31 March 2012

Basic Sourdough Bread - Peter Reinhart, The Baker's Apprentice. (Fail)

You see, I was never sure if i have talent or if i do produce good bakes or if Zeus existed. But, I'm sure the effort is worth points. And this is one of those times. 
This was my first attempt to the legendary sourdough bread. The bread adored by so many, starters cultivated and passed down through generations. My starter was yet a "starter". Despite accepting that this would very much affect the taste and quality of the bread, I hoped to at least get the texture down. 
However, the amount of hard work invested does not necessarily mean result. Sometimes, it just takes a few falls, experiences and set-backs. 
The hours i've spent for this baby was down the chute. I would rather not calculate. However, I'll take this failure dearly, to remind myself that when i do muster some courage to try this again, I would be sure to do it right.
Baking is never a "certainty". Of course, most of you have gotten it at the back of your hand but I'm still in between roads. Times like these reminds me why I love baking. It's not just because of the amazing world of goodies or the number of possibilities stemmed from the same ingredients but also because you'd never know it all. Baking is life. It makes you jump high in hurrah but it can make you bury your face in the pillow.
Plus, if you get your hands on one of these breads a la Jes, you'd use it as a weapon. It was so dense and heavy that it could break a glass. The crust was good though.

Failure isn't always bad,

24 March 2012

Apple Fancy Cake

Whoever said that we bloggers had to be cool? Receiving a reward, "it's so nice of you". Hitting 50 comments, "Oooh thank you". And baking an awesome cake, "it wasn't easy but i did it". That's like pasting wings and a halo on a bull making it fly, singing "red bull gives you wiiiiiiiings". I'm the furthest person from cool.
You see, when i receive a reward, i dance my victory dance! And when i hit 50 comments, I sing my victory song! Oh and when I bake a pretty cake, I parade with it, wearing it on my head because it was hell of a hardwork! Well, that's the truth, folks... ok... My victory song and dance may have been the Hippo and Dog song... (weeeeeeeeeeee...we-um-um-um-a-weh) eherm*. But oh sweet mother of everything victorious, I'm never "cool" when hearing news!
So, I took the liberty of this awesome cake to ask for votes:
Pineapple Upside-down cake VS Apple etc etc etc cake, aka Apple Fancy Cake.
This does not mean I don't love pineapples, I love them. But this apple cake, oh boy, ooohhhh bu-oy..

Apple Fancy Cake

Chunky apples and cream cheese in a moist coffee and rum cake. The apples caramelized, with a hint of cinnamon and cooked to gooey perfection. The cake, light, moist but with rum. And for the final kick in the pants, cubes of Cream Cheese combining all the flavors together.

18 March 2012

Black Tea Cake with Strawberry Tea Jam

There is one thing i can truly be proud of. I do not get sick. Germs hop away at the touch of my skin and in great fear. Which reminds me, I also know how to take care of sick people. Especially those stubborn ones, if you know what i'm sayin'.
Hence, when Jes says 3 cups, you gotta listen. 'less you want her to go down the crazy road. And you don't want her going there! You really don't. I'm just sayin'
 3 cups of Chinese herbal tea (not those served in your Dim Sum restaurant, those are a treat) a day. I assure you, you'd be thankful in the end. In return, when i'm feeling like less of a "devil" or when i couldn't sleep at the wee hours woken up by the exact thoughts of an awesome cake, you'll wake up to a slice of this. Deal?
This cake is one of my most random creations...who am i kidding, this is my most awesomest random creation that didn't turn out a disaster! May the little fur-less bunny rest in peace. 
I woke up at the strangest hour this morning, thinking up various flavours that will jingle all our tastebuds, as well as our eyes.

16 March 2012

Blueberry Cream Cheese Vanilla And Chocolate Chips Cinnamon Muffins

I can see in the dark. I mean, I am trained to live in the dark. When the sun is down, I like to switch off all lights in the room and catch up on various TV series.This was difficult for everyone else. Seeing as I'm sharing my room and the constant need for people to come into the room in search for the stupidest things at the stupidest hours. Unlike me, they have not been trained to see in the dark feel in the dark. 

My long and constantly untidy black hair paired with my immediate "Hissss!" the moment a light is turned on, often leaves people in disarray. Ah, those shocked faces, always a pleasure.

That's how I'm able to eat in the dark, without leaving crumbs all over the place. This does not portray elegance or discipline of any sort, which I'm very much short of. But until you learn how to feel in the dark, sweetcakes, you are not allowed to bring food to the bed. Understood, Bambi?

Anyway, I chose to use a muffin recipe that is rated and reviewed by over 5,400 people. To Die for Blueberry muffins from All-recipes by Colleen. I adapted it to the following:

10 March 2012

Pizza Dough - Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart

Over the years, I've slaved more for cookbooks than clothes, make-ups and so on. It hasn't changed. However, I looked at the neatly lined array of books on the shelf. They're new yet so old, so dusty. I realized, I had bought them to look at their pretty pictures.

 My recent book-buy was Peter Reinhart's "The Baker's Apprentice". By "recent", I mean like 5 months ago (scoffs). The book was heavy, pictures weren't the most interesting, and so...many...words... ! Nevertheless, I've decided this I-bought-an-expensive-book-for-pictures-thing has to stop. I opened the book and started reading. Of course, it was an amazing book, why I bought it.

You know when it gets ridiculously hard to understand, your mind just reads through the sentences reading and reading but nothing gets through until you read a sentence that was ridiculously simple at which point you re-connect? Yea. That's a devil. I had to come back to each sentence to really understand Peter. That's persistence, ladies and gents, thank you very much.

Hence, I decided that I will no longer wait and finally use a recipe from the book.

I was never a big fan of the traditional thin crust pizza. I love myself a good thick carbohydrate. As awkward as this may sound, i went against the better judgement of Mr P and made myself some thick Napoletana pizzas. To my humour, it was great!  

26 February 2012

Tiramisu and Homemade Ladyfinger (For Adults Only)

I've gone over my head real bad this time. How could I possibly endow myself with such a task, enduring this silky amazing'ness I call Tiramisu. Tis like leaving trails of sweets to the snack cupboard which is left unlocked for a set of horrifying triplets to bring you sugar tremor.

Just a few more and I assure you, folks, I will need a new body to reside in. But its Tiramisu, you say. Its the silky amazing'ness, you say. ... End of discussion.
Tiramisu, oh tiramisu.
My relationship with food was never healthy, is never going to be healthy. My desire for desserts was once diagnosed by a psychology-student friend as an exertion of unfulfilled childhood needs. That happened before I fell in love with burgers and sandwiches. Let's just say, that changes everything.

But Tiramisu, oh dear Tiramisu. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. Now, the recipe. I found this recipe long before I thought i could blog about baking. I have long forgotten where i found it, all i know was that, it is wicked good, but wicked.

22 February 2012

Chocolate Granola Bars

A sunday morning, I was ready to watch the various new episodes from HIMYM, TBBT and Modern Family. I readied a mug of coffee in one hand, my laptop and phone in the other and held a slice of white bread in my mouth. (Greedy, i know)

Suddenly, the bread disappeared. Still hungry, I went back to the fridge but no snacks was at sight. I shut the fridge door, lowered my expectations and pry into the fridge a second time. (This usually works.) I watched the various 'potential' snacks at hand and ideas flew into my mind chanting "bake! bake! bake!"

It is only time before they pronounce my sanity doubtful, really. I started lining out the ingredients and the rest is history. 

Granola Bars. It is amazing how such simplicity and promptness turn out to be such a delicious snack.

 For extra fun, I lined up marshmallows and poured some cornflakes over as toppings.

18 February 2012

Soft Garlic Breadstick - Pizza Hut look alike.

She 1: "There are famous frogs, no famous wells!"
She 2: "There are famous Wishing wells"
She 1: "See, people find wells when they need something!"
Me: "People find frogs to dissect (smirks)"
This was how my day begun. Frogs versus wells.

These girls were a different experience from my original habitat. Because of them, I learned how to be a girl. Sharing salads, going jelly when faced with BIG RED "50%", binge eating on mini cupcakes, comment each others' make up, advise each others' haircuts and of course, taking ridiculous amounts of pictures. 
She 1: "Frogs pee in the well!"
Me: "Wells hold their bladders!"
She 1: "Frogs produce tadpoles and will all pee in the well!"
Me: "... Stop peeing already!!"
That was how the discussion ended.Now that we are in different parts of the world, to all our nonsensical moments, we shall give a toast. 
Onto these breadsticks, crazy good! Its a one-hand snack, easy to make, easy to re-heat and compatible with almost anything. You can pretty them up by cutting different shapes or use different herbs All I'm saying is, this is the basic of basics.

12 February 2012

Pie Pops - Banana, Homemade Nutella and Blueberry.

We recognize people who are "alone" very easily, especially during Valentines Day. I'm one of those. Maybe I'm giving out obligatory chocolates, maybe I'm accompanied by other "alone" people but I've never officially given a special chocolate to a Valentine.  

So when I say "I hate Valentines Day", do NOT take my word for it. I mean, who doesn't love to make a big deal out of chocolate! I know I do (I'd make chocolate our currency if I can)!
Anywho, Valentines Day is another reason to show your love. It is another excuse to make a big deal out of surprises and romance. Another day to show your relationship off to everyone else...

That being said,

I hate Valentines Day.

This day of the year, cheesy lines aren't "gay", couples in a public lives in their own world, girls making duck faces are suddenly tolerable and chocolate stores turned evil.
Dear future me, go get a room.

For now, if it's a chance to bake, it is a chance I wouldn't miss. And since appearance is oh-so-important for today, let's try to make things look prettier and mini'er than I would prefer.

Banana Filling:
1 banana cut diagonally
a pinch of cinnamon
1. Mix the ingredients together.

Nutella Filling:

makes about 1 3/4 cup nutella spread.

2 cups shelled and skinned raw peanuts
1/2 cup of your darkest, richest unsweetened cocoa powder 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt plus additional to taste (I used an extra 1/8 teaspoon) 3 tablespoons peanut oil
1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Spread the peanuts evenly over a cookie sheet and roast until they darken, about 10 minutes, rattling them around a bit halfway through to they toast evenly.
2. Transfer the peanuts to a food processor and grind them for about 5 minutes. First they’ll become a paste then they’ll become more of a paste and finally, they’ll liquefy. Scrape down the sides as needed.
3. Add the cocoa, sugar, salt and two tablespoons of the oil to the food processor and continue to process until well blended, about 1 minute. 
4. Add the last tablespoon of oil if the consistency seems too thick.

Blueberry Filling:
  • makes about 16 3-inch pie pops.
  • 1/2 recipe puff pastry dough (recipe from: previous post)
  • 1 1/4 cups blueberries
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 egg for egg wash
1. Mix all ingredients together. 
2. Prepare cut out doughs, push a skewer stick into one of the doughs.
3. Spoon sufficient filling onto the dough.
4. Seal with another dough piece. 
5. Using a fork or the skewer, push down the edges of dough.
6. Bake at 190 celsius for 20 minutes.
7. Brush egg wash sparingly on the crust.
8. Bake for another 20 minutes or until golden brown.
9. Do not move the skewer around while pie is still hot.
I used several different fillings. Because I'm not a big fan of Blueberry, they're too classy for me. I love chocolate and bananas. I'm like that. Onto what it tastes. They're pies! They're awesome pies on pops!

Happy Valentines,

04 February 2012

Chicken Pot Pie with Homemade Puff Pastry

I remember the first time I've had Corica Apple Strudel. I've had just begun watching Jamie Oliver, barely starting out with french toasts and grilled prawns. I was 12, I had no oven, I had no cookbooks, I had no one to show me what baking is all about. 

However, the moment I ate that piece of Apple Strudel (along with other baked-goods such as, quiche lorraine, croissant, baguettes, brownies, etc), I've always had that one epiphany. I wanted to learn how to bake. I wanted to learn more about western baking. 

There are many many wonderful cakes from where I am in Indonesia. The richness of coconut milk, dark red sugar, thousands of herbs i can never remember and many more. However, I was never particularly interested in how they were made. 

Then, internet became available. I learn about puff, shortcrust, filo, choux. I was in my cadbury island. Unimaginable light came into my eyes. Finally, my birthday present of an oven arrived and soon enough, batches of cookies and snacks were produced, failed cakes and burnt smells too. 
That old piece of oven is still with me today. My source of relaxation, satisfaction and appreciation comes from this small piece of an oldie. And today, I have once again decided to encounter my fears and my To-do-list. Puff Pastry.

This pastry was harder on my mind than on the bench. Honestly, I wouldn't have worried as much. As long as you follow the steps. The recipe I've used is by Pastry chef online for it's detailed instructions and notes.
1. The better the butter, the tastier and puffier the pastry will be. Look for a higher fat content.
2. It is easier to roll the dough and butter together when they have the same consistency. (Chill whichever is softer.)
3. Keep a fair amount of flour at arms reach while working on the bench. You need to constantly flour the surface and touch up on broken layers.
4. When cutting the dough, be sure to cut straight and minimize twisting. This will limit sticking of layers.
5. Chill cut piece in the fridge for 30 minutes before baking.
6. Placing a sheet of parchment paper on top of the pastry will give an even rise.
7. Be sparing with egg wash as it inhibits puffing by gluing layers together when it enters the cut sides.
8. Do not bake puff with an uncut edge. It would not puff up.

Puff Pastry
340 g all purpose flour
57 g cake flour
9 g salt
370 g unsalted butter
220 ml ice water
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flours and the salt.  Dice 3 oz. (85 g) butter and toss in with the flour/salt mixture.  Refrigerate the rest of the butter. 

2. Rub the butter into the flour to look like a coarse meal. Add the water, a bit at a time, to form a sticky, rather "ugly" dough. 

3. Gather up the dough, flatten it into a vague rectangle, and wrap it in plastic wrap.  Refrigerate for about an hour to give to completely hydrate the flour and to let the butter firm back up a bit.

4. Meanwhile, take out the rest 10 oz (300 g) of butter. Pound with a rolling pin to soften into a square shape about 5″ on a side and about 1/2″ thick.

5. Once the dough has been in the fridge for about an hour, check to see if the consistency of the butter and dough are similar (poke poke). 

6. Liberally flour your work surface and the dough, and roll to a square about 10″ on a side.  Now, roll each triangular corner of the square out into a thinner flap. You will then have a thicker diamond dough about 5-6″ on a side with thinner flaps. 

7. Brush the excess flour on the top of the dough off, and place the packet of butter in the center. Fold up one corner at a time to completely encase the butter in dough. Remember to brush off all the excess flour. If the dough is too soft by now, wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes or so.

8. Flour your work surface again, and pound the dough with your rolling pin to flatten. Then, roll your dough into a rectangle about 16″X8″. Work with short strokes up and down the packet until things are nice and pliable. This will help keep your dough from ripping. If you do get a tear in your dough, patch it with some flour.

9. Fold the dough in thirds, like a business letter, being sure to brush off the excess flour. Keep the edges as square as possible. Repeat the rolling and folding a second time in the other direction. Wrap in plastic and mark a 2 finger indentation. Chill the twice turned dough into the fridge for an hour.

10. After an hour, take the dough out and give it two more turns. If at any time you feel the butter starting to slide around inside the dough, throw it back in the fridge. After the 2nd (4th) turn, wrap it up, mark 4 indentations and chill it in the fridge overnight.

11. The next day, take the dough and pound it with the rolling pin a few times, and give it two more turns.  Always keep the edges as square and even as possible, and always roll to a 16″x8″ rectangle. Roll to a finished thickness of 1/4″, and the dough is finally ready to be used.

12. For those who uses only half the dough, like me, freeze the rest of the dough in the frozen compartment. To use, thaw and roll out to 1/4". 
Chicken Pot Pie
  • 1 boneless chicken breast halves - cubed
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 chopped onion
  • Garlic
  • 1/2 cup chopped coriander
  • 2 boiled potatoes
  • 1 corn
  • 35 g all-purpose flour
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • Oregano
  • 1 cup milk

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C.)
  2. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt butter and saute chicken, onion and garlic.
  3. Stir in flour, salt, pepper, and oregano. Slowly stir in milk. Simmer over medium-low heat until thick. Remove from heat and set aside.
  4. Place the chicken mixture in ovenproof dish. Cover with top crust. Make several small slits in the top to allow steam to escape. (Brush egg wash for golden brown effect (; )
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 to 35 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown and filling is bubbly. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.
Puffed the puff, 
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