Showing posts with label McGuire's Irish Pub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McGuire's Irish Pub. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We're in the Soup, Now!

The seeds of raging inflation sewn by the Bush administration's exorbitant Iraq War spending ... "morally obscene military spending" ... imprudent tax cuts for the super-rich ... dollar indifference ... and record setting federal discretionary spending are beginning to flower everywhere.

Gas over $4 a gallon; bread topping $3.50 a loaf; and Cap'tn Crunch "costing close to $6 these days." Etc. etc.

Even (or especially) the U.S. Senate can't live within its means. Do you suppose this news means that Pensacola's own McGuire's Irish Pub will soon have to stop selling Senate Bean Soup for 18 cents a bowl?