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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Proud Parent Moment

Kyle brought home his report card yesterday,
and for the first time in memory,
I am so proud of him!! He had a phenomenal teacher, Mrs. vanDijk, and she really has a gift for encouraging kids to step up their game. He worked so hard this year.
Congratulations, Kyle!

Cory's report card came with an extra bonus.
It was a certificate saying he placed in the
Top 10% Nationally
in Reading and Mathematics!!
We have known since he was very little that he is a mathematical genius, but the reading score was quite a surprise to him, since he HATES reading! I told him that he was given the gift of being good at reading, and if he doesn't use it, he'll lose it.
And who wouldn't want that gift?!!!
Congratulations, Cory!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Sent Him Off To War

My eldest son went off to war today
He was so thrilled he could enlist!
He’d been dying to this whole year
But it’s something he nearly missed.

You see, he joined the ranks in the civil war
As a Confederate- the side of the gray
The Union general had been sick all year
And without 2 sides, a war you can’t portray.
As the year neared it’s end, Teach felt a bit better
And decided that a battle should be fought
They dressed in uniform, set up battlements
And mini marshmallows each side sought.

So, they got out the stretchers and the bandages
They donned their hats, and gathered their guns
They set up fences, signs, and civilian housing,
And tennis ball cannon ammo: they gathered tons.

The time for this landmark battle finally came
In Gettysburg they all started to assemble.
Parents watched their kids; siblings watched siblings
And we all tried hard not to tremble.

The scene was set, the battle was announced
And then the mood music started.
The cannons boomed as their ammo flew.
Across the breech, enemy lines were parted.

Then they loaded their guns and marched forward
They put the end to their mouths and they blew
‘Mallows hit Soldiers; they were dying left and right
The enemy, each side was attempting to subdue.

Some were carried off in stretchers or bandaged,
Others just came back to life magically
They all fought so valiantly, but each side knew
That for the rebels, it would end tragically.

I watched as my son died so many times
But then he’d get up as if he’d just taken a snooze.
He fought with such incredible enthusiasm,
That it earned him his picture in the Deseret News!

If you go to this article, there is a picture on the right- click on the "Click to Enlarge" link. This will take you into a slide show. It will show Picture 1 of 11 at the top. Just click on the forward arrow. He is in pictures 3, 6, 7, and 10. This picture above (it's also picture 3 & 10 in the slide show) is the one they showed in the printed newspaper.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Teacher Appreciation Doors

Teacher appreciation week was earlier this month (I'm a little behind, I know. I've been a little anti-computer lately). One of my favorite things about teacher appreciation week is decorating a door, and seeing everyone else's decorated doors! I have always loved decorating a door.... well, except for that one time when I did it at girl's night at my friend Erin's house. I used magic marker to outline the 2 1/2 foot tall waving kid on the butcher paper, and it went through the paper onto her hardwood floor. I thought she'd have a waving kid greeting everyone that came to her front door forever. That time it wasn't nearly as fun.

I wanted to post some of my favorite doors. And maybe next year, I can look at them for ideas! And maybe you can, too. If you have never done a door before and get the opportunity to, do it! Every year, when I look at doors, some are on the inside of the door and the door is shut. Or they are on the outside of the door and the door is open. Either way, they are hidden. Then I will come across someone who has put it ON THE WALL NEXT TO THE DOOR! I always think that is a much better idea, but don't remember until it is too late. Note to self: Put it on the wall next time! I forgot to put this one up before. I don't know who did it, but it is so cute! Each kid's name is on a car.

Kellie M. did this door. Isn't it so cute? I always LOVE her doors!

Kim G. did this door. I think it's freakin adorable!

I love that this one is so simple but looks so cool. I don't know who did it.

This was Kyle's teacher's door. I don't know who did it for sure, but I'm thinking it was Reta H.

This was Cory's class door. It was SO cool! It's hard to tell in the picture, but there is a light (a small, Christmas tree type light) coming out of each flame. That's the battery box taped on the left. What an awesome idea! Lisa H. did this door.

This is the door I did- it was for the principal. The civil war kid was in reference to my previous post about the parent calling the police about the marshmallow gun. I didn't know the principal well enough to know if she would find this humorous or not, but yay! She did! Whew.

This is Alecia's door. Each of the kid's names are on the stars.

Another kindergarten door. They both are similar, and very cute!

And this is one of my favorite teachers- Miss Bott's. Very cute.

I'm sure there were lots more awesome ones, but I didn't get a chance to see all of them (door shut / open issues). If you know who did any of the doors that I didn't have a name for, please comment!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Peggy if you are reading this...(INSERT EVIL LAUGH) Muah ha ha hahahahahahaha

I have figured it out

If you want it, it will cost...

hmmmm...walkers is sounding mighty fine right about now...

You will recieve further contact and ransom information from me at 2:30 pm.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Missing their dad...

Lance has been gone for a week. My kids have missed him so much! He is coming home tonight, so they planned a "Welcome Home!" party for him. This is what they created. And mind you, this was COMPLETELY done on their own! No help at all from me. Pretty cute, huh?

They also put out party food (even though Lance will probably eat on his way home), which was Oreo cookies, Salsa Verde Doritos, mixed nuts, and beef jerky-- all on the same plate!! They also set up a ring toss game complete with instructions written out and posted.