Showing posts with label Layer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layer. Show all posts

07 January 2013

Birthday Cake

Every once in a while, i would try my best to make someone happy. 
I cooked my mom a full pasta meal when i was merely 10 years old.
I would drop little trails of (eherm) pixie dust to a birthday present. 
I was very much reprimanded in both occasions. 
As i remember, it was "not pixie dust".
 My little "happy" giveaways never end beautifully.
Soon enough (about 10 years), I stopped trying.
 Then, i met you.
You fell asleep.
Yes, my little "happy" treats never end successfully. 
But this cake was delicious. 

15 July 2012

Tres Leche Cake - Birthday Post

Dear 30-year-old me,
In the afternoons that you think back about me (hopefully a girl less awkward than you are now), what will you recall? Will you remember the times you tried using "the force" and was caught focusing to move a piece of paper? Or will you recall the time when 5 horses had to wait whilst you negotiate with Ms Celestine to stop eating the grass?

You've been through a lot, Ms 30-year-old. Mostly, involving moments you wish you had wiser judgement, better yet, you wish you had MIB's neuralyzer. You also wish that your friends had informed you about laughing like a black boar gasping for air. Or pulling off a green afro or cat ears.
However, Ms 30-year-old, these awkward moments are moments you should cherish. They are the moments you are at ease, moments you let go of your guard and moments when you are truest to yourself. You share these moments with people who won't leave you despite your "reasonable" nature or your 3 layers of tummy fat.

Then, there are other moments. These are the moments you regret. They are moments when you lie to yourself (convincing yourself that 3 slices of cake is rational). Moments you sacrifice others for yourself. These are moments you should have to pay for but you were let off with kindness. These are the moments to guide you. 

08 July 2012

Guest Post: Mrs Ferguson

One of the things I look forward to, aside from coffee and new bedsheets, would be e-mails. One in particular is Mrs Ferguson's. I remember that picture of a Carrot Bundt Cake, I was charmed. Her unique photography style leaves you wanting more and turns you into a stalker. Her creativity keeps you at your toes, reminding you of human evolution. Please take a look at her Gotye Duck (I want this as a hairpin and possibly everything else around me). 

Unfortunately, that's not all there is to Mrs F. Talent is but only a small part of her you're going to adore. With Mrs F, subjects range from Sherlock Holmes to the extinction of ants. Describing her as "Interesting" is an understatement. A ball of wit, no, a gem of inspiration.

Keeping her all to myself is anything but selfish. However, for the greater good of the world, I shall introduce her to you. Please do visit her blog here

Hello there. My name is Diana and I run the blog Mrs Ferguson. I love everything crafty and sweet and funny. I live in Budapest, Hungary and I'm the proud owner of two adorable adopted animals, Theodore the ginger cat and Macesz the derpest dog ever. I started the blog because I was inspired by all those amazing things I saw on Pinterest and such, and wanted to be part of this family. I know I'm a very small fish - which I told Jesi when she asked me to do this guest post, but she wanted to do it anyway -, but I've had some amazing experiences already, and even if for nothing else, but getting to know this lovely, crazy duck-hating lady was well worth it.
Oh, and I AM the cheekiest monkey of all.
J: So, why "Mrs Ferguson"? Can't believe I've never asked this.
D: I'd like to think it's kind of a homage to Craig Ferguson and Stephen Fry rather than just plain stalking. :) I love their wit and intelligence. And I adore the fact that though highly sophisticated and smart, they still find fart jokes funny.The short answer would be: I have a creepy old man crush on Craig Ferguson. Plus Fluffy the Unicorn was already taken.

J: We all have got one of those (Hugh Laurie here). Speaking of which, if you end up a big shot hollywood photographer, what would you work on?
D: I don't know if anyone ever did something like this, but I would really like to see a campaign featuring celebrities without any enhancement. No make-up, no hair extensions, no photoshop, in a simple white tshirt and jeans. I love spontaneous photos and minimalistic style, too. And animals. 
J: This is actually an awesome idea, but scary...
D: Can you imagine Lady Gaga in jeans, chucks and a white tank top with her natural hair in a ponytail? Such a perverted image.

J: (Laughs) Imaging Desperate Housewives crew and Sex and the city ladies.
J: How did you recognize your talent in crafting and photographing?
D: You're just too nice, people will be dissapointed if they come to check out my blog. :D I don't know, there hasn't really been a big milestone or anything. I've always loved photography, I used to waste a lot of rolls of film when I was little running around our garden taking pictures of snails on the concrete. Plus my paternal grandfather who died long before I was born was also a big photography aficionado so I inherited many photos and old cameras from him. Maybe not having a chance to actually know him made me interested in the things he liked. He was crafty, too. And I always loved the little craft projects in kindergarten and elementary. 

J: What about baking?
D: For the baking... I guess loving to eat up all things sweet gave me a big push. :) But I think for me it started the other way around. First I got interested in food photography which led me to the preparing part. Plus the cooking channel.
J: Yes! The cooking channels, your other creepy crush for Jamie Oliver.
D: Come on! He's awesome! And those baby blue eyes..

J: (Laughs) I prefer green after all.. What about your humour and wit?
D: For the humour...I guess I was just born this way.:D I remember when I was about 12 or so I used the watch a taped show on VHS of a Hungarian late comedian, GÈza Hofi, almost every afternoon after school. He was intelligent, wise and piss-your-pants funny. 
J: I was watching Mr. men everyday.. Do you ever get in trouble with that humour?
D: Hmm... I won't say trouble, but sometimes after I say something sarcastic and people don't get it I just end up looking like an idiot. 

J: I feel your pain.. I feel you... sobs* It gets lonely when they don't get your jokes.. Whats your inspiration?
D: Everything. A photograph. A song. A good movie or a TV show. Nature. The Internet. A crack in the pavement. Anything. 
J: Such an artist... I would love to see through your eyes just for one day... 

21 April 2012

Sweet Potato Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

It's Miss Wu's birthday. 
Although it was on the 16th of April, it's never too late to bake her a cake and have it all to myself?! As a present, I'm giving her my fat tummy!
Miss Wu brings people together with a simple wave of her magic wand, sexy-as-hell bodz and her cooking is crap-on-a-fricking-cracker-marvelous. Although currently living her life in London, failing to mail me a can of snow, I still love her very much!

Ms Wu always exaggerates my desserts and exaggerates me as a person. She even admitted that I make her life beautiful and special. How can I not be smittened. 

So, I baked her a Purple Sweet Potato Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Recipe from bon appetit at Epicurious, adapted by moi.
The cake is beautiful on its own. Cinnamon tackles the potatoey feel of the cake (feel free to use other spices). The color, enchanting, like yours truly. BUT lets take it up a notch! My go-to cream cheese frosting by Janni from Allrecipes, adapted by moi.
I finally found a full-fat tub of yoghurt. Big difference, please use full-fat.
So let's all wish a happy birthday to my dearest friend, Ms Wu!

Happy Birthday my dear,

01 April 2012

Brownie Layer Cake with Chocolate Pudding and Caramelised Almond Flakes

I wanted a full head-on brownie, the best brownie ever. Dark. Bitter. Heavy. Chocolatey. But more than the usual "slice of brownie".
Interesting fact me #1: 
I often talk to myself, "this goes here, that goes there". Of course, not loudly (that would be crazy). But the hand gestures seem to freak people out. 
Interesting fact me #2: 
I am 96.125% sure if people know what's going through my head, I'll be killed within the amount of time it takes for people to gather around, holding torches, chanting "die! die! die!" (because that's the fun way of killing someone).
You see, folks, I love my "I-can-eat-everything-i-want" days. Usually followed by moments when I was pleased with Mister Scale-o, or after days when I succeeded to lay off the Kettles chips. But also because brownies is Mr's favourite! And the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!
Interesting fact me #3:
Whenever I giggle for more than 10 seconds, i would have a hard time stopping. This could go on for minutes even hours. And it tends to happen when I have something in my mouth. I'm a sprayer!
B-back to the brownie. Since i have the day off to  eat whatever I want, I wanted cake! Of course, nothing new there. But what could go well with those bitter, dense brownies? What could make brownies even more salivating than it already is? Something smooth. Velvety. Sweet. Light. Something that speaks the epitome of comfort.
Interesting fact #4:
I am very afraid of animals. All kinds of them. Even Hamsters.
 Interesting fact #5:
 I appreciate the gesture and effort of a gift more than the gift itself. Doesn't matter if it was a vintage $5 spoon or a $1000 DSLR. 

Puddings! Gooey dark brownies with sweet milky puddings. Love is on the plate. Of course, when there's so much in a bite, I always like to add a little extra topping to set it on the go. Caramelised Almond Flakes!
Interesting fact #6:

Sometimes my body refuses to go back to sleep after 3 am. Occasionally, it needs to bake something.

Interesting fact #7:

I think I'm a closet dancer (gasp!).

Hence, Brownie Layer Cake with Chocolate pudding and Caramelised Almond Flakes was born.

26 February 2012

Tiramisu and Homemade Ladyfinger (For Adults Only)

I've gone over my head real bad this time. How could I possibly endow myself with such a task, enduring this silky amazing'ness I call Tiramisu. Tis like leaving trails of sweets to the snack cupboard which is left unlocked for a set of horrifying triplets to bring you sugar tremor.

Just a few more and I assure you, folks, I will need a new body to reside in. But its Tiramisu, you say. Its the silky amazing'ness, you say. ... End of discussion.
Tiramisu, oh tiramisu.
My relationship with food was never healthy, is never going to be healthy. My desire for desserts was once diagnosed by a psychology-student friend as an exertion of unfulfilled childhood needs. That happened before I fell in love with burgers and sandwiches. Let's just say, that changes everything.

But Tiramisu, oh dear Tiramisu. I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. Now, the recipe. I found this recipe long before I thought i could blog about baking. I have long forgotten where i found it, all i know was that, it is wicked good, but wicked.

23 December 2011

Pink Ombre Layer Cake - Another Birthday Post

 Happy Birthday, Christina.

To be honest, when I first came back after my time abroad, I was afraid. Afraid how I would settle in, afraid of what's different and what's new, afraid how i need to re-connect with my "old" friends.

 They were the people I spend my every days with. We'd be in school together, have our lunch together, shop together and hang out every weekend together. However, as I left for my commerce degree, we started to grow apart. The years I've missed are the very years they needed someone. The years I was away were the very years our characters were built. We've changed. I've changed.
Yet, as gentle as they were, it was as if i've never left. They welcomed me. No awkwardness, no ice breakers, no need for hugs or tears, it was just the way it has been and should be. 

Specially to C. We've confide in each other, we've shared our moments, played mean pranks to one another (maybe that's just her), embarrass one another (again, just her) and had too much fun and laughs (maybe just me).

As she goes through her toughest points in life alone, I could only bit my lips and curse the people who made it hard for her. But not anymore. C, amongst the presents and cakes you've received today, my utmost present for you is. 
"A true friend is one who stays through trials of deserts and storms"

19 November 2011

Six Layer Chocolate Rum Cake with Swiss Meringue Rum Buttercream

Have you ever thought of being a little kid again? Where days went by without you worrying about what's going to your hips and thighs. Where running around 5 minutes made you perspire like 45 minutes extreme yoga. Where eating 2 slices of cake was "awww, so cute".

I do. A lot. You would know that exact second when I decide to indulge my inner child. Especially when i proclaim random resolutions like "I ain't sharin' my burger!" or "All meat no vege!" or "I'm eating straight from the pot!" Unfortunately, I kid not.

That's where the 6-layer cake comes in. And the just to congratulate us for getting over being a 5 year old. The cake I was looking for is a "black" cake. When I was searching for "the" recipe, I go to my favourite cake site and found this. However, things seemed a little too professional. Hence, I went to my new favourite site and found this same recipe. Who could resist challenging themselves, when 2 trusted individuals have tried-tested the recipe. 

14 October 2011

Mango sponge mousse layer cake

 There were a few stories I had in mind for this post
One, was how this doesn't fit in with the fall/thanksgiving/halloween mood everyone else is experiencing. Two, was how much I love reading other fellow (not-to-mention superior) food bloggers! Hence, seeing as everyone is with their apples, cobblers and puddings, let's do something different here in the tropical country! Three, was the vast number of Mango cakes sold in every cake store, yet not too many a solid recipe posted on the internet. Thus,  my believe that my friend is out to test me and my skills.

Then I chose this story. A story of what i've gotten myself into when i decided i was able to bake layered cakes. Frostings! Frostings! Frostings! I love simple frosted cakes. Those with 7 different types of fruits and 8 different piping methods, they're not my cup of coffee. Most likely because I love cream but I know they're bad (for my hips) and so my conscience tells me that cream tastes bad. And remember how i suck at frosting?! I still do. But i ain't givin' up.

 My point is, I don't really have one. The reason for this blog was just to journalise what i've accomplished, do what i've been loving to do, pursuing to be what i want to be. Conquering each and every ingredient possible (not a fan of mango mousse or mango cake- purely under the request of a friend) and meanwhile, if i'm able to meet some new friends, and make the old ones go gaga, wouldn't that just be a treat?!

02 October 2011

Rainbow Cake

One week ago, I came home after a tiring day at work only to be greeted with "I want a rainbow cake!". Not to get excited with myself, i asked my beloved sister "Where should i order?" 

It was always like that between me and my sister. We are so different that we meet each other at the other end of the circle. Preparing to fail, I decided not to tell her about baking this cake and booked another cake from a local bakery. The process was worthy of comment, rushing to bake and cool 6 layers of cakes, rushing to take pictures of the process and rushing to clean up any visible detail of colorful mess.
 We successfully hid it for one day only to be found out the next day, during the icing process. I could see it in her eyes, maybe for a millisecond, she was shocked, a little pleasantly surprised (if I'm up for it) and that was all I needed. I was content. Until i horribly failed my icing, 3 times, that is (details will be hidden very well down the sink).

17 September 2011

Old-Fashioned Chocolate Cake - Nigella Lawson (adapted)

This is how it's going to be, what i'm going to tell you is totally in confidence. (The fact that this is on internet doesn't help my point but i would hope as time goes by, nobody will remember this.) My sister has an event to go to. She was going to bring some Konyaku Jelly and some Fried indonesian snacks. Then i asked, "do you want me to bake something for you?" Of course she said no. I became gloomy and soon enough, the words coming across the table was "PLEASE LET ME BAKE FOR YOU!". Alright, i know this is pathetic but my need to feed people just runs one level above all the shame and embarrassment I'm going to get for this.

 If you understand how i felt, please continue reading. If you don't, you can skip one sentence. This sentence.

After relentlessly annoying my sister, she finally said yes. Then my heart skipped a beat. "CRAP ON A CRACKER, what should i bake". No cookies, no muffins, no safety net baking goods (well amongst the things going across the table, i may have said "COOKIES, MUFFINS? ANYTHING, PLEASE, I'll give you a lollipop". Okay, before i move forward, i should say do not try this at home but I baked a chocolate cake I have never baked before. 

 This post would have turned out horrendous if the cake did not turn out well. However, the brave and annoying side of me decided to test the world, challenge life, go against gravity or whatever you call it. 

Bringing a cake to an event that needs to impress my sis & her friends.... I decided to wager:
1. The new food processor.
2. The tweaked untested chocolate cake recipe 
3. The uncertainty of both the above.

 Back to the cake. Once i was sure i wanted to bake a "whole" cake, i know it has to be a simple simple chocolate cake. Then i thought, what's better than those from Nigella Lawson's quick and yet "old-fashioned" recipe? If you've known me better, i'm easily attracted to the words: Authentic, old-fashioned, rustic, traditional and... you get my point. The tweaked recipe has 2x more liquid and less sugar. It was my decision, out of fear, after hearing those dry flaky reviews regarding the recipe.
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