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Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Oct 21, 2011

{Minnie Mouse Party!}

My baby turned three this past week, and we decided to celebrate by honoring one of our favorite Disney characters...

M I N N I M O U S E !

Thanks to pinterest, I found some really cute cupcake ideas. I found these polka-dot wrappers at Michaels. The ears are mini Oreos, and the bows are fashioned with Fruit by the Foot.

I made Mickey and Minnie ears for our guests. I bought cheap headbands at Dollar Tree and wrapped them with black ribbon (hot glued the ends). The ears are made out of fun foam.

It was so fun to see everyone wearing them...even the big tough men kept their Mickey ears on all night!


I'd share pictures, but I'm pretty sure I'd regret it.


I used some big hurricanes and apothecary jars to decorate the table. One was filled with red Dollar Tree Christmas ornaments, and the others were filled with red licorice and marshmallows.


And....here is the Birthday Girl herself!

It was a fun night!


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Sep 5, 2011

{Spooky Party Treats}

Halloween is coming!  Hooray!  It is my favorite holiday.  I love being spooked.

Both Tammy's and my birthday are right around Halloween so we would always have combined Halloween costume birthday parties when we were young.  They were the best!  That might be why Halloween holds such a fun place in our hearts (thanks Mom!).

Here's a tutorial on how you can make your own simple Halloween party favors.

Gather your paper crafting supplies and a few plastic party favor boxes and get to work!

I found the cute Halloween creature head stamps at JoAnn's in the dollar section. Score!
Wrap the main paper around your favor box to determine the size you will need.
These boxes are 2" x 2" x 1".  They came in a 3-pack and were found in the party section at Dollar Tree.  Snip off the ugly, smashed bow that they come wrapped in and fill them with the candy of your choice (individually wrapped candy is best, as the insides of the boxes might not be clean).
I chose butterscotch hard candies because I'm secretly a 90 year old grandma.  Just kidding.  I love me some butterscotch!
Assemble all of your box wrappers and admire your awesome work... holy Halloween cuteness!

Wrap them around the boxes and secure them in back with a little tape.

Now hand them out at your Halloween party, give them to neighbors or take them to school to share with all of your best Halloween buddies!


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Apr 11, 2011

{PINWHEEL garland - Tutorial}

What do you think of when you see pinwheels?
I think of Spring and Summer.
Warm, windy days.
Backyard BBQ's....Lounging and laughing.
Basically.... FUN!

I wanted to share with you this simple tutorial on how to make your own


It would be such a cute addition to your outdoor garden party, baby shower, bridal shower, even as wedding decorations in matching wedding colors... perfect!
Here's what you need to get started:

The next steps are pretty much explained in the following photos:

I punched small holes in 2 of the corner points on each pinwheel and strung them onto a length of jute rope:

That's all there is to it!

My home decorations don't exactly mesh with Springy colors, but I'm loving the pinwheel garland just the same.

I hope you enjoy making your own
Feel free to link up a photo in the comments if you make one.
I definitely want to see it!


Click HERE to see all of the lovely linky parties we participate in!

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Mar 21, 2011

{Book-Page Brooch}

Since it was my turn to host Book Club this month, I thought it would be fun to make a little gift for my book club friends. A Book-Page Brooch seemed appropriate.

I found this great tutorial at Under the Table and Dreaming on how to make beautiful book-page rosettes. They were surprisingly easy and fun to make!

I added a couple of leaves, hot-glued some white felt to the back, then glued on a pin, then another small piece of felt to finish it off...and now it's a cute little brooch!

I "served them up" alongside Barefoot Contessa's to-die-for Lemon Bars (they're thick and really tangy).

We had an enjoyable evening discussing The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton...I highly recommend it!

Happy First Day of Spring!


*Click HERE to see the lovely linky parties we participate in!*

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