before raya lah tu :-)

okay, this is how i make my honey cornflakes…ehehe though i know everybody knows how to make honey cornflakes but i letak aje lah recipe dia kan, mana lah tau kot kot i kelupaan ke nanti :-)

bahan bahan

5 tbsp honey (kalau nak lagi sedap dan lemak berkrim pakailah honey yang mahal, i slalu pakai madu khaula yang i minum tu…)

100 gm castor sugar

150 gm butter

250- 260 gm cornflakes

colourful beads for decoration

cara cara

masukkan honey, sugar and butter ke dalam pan dan panaskan sehingga cair

then di dalam bekas besar, masukkan cornflakes dan tuangkan bahan yang telah di panaskan tadi ke atas cornflakes dan gaul rata

then sudukan ke dalam paper cup dan tabur colourful beads on top of the cornflakes

bakar dalam oven pada suhu 175 C selama 10 minit

sudah siap and then bila dah sejuk boleh di makan dan kalau tak habis bolehlah di simpan di dalam bekas kedap udara :-)


Thursday, September 2, 2010

hasya’s favorite semprit


biskut ni kesukaan hasya sangat sangat :)

i cuba buat biskut ni pun sebab hasya yang mintakkan

nak biskut yang panjang panjang kata dia

haaaa memang panjang sungguh rupanya :D


itu rupa dia before i baked :-)

okay ini resepinya. i amik resepi ni from my aunty 3 years ago


300 gm butter 
150 gm icing sugar
2 egg yolk ( original was 2 1/2 egg yolk but i used 2 gred A egg yolk )
1 tsp vanilla essence
250 gm flour
100 gm corn flour
160 gm custard flour

**extra 1/4 cup of flour


  1. sift all dry ingredients together
  2. then in the mixer, beat the icing sugar and butter until fluffy
  3. then add the egg yolk and vanilla essence, continue beating until you get a creamy batter
  4. then add the dry ingredients (used slow speed – speed 1)
  5. mix well and once all have bee mixed together, off the mixer and leave the batter for 10 minutes ( kalau adunan masih lembik, sila tambah flour dari yang extra 1/4 cup tadi..tambah flour sedikit sedikit sehingga mendapat adunan yang lembut dan senang di tekan di dalam acuan semprit..)
  6. press using your desired shape and bake in the oven for 17-20 minutes at temperature 175 degree


dan inilah rupa semprit yang dah di bakar…hehe itu i cari yang paling pendek tuh :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

pineapple jam tart


huhu my first ever kuih raya yang dah siap  :)

cepat sungguh i buat kuih raya kan!

hihi sebenarnya last weekend buat kuih tart ni sebab nak bagi kat my sis untuk bawak balik kampung sebab i kan beraya kat rumah my inlaw..2nd day raya baru nak bertolak balik pasir mas..that’s why lah kena buat awal sikit kuih for my mom tu

actuallykan kat rumah my mom, adik adik i tu suma tak de lah suka sangat makan kuih tart ni..hehe i je yg suka sangat kuih tart. that’s why lah i rajin bangat nak membuatnya and taruk kat rumah my mom sebab senang bila i balik nanti bolehlah i makan kuih tart ni sensorang hahaha terukkan i ni :)

dapat 4 satu untuk my mom, satu lagi nak taruk kat my MIL’s house and lagi 2 balang tu i taruk at my place lah..hehe itu pun kalau sempat sampai raya ye! if not, kena lah buat lagi :)

ini resepinya

Bahan Bahan pastry
500 gm butter
250 gm majerin
1 cawan gula ising 
2 biji kuning telur gred B
1 biji telur gred B
1 kg tepung gandum (ayak)
1 tsp esen vanilla

Jem Nenas..
kalau malas nak buat…i beli je kat baking shop or kalau nak buat ini resepinya.. 
3 biji nenas  diparut,  2 cawan gula 4 helai daun pandan dan 1 tbsp butter. semua tu di masak hingga pekat dan kental

Bahan Glaze/pengilat
1 biji telur dan sedikit pewarna kuning telur

Cara cara
1. Guna speed no 1….pukul butter,marjerin, gula ising, esen vanilla dan telur sehingga kembang dan cantik.
2. kemudian masukkan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis dan sebati.
3. bila adunan telah siap, biarkan selama 10 minit.
4. guna acuan tat dan pamkan adunan pastry tadi ke atas tray dan kemudian masukkan jem nenas ke dalam piping bag dan pipe kan jem tadi di atas pastry tadi dan kemudian gulungkan
5.  Sapukan dengan bahan glaze tadi.
6.  Bakar dalam oven pada suhu 180'C  selama 25 minit.

boleh dapat 200 biji tart nenas

yang atas tu rupanya sebelum di bakar

yang bawah pulak rupanya bila dah di bakar :)


Thursday, August 19, 2010

easy peasy choc chips cookies





choc chips cookies ni khas untuk my youngest brother….mesti tiap kali lepas berbuka je tangan dia akan merayap pi cari balang cookies ni kan heheh

anyway, first time try cookies ni. amik resepi ni kat nigella yang femes tuh!

buat petang semalam and rasanya sedap kot sebab hasya sukak and my sister pun sukak…i pulak lupa nak merasa malam tadi…anyway, sedap lah tu kan sebab budak 2 orang tu dah kata sedap :D

nah ini resepinya


2 1/4 cup plain flour

1 tsp soda bicarbonat

1/2 tsp salt

110 g butter

2/3 cup light brown sugar

2/3 ordinary sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp essence vanilla

340 gm semi sweet choc chip



preheat the oven

sift flour, salt and soda bicarbonat in small bowl

melt the butter gently in a small pan over medium heat

pour the butter into large bowl. mix in the sugar, followed by eggs one at a time with vanilla essence

gradually add the dry mixture to the wet

stir the choc chip. don’t over mix

make a ball with your fingers or you may use an ice cream scoop or you may used teaspoon and drop the cookies onto cookie sheets and bake at 170 C for 15-20 minutes. the cookies is done when its brown in colour

Monday, March 29, 2010

280310 – Oats, raisins and chocolate rice cookies


weehaa mentang mentanglah the other day my cookies iya my first ever cookies yang sedap tu kihkih perasan sat anyway enough of merapuness  okay..

well, just nak bagitau since that day, tekak i ni asyik nak makan cookies, semalam i telah menggoogle resepi cookies lagi..this time oats cookies pulak…why oats cookies?? owh tekakku amat amat tidak boleh menerima kehadiran oats tu tapi macam mana ntah i dah dengan jayanya terbeli, takut pulak membazir, maka kugagahkan jugak tangan ini menggogle resepi oats cookies and voila!! akhirnya dapatlah resepi yang amat senang kat sini

i chose this recipe sebab lagi satu i nak habiskan, petang semalam, dengan jayanya lah i telah membuat cookies ini..

recipe ni i dah alter alter sedikit sebanyak sebab untuk memenuhi apa yang ada kat my kitchen tu ye!

so here’s the recipe


3/4  cup of  shortening ( i used krimwell
1 cup of brown sugar ( i used 3/4 cup)

1/2 cup of granulated sugar ( i used 1/4 cup)
1 egg ( i used the cold egg from fridge)
1/4 cup of water

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp ground cinnamon ( i used 1/2 tsp je sbb dah habis )

3 cups of oatmeal

2/3 cup raisins

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/2 chopped walnut ( i used sliced almond)

and i add 1/2 cup of chocolate rice ( this recipe tk mention pun but i want to add choc chips but then choc chips pulak dah habis that’s why taruk choc rice)


In a bowl, beat shortening, sugar, egg, water and vanilla essence for 1 minute

then sift the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. stir until well mixed

then add gradually into the sugar mixture and and stir until well mixed

then add in the nuts, oats. raisins and chocolate rice.

make a ball with your fingers or u may use an ice cream scoop or u may used teaspoon and drop the cookies onto cookie sheets and bake at 170 C for 15-20 minutes. the cookies is done when its brown in colour


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

090310 - Yat’s Choc Chips Cookies


saw these cookies at Yat’s place…heheh that’s why i named them after her :-D

was so scared to tried this  recipe as i’m not very good at baking cookies..every time i tried, the end result is well…hmmm a DISASTER okay ;-)

tak tau lah salah i ke salah oven ke salah mixer ke but i always blamed it to the oven kehkeh! suka hati i je kan nak blame oven i yang buruk tuh ;-)

anyway, thanks a bunch to Yat for  the recipe

the cookies is soo good sampaikan kejap je dah tinggal quarter je :-)

well, i’m glad i tried this recipe..heheh after this, boleh lah i explore cookies lain pulak! ye tak?

okay, here's the recipe, i copy n paste je from Yat’s place and she got it from Puan Nigella..


125g dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids

150g flour

30g cocoa, sieved

1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

125g soft butter

75g light brown sugar

50g white sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 egg, cold from the fridge

350g (2 bags) semi-sweet chocolate morsels or dark chocolate chips (i dont have enuff, hence the sproradic chips...he..he)

Serving Size : Makes 12


1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/gas mark 3. Melt the 125g dark chocolate either in the microwave or in a heatproof dish over a pan of simmering water.

2. Put the flour, cocoa, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a bowl.

3. Cream the butter and sugars in another bowl. (I use my freestanding mixer, itself an odd source of comfort to me.) Add the melted chocolate and mix together.

4. Beat in the vanilla extract and cold egg, and then mix in the dry ingredients. Finally stir in the chocolate morsels or chips.

5. Scoop out 12 equal-sized mounds – an ice cream scoop and a palette knife are the best tools for the job – and place on a lined baking sheet about 6cm apart. Do not flatten them. (i pun ikut yat jugak, gatal betul tangan i ni nak pi flatten, the cookies tu macam nipis sikit tp still crunchy :-) )

6. Cook for 18 minutes, testing with a cake tester to make sure it comes out semi-clean and not wet with cake batter. If you pierce a chocolate chip, try again.

7. Leave to cool slightly on the baking sheet for 4–5 minutes, then transfer them to a cooling rack to harden as they cool.


ini dia cookies i tuh…ooops ianya tidaklah secantik Yat punya ye! first time hokkay, tunggu i buat lagi ye and nanti i tayang lagi ye :-D

tengok tu hitam belegam je rupanya :-D


hah this one is much much better right?



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