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Thursday, July 28, 2011

The most amazing thing ever

This is seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. This guy paints a scene using spray paint in LESS THAN A MINUTE. And the coolest thing: you're halfway through the minute before you realize that he's not just painting gibberish! Okay, well YOU will know less than halfway through now that I've told you...

Wasn't that AWESOME? Go ahead and watch it a dozen more times. I can attest to the fact that it will amaze you every single time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Never Use While Sleeping

So... I finally bought a straightening iron. Like a good bored girl, I read all the instructions and the page and a half of warnings.

Most of the warnings were the kind that are common sense (don't use with a damaged cord, don't let eyes or bare skin touch heated surfaces. I mean, really. Do we really need to be told not to touch the hot parts with our eyeballs?), or the kind I plan to ignore (appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in, SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS). But one baffled me. Zoom in. It's the one at the top.

That's right. It says Never use while sleeping.

Okay, call me ignorant, but I hadn't realized you COULD use it to straighten your hair while sleeping! I mean I've had dreams before where I thought I was getting ready for the day, but then I woke up to find out that I hadn't done ANYTHING.

But hold on. Some people can actually get ready for the day while they're sleeping?!

Dear Powers That Be,

I would like to add the Power To Get Ready While Still Sleeping to my wish list of super powers. Yep. Put it right there at number 137, right below Balancing My Checkbook Completely In My Brain. If you grant this super power to me, I solemnly swear that while I'm getting ready and still sleeping, I'll not use my new flat iron. I'll save that for when I'm awake.

Thank you for time and consideration.

Yours truly,

Dang I hope the Powers That Be get to granting super power wishes soon! Because that one? Me want.

Monday, July 18, 2011

For My Fond of Fabric Friends

I was doing research for my other blog (a.k.a. looking up pictures of funky couches for a total fluff post (literally)), and came across this picture that totally made me think of all my fabric loving friends.

I have seen some amazing fabric combinations on equally amazing quilts. Combinations that blow my mind. Ones that I want to eat up with my eyes, rub on my cheeks, smell, then lick just to make sure I experienced it fully. (That's what I do when you aren't looking, btw. Dang! I just blew my cover! Now I'm going to have to be even more ninja-esque when I "fully experience" your future quilts.)

So to all my fond of fabric friends: What I wouldn't give to see this couch in each of your fabric combinations! No, seriously. You should all go out and make this couch. Then invite me over and kindly look the other way while I lick it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wherefore art thou, summer?

Summer is almost half-way over! Can you believe it?

I love summer. I really do. It's just... It's just... I don't feel like I've experienced it this year! I've been working on writing five blog posts a week, revising AGAIN, writing and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting and rewriting my query letter and reading blog posts on writing. (And I'm not even kidding on the number of rewritings for my query letter. I think it may have even permanently damaged my brain.)

It kinda feels like my rear hasn't left this computer chair in a month.

So I want to hear what you've been up to this summer! What kind of summer things have you been doing? Maybe if I hear lots of summer things going on that we're not doing, it will kick my behind back over to the Have-Fun-In-Summer side of things.

Because oh do I want to love summer again. Help a girl out?