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Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Confession... And does it make me strange? Wierd? Odd? Normal, possibly?

So, I'll take a deep breath and confess.

I've never read a Jane Austen book.
I've never even held one in my hands.
Never even looked at the cover of any of them.

Nor have I read Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Little Women, or any others of that time period / genre. I've never even make it through the first Anne of Green Gables book.

Surprisingly, I've never had classes in junior high, high school, or college that have required me to read any classics other than Romeo and Juliet, and Of Mice and Men. Not that this is my excuse or anything. And by not having read any of these great literary classics, I do kind of feel that my status of a self-professed lover of literature is called into question. But they have been on my mental to-read list for quite some time.

They've just never enticed me enough to make it to the top. Or even near the top.

I have never watched the movie Sense and Sensibility. Or Emma. At the insistence of my sister (love ya, Kristine!), I watched Pride and Prejudice. I got done and thought, "Hmm. I guess you have to have read the book to enjoy that movie." I've since heard that is not true.

So maybe I just don't get it.

I don't understand the attraction to Mr. Darcy

I don't get the swoon factor of Edward Rochester

I'm oblivious to the facination to Edward Ferrars

The endearment to Gilbert Blythe is lost on me

So, then I had recommended to me a book written by a great author. The book is called Austenland, and the author is Shannon Hale. Have I mentioned that I love Shannon Hale? And have I mentioned that you should go get one of her books *right now* and read it? Shannon Hale is a funny girl. And with a more real-life book like Austenland (as opposed to her more fairy-tale books), she was really able to let her funny side show. I figured if anyone could help me understand this Regency world (or whatever it is you call it), she could.

I still don't get it.

So, I figured there are two possible reasons why I don't get it.

Reason #1. I am hopelessly unromantic. And I have to say that this is an entirely possible reason. It may just be that instead of curtsies, tea, polite conversations, and man-to-rescue-me thoughts, I need my heroine to be able to kick a little hiney. And to possibly save someone. Or a group of someones. Or the world. Or even herself. Okay, I'll give that last one to Austenland. I'm really not against love stories. Maybe I just need action, too.

Reason #2. I haven't been properly introduced to this world. And this is another entirely possible reason. If I haven't, what is the best way to be introduced? Watch a really great movie? Start with a book that is sure not to fail? If you love all this stuff, what do you suggest? I promise I will give it a good try.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


a family that is sweet
a house that is warm
a husband that is supportive
grass that is still green
Kyle, who is caring
the mountains with their changing colors
Cory who is appreciative
weather that is beautiful
Alecia who is loving
school to teach me new things
kids to teach me new things
a neighborhood full of friends
the Internet and cell phones to keep us connected
parents who are wonderful
a van with no lit check engine light
extended family, most of whom live nearby
writing to give me a high
color on walls to make me smile
books to exercise my imagination
books my kids and I can both connect through
a country where we are free
a Christmas season coming right up
a family I love to be near
a family who loves me

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Math as it should be

Good friends
+ Bad movie
= Great time!

Pretty cool how the math still works out the same, regardless of what that second line says. I even got the added bonus of chatting with my best friend from 2nd grade! Pretty dang cool.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Unbiased Opinion

You know, kids love when their parents think that they are great and that they are capable of creating great things. They thrive on parental affirmation.

But that hardly makes them think that we are unbiased.

Which we usually aren't.

Occasionally we are, though! But even when we are unbiased, our opinion doesn't seem to weigh enough when kids are looking at the way people outside their family may view their abilities.

Thats when the beauty of a stranger's opinion can mean a LOT.

Kyle entered the first chapter of the book he's been writing in the reflections contest (the part he entered was actually written a year ago-- I hope that doesn't break any reflections rules!), and his story was chosen to move on to the council level. :-) He was so excited that "people I don't even know actually like my book!"

He's still glad that I like his book, of course. It's just not quite the same as a stranger liking it. It's nice to have both.

As I was going through my camera to pull of the pictures I took last night, I got a bonus of finding one that Kyle took himself. I thought it was so cute! I hope he doesn't mind that I stole it. :-)

So, here it is-- a CLOSE look at reflections:

Kyle's medal

Kyle's ribbon
Oh, and on a side note, thanks, Shauna for all your hard and plentiful work on everything reflections this year! You did an awesome job.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Is that really where the feathers go?

Alecia went to take out the garbage one day. When she didn't come right back in, I went out to check on her. I found her frozen in place, staring at an odd bird hanging out on our truck hood. Equally awed by the bird, I slowly snuck back in the house, called for the rest of the family to come see, then grabbed my camera and headed back out.

Soon, five of us slowly crept closer and closer to this bird. He looked at us, cocked his head, then nodded in approval. So, we got even closer. And closer still. Now, I'm no avian specialilst, but are birds really supposed to be okay with a bunch of people getting that close?