Older, but not much taller
Okay. So Zihui finally uploaded the photos she took of my 17th birthday.
Emphasis here on 17th birthday.
Means I'm SEVENTEEN years old.
Means old enough to drive.
Yeah, like an ADULT.
So I should LOOK like one, shouldn't I?
So I was browsing through her MSN Spaces photo page, which you could only view photos one by one, and not all of them as thumbnails (maybe can but I dunno only).
So I was clicking 'next', then 'next', then 'next'....
And suddenly I came upon this photo.

It is of Li-Ann and I, obviously.
Now, I wasn't feeling very well when I was going through the photos, 'cause I was tired from my walk from school to LRT station and all, and I also had a bad headache.
But this photo cheered me up considerably!
You see, Li-Ann and I are supposed to be of the same height. Our heights are the one thing we've been rivaling each other at since Form 2.
Look at the photo again! See, Li-Ann is tip-toeing-stretching-up to take photo with me! And I don't even have to TRY to be taller than her! SEE, no effort at all!
(Click on it and you'd get a much larger image, and you'd see what I mean! Hahahahahah!)
And today, Aaron told me I am of average height, just like other normal girls.
I was very happy, 'cause when my mom and friends say I'm short, I can say, "I AM NOT!"
But then, I clicked 'next' and just HAD to see this photo...

Michelle isn't that tall also. Why'd she have to hunch like that? =(
Most deppressing photo of the bunch, however, was this.

He was the only one I remembered to tip-toe while taking photo with, so I was obviously assuming that I would more or less be of the same height as him. Or at least, not so short.
Imagine my horror! I mean, I was on tip-toes, dammit!
Honestly, it is very deppressing.
But nevermind. I have consolation; I am taller than Li-Ann! (Eh Ann kididng ah! I am not that happy.)
Perhaps one day, I will grow very tall. I mean, I'm not 21 yet. That's the age where you stop growing, right?
Because if it isn't, and if this is the maximum height that I'll ever reach, imagine what'll happen when I turn 60 and start shrinking.
People on the streets would knock into me by accident, turn to their friends and go, "Eh, just now I knocked into something, leg damn pain, but I dunno what it is. Cannot see wan. Damn scared!"
Bah. Whatever.
Here, just for the fun of it. Group, minue one, photo.
Did I mention, I was secretly glad I didn't leave anything embarrassing around the house that day?
One time I was dealing with the laundry, and I dropped my undies on the stairs, and didn't realize until much later. That would've been embarrassing.

So chio, so kawaii nye!
Speaking of photos, did I mention, I got a new Digital VideoCam! It's for my birthday.
Emphasis here on 17th birthday.
Means I'm SEVENTEEN years old.
Means old enough to drive.
Yeah, like an ADULT.
So I should LOOK like one, shouldn't I?
So I was browsing through her MSN Spaces photo page, which you could only view photos one by one, and not all of them as thumbnails (maybe can but I dunno only).
So I was clicking 'next', then 'next', then 'next'....
And suddenly I came upon this photo.

It is of Li-Ann and I, obviously.
Now, I wasn't feeling very well when I was going through the photos, 'cause I was tired from my walk from school to LRT station and all, and I also had a bad headache.
But this photo cheered me up considerably!
You see, Li-Ann and I are supposed to be of the same height. Our heights are the one thing we've been rivaling each other at since Form 2.
Look at the photo again! See, Li-Ann is tip-toeing-stretching-up to take photo with me! And I don't even have to TRY to be taller than her! SEE, no effort at all!
(Click on it and you'd get a much larger image, and you'd see what I mean! Hahahahahah!)
And today, Aaron told me I am of average height, just like other normal girls.
I was very happy, 'cause when my mom and friends say I'm short, I can say, "I AM NOT!"
But then, I clicked 'next' and just HAD to see this photo...

Michelle isn't that tall also. Why'd she have to hunch like that? =(
Most deppressing photo of the bunch, however, was this.

He was the only one I remembered to tip-toe while taking photo with, so I was obviously assuming that I would more or less be of the same height as him. Or at least, not so short.
Imagine my horror! I mean, I was on tip-toes, dammit!
Honestly, it is very deppressing.
But nevermind. I have consolation; I am taller than Li-Ann! (Eh Ann kididng ah! I am not that happy.)
Perhaps one day, I will grow very tall. I mean, I'm not 21 yet. That's the age where you stop growing, right?
Because if it isn't, and if this is the maximum height that I'll ever reach, imagine what'll happen when I turn 60 and start shrinking.
People on the streets would knock into me by accident, turn to their friends and go, "Eh, just now I knocked into something, leg damn pain, but I dunno what it is. Cannot see wan. Damn scared!"
Bah. Whatever.
Here, just for the fun of it. Group, minue one, photo.
Did I mention, I was secretly glad I didn't leave anything embarrassing around the house that day?
One time I was dealing with the laundry, and I dropped my undies on the stairs, and didn't realize until much later. That would've been embarrassing.

So chio, so kawaii nye!
Speaking of photos, did I mention, I got a new Digital VideoCam! It's for my birthday.
Labels: Life the Subject Matter, Significant Days