I cut out a pack of card pentagons in no time at all, and while I was at it I thought why not cut some for myself too. A change from sewing hexies could be nice, so I also cut out some fabric penties. Oh, I don't think I should call them that. Fabric pentagons it is.

I was also reminded of a FANTASTIC book by Jinny Beyer called Patchwork Puzzle Balls. I don't know what happened to my copy, but I remember that as well as having great piecing projects - from simple to complex - it had some really smart patterns to help you assemble the different balls.
It's getting late so I'll have to wait till tomorrow night to have a go at stitching this pentagon ball.
And I am tempted to try making this one too. It looks like a mix of pentagons and triangles, but I think I might need a pattern for assembling this one. I'm glad this book is still available as I think I might have to buy another copy.
Ooh, I just discovered the Free Patterns section on jinnybeyer.com so I'm going to rush off now. Bye.