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Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Whispered Shout

Sometimes I really just want to shout things from my rooftops, but then I figure I probably shouldn't. Since hardly anyone reads this blog, I figure it's a good place to shout it, where it really just comes out as a whisper. :)

Although if this were me, I wouldn't be standing there all graceful-like. I'd probably be doing some kind of giddily embarrassing happy dance.

Shout #1
A twelve page document written by lawyers. With my name on it. Talking about my book. Surreal? You betcha.

Shout #2
Not kidding. And people have already marked it as to-read! Oh, my giddiness. Check it out! Through the Bomb's Breath on Goodreads

Shout #3
I have an author page and everything! Goodreads Author Page I can't get over it. Happy day indeed.

Thanks for letting me shout. I think I'm better now.

Monday, December 26, 2011

I Swear Christmas Eve Gets Better Every Year

Every year on Christmas Eve, we reenact the Nativity. Alecia is always Mary, Cory is usually Joseph, and Kyle is usually the innkeeper, the shepherds, and the three wise men. This year, we decided to do things a bit differently. I told each child to give their own version of the story, using whatever media they wanted.

Alecia drew little pictures of each person / group of people / event, taped them to Popsicle sticks, then stood them up in a pan full of rice as she told the story. It was beyond sweet.

Then Cory drew a series of pictures, each representing a scene. Believe me when I tell you: They were awesome.

Then Kyle told the entire story using stuffed monkeys. Seriously. Here is Joseph, with Mary on the donkey.

And this is Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus.

And this is one of the shepherds. He rode in on one of the sheep (not pictured). After he gifted the sheep to baby Jesus, he didn't have a way to get home. Mary and Joseph felt bad and didn't want him to have to walk that far, so they gave him their donkey to ride. (Um, yeah. A little too much creative license may have been used, but it was sweet. :))

And these are the three wise men. They were attacked by bandits along the way, but they prevailed. We won't go into any more detail on that one.

I loved watching each version that was the story of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus in great detail that were so different from each other, yet told with so much of the kid sharing the story. It was very much the highlight of the night.

After the various nativities, we moved on to gingerbread house making. And then gingerbread man making.

And gingerbread woman making.

And then onto decorating the boxes. With snowmen. ---ish things. With chicken legs. And multiple arms. And horns. Actually, I'm not sure what it is, but I love the look of concentration!

And then, notes for Santa. I'll translate:

Dear Santa,

I thought that since everyone leaves you cookies, I decided to even out your weight with an apple.

Love, Alecia
Dear Santa Clause,

From Cory

I hope you enjoy this banana, and if you want some milk, it is in the fridge. You can have some but please save some for breakfast tomorrow.
The fact that they made a smiley face made Santa smile all the more. At least I'm guessing. It's not like I was still awake when he came or anything.

And this year, we replaced our fading yellowish lights with bluish white ones that pretty much light up the entire house. I recommend not looking straight at them when they're the only lights on at night, lest ye be blinded. But they helped Santa find his way, I'm sure.

I totally loved the wonder of my wee little ones at Christmastime. As it turns out, I love the wonder of not so wee little ones even more.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The milestone it took me half my life to reach

When I got married, I was 19 years 112 days old.
Today, I've been married 19 years, 113 days.

That means:
I have now been married longer than I was single.
I've lived with Lance longer than I lived with my parents.
I've married name longer than I've had my maiden name.
I've been a Mrs. longer than I've been a Miss.

And I swear I've known not to wear glasses half the size of my face for at least half that time.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Recap in Pictures

Since I spent the entire summer NOT posting, I figured I'd do a recap of summer... in pictures. But only for the things I remembered to take my camera to. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Wait. I'm the new WHAT?

My boys made it all the way though cub scouts. About a year and a half ago, actually. And even though as a parent, cub scouts is about 347 times easier to figure out than boy scouts, when we went to our very last pack meeting ever, I still thought Whew! So glad that's done. I was beyond ready to leave every single bit of it behind and move on.

So... guess what my new calling is?


Wanna take a guess on how I feel about that? Do you, do you?

Believe it or not, I am excited! Eight year old boys are made entirely of awesome, not to mention the fact that they are enthusiastic.

But despite their awesomeness, they can be a bit wild and crazy. Along with the excitement, I may need some "good luck" vibes sent my way.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day

This is Cory's first year at the junior high. It's Kyle's last year at the junior high. It's the first year it will be just Alecia and me at the elementary school. Anyone else feel like they are on a fast moving roller coaster, unable to get off? Before I know it, my kids are going to be the same age as me!

Which, let's face it: that'll be fun, too. Just like right now my kids are at very awesome ages. And I shouldn't feel bad that they won't be there for long, because the next ages will be awesome, too. But this is the only year they will be these ages, so we better do the annual tradition of First Day Pictures On the Front Porch.

First, a picture of the smiles they managed to find since Monday's post. :)

Then Kyle and Cory as they prepare to head off to the junior high together.

And now for Alecia, for the first time on the porch by herself.

And just to slow down that roller coaster for the slightest of minutes, and because it's always fun to see how things change when you blink, a look at the front porch pictures since I started this blog.

Last Year:

Two Years Ago:

Three Years Ago:

Gosh I love those kids.