Showing posts with label ceramics and pottery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ceramics and pottery. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Some ceramics and pottery for your viewing pleasure

No current minis to put up a post about - at the moment I'm finishing orders and working on a swap with the lovely Sans, so instead I thought you might enjoy some eye candy -

Miniature ceramics are one of my very favourite things. I can't make them myself, but I admire the skill of those miniaturists who can. So I collect them, and simply enjoy them. Most are destined for my various houses and settings not yet made.
Clockwise from top left:
Pottery bowls by JDWolfe at Etsy
Group of four fine art pots by Jon Almeda , bought on some of his rare eBay auctions.
Nesting bowls, also pitcher and beakers by Marie-Luce Pelletier at SP Miniatures
Large bowl from Merry Gourmet Miniatures
Green teapot by Sam Dunlap at SP Miniatures
Three mugs, decorative plate, candle holder by Jane Graber at SP Miniatures
Jugs from the French pottery collection at SP Miniatures
Cider mug and pottery inkwell by Butt Hinge at SP Miniatures
Three Tudor slipware items from Duncan White at Small Wonders Miniatures
Five pottery bowls by Alex Meiklejohn at SP Miniatures
Small bowl and very large garden bowl by Carol Mann , Carol's work is also at Ann High, a fabulous site for medieval items!!
Green pottery by Jason Feltrope - sorry I can't find any links for Jason.
Crocks and stoneware bought at the Sydney Miniatures Show - sorry I can't remember the makers.

And lastly, here's a colonial walk-in fireplace and fire tools by Braxton Payne - this is going to be in my hobbit hole.
Hope you enjoyed these!