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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Season

I have a blog in my roll on the left (Dan Wells) that had a title today of "Yes, I Intend to Start Blogging Again." I wanted to steal that title just a bit. And then I read it, and his opening line really spoke to me. And I quote: "Wow, it has been a loooong time. In my defense, I am lazy and easily distracted."

I was just looking through past blog posts to find all the pictures I took of Teacher Appreciation doors, to help me find inspiration for the door I'm decorating this year. If you're looking for inspiration, too, here's a couple of handy-dandy links. Not links outside of my own blog, because... well, I'm lazy and easily distracted, too.

Last Year's

The Year Before's

If you are decorating a door this year, too, I wish you happy creating! Decorating doors is the best.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The End Is Near

A week or so ago, we were at the mall. And if you know of Lance's penchant for Chinese food and my loathe of shopping, you can probably guess that we were there to go to P.F. Chang's, not to actually step inside the mall itself.

When we walked outside the restaurant, we saw two men in their lower twenties, holding signs written on pieces of cardboard. Their backs were to us, so we couldn't read the signs, but they were well enough dressed that I didn't think they were there to ask for our doggie bags (one was dressed hobo-ish, but it was obvious that it was by choice, not by necessity). So that left what? Religious zealot preaching the end of the world? We had to find out.

We got in our car and drove around to see them. And that's when I giggled. Or... you know... let out a very un-ladylike guffaw-- depending on who you ask. And then I cursed the fact that I don't take my camera with me every where I go.

I very much wanted you to get the same giggle (or a guffaw) I got, so when I had way-too-sick-to-do-anything-besides-move-my-right-arm time, I attempted to re-create the scene for you.

I hope that not too much got lost in the translation.

Gosh. I love it when people are willing to entertain us with their boredom.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Someday I'll get feeling better, and then I'll update my blog with more consistency again.


I'm hoping for sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Superhero Talented

I don't know who reads my blog, but I'm still willing to guess that at least 95% of you know my friend Erin Summerill.

Erin's superhero power is developing talents. Which, really, is just about the best superpower to have. One of her super-developed talents is photography (which has benefited me personally a great deal).

Erin's husband Mark also happens to be Superhero Talented. (Can you even imagine how their kids are going to turn out with genes like that?) Erin and Mark have combined their enviable talents to create something truly awesome that Erin is giving away on her blog to a lucky winner. Make sure you enter!

Erin Summerill Photography

You'll have to scroll down a bit to get to the contest, or click HERE to go straight to the contest page. There's only a couple days left on the contest, so make sure you check it out soon. Good luck!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Three things I should tell you...

1. I hope y'all had a FANTASTIC April Fool's Day!

2. I've never actually pulled off an April Fool's joke before. Or at least not one of the "try to convince someone something that isn't true" variety. Usually, if I celebrate, it's something more like THIS. This year, I decided to try the convincing thing. In case you were wondering, I'm a terrible liar. REALLY terrible. (And now that you know that, you can rest assured that when I give you a compliment, it's because I really mean it. Yes, I have trouble lying even then.)

I can write, though! And I figured that if I wrote a joke instead of telling it in person, I wouldn't give away that I am, in fact, lying by my every facial expression, every bit of body language, and every single voice inflection.

I DID NOT quite anticipate the level of guilt that would come along with it. Curse you, guilt! See? That's why people don't lie. The guilt that comes along with it. Totally takes the fun out of it.

Well, not all the fun. I did enjoy writing my life going in another direction. But, I wasn't kidding when I said that my roots here go so deep that I don't see myself moving more than a block away from where I live now. I really love it here.

3. To everyone who DID believe me: You rock my world. A trusting personality is an incredibly awesome thing that this planet could never get enough of. Hopefully I didn't shake yours at all.

Why I haven’t blogged for a while...

I have only blogged once in the past month. ONCE! Me blogging that infrequently has never happened before. There’s a reason for it. And a reason for why I’ve also been antisocial during the same time frame. This past month has been really, really hard. It’s been mind draining. And emotionally trying.

Two days before Alecia’s baptism, I got a call from Lance on my way home from the court hearing where my sister’s baby adoption became final. Lance works with a lot of different companies at his job. He told me that one of those companies, a web development company named Atlanta Sky, had a job opening that they thought he would be perfect for. They wanted to know if he was interested in having a phone interview.

At the time, I just said he should tell them that yes, he will interview, because it’s always good to keep your interviewing skills up. So, that next Monday, he had his phone interview. It went incredibly well. They loved him; he loved them. He was very excited when they asked him to come for an in-person interview.

In case you didn’t pay much attention to the company name, I’ll spell it out more clearly. Atlanta Sky. As in Atlanta, Georgia.

This was the point where I freaked out. A lot. Somehow, and I’m still not really sure how, I held it together enough to let him fly to Georgia that next Monday (the 15th) for an interview. He flew back home on Tuesday, and told me that they offered him the job.

And it was a REALLY good offer.

So then we had a decision to make. A punch-me-in-the-gut, this-is-too-hard, I-don’t-know-what-to-do, decision to make. We chose not to tell anyone for a couple of weeks. It was a hard enough decision that we didn’t think we could handle family and friends reactions during the process of deciding, because it would really affect our decision.

I’ve always said (and a big part of me still believes) that I’ve put down roots here in my own little slice of paradise that run so deep that I will never be able to move more than a block away from where I live now. And I do know that I could never stay away from here for too long.

My brother and his family lives in Georgia. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that one of my roots already grows all the way to Georgia. It started growing that direction the moment he moved there thirteen years ago. And maybe if we only planned to live there three years, and then come back home, I could handle it.


Hopefully. Because the decision has been made. Lance signed the contract at Atlanta Sky and faxed it to them last night. He leaves in three weeks to start his new job and to look for a new home for us. My parents leave for Georgia in a few hours. They, along with my brother and my sister-in-law are going to do a little leg work on finding us a home. Before Lance leaves, we plan to work like crazy to get our house ready to sell. The kids and I will stay here for the rest of the school year, and hopefully sell our house very quickly. Regardless, if the house sells fast or not, we will join him in Georgia on June 15th.

It is going to be so hard to leave! I’ve lived within three miles of my home my entire life. Plus, there’s all you guys! One of my roots grows out toward each of you. Leaving is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

And now I’m going to stop thinking sad thoughts like that, or I’ll never be able to move. We know this is a good thing for our family, so I plan to be happy about it. And I'll keep reminding myself that as often as necessary (which, at the moment, is about 1,587 times a day).

Wish me luck!