Saturday, January 3, 2015

Word for the Year

One of my favorite bloggers, Leigh Anne, makes it an annual tradition to choose a 'word for the year' instead of making New Year's Resolutions.  She carefully chooses a word to help inspire and focus her thoughts and actions during the year.  I've loved the idea and have tried to come up with one of my own the past several years but nothing has seemed right.  Probably because there are so many things I want to improve or change that I could never narrow it down to just one. So often I feel like the dog Dug in the movie UP who is so easily distracted..'squirrel!!!'
(I honestly considered ' focus!' ..LOL)  However, this year the first word that came to mind was one that just felt right.  The word is 'Engage'.  All my life I have felt most comfortable as an observer or spectator. People tell me I'm a wonderful listener. I make a great cheer leader, costume maker, scenery painter..  I much prefer to point the spotlight rather than be in it. But, that can become a trap.  The scripture that always jumps out at me and makes me squirm a little is James 1:22.  "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.." There is certainly a lot of room for improvement there.
    My pinterest addiction is totally out of control.. As my mother would say, I spend so much time 'stringing my bow' that I  never quite get around to playing. Time to stop 'pinning' and start doing!
     I also have several big challenges facing me this year which will require me to get off my.. ahem.. couch.  So, physically, I will definitely need to engage both mind and body to tackle the major changes necessary for improved health and mobility.
     Yep, the word for 2015  is (Can you hear Jean Luc?) ENGAGE!  

Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Can I copy your word? My goal for this year is to take care of things. I tend to just worry, worry, worry and don't do anything about the worry. So this year, I just want to get rid of the anxiety and just take care of things already. I'm going to ENGAGE too! Love you, Mama!!
