"Mediocre Phiilosphy Sells. It Makes The Half-Literate Feel Smart"
(And a little knowledge is still a dangerous thing.)
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2015/05/reprise-mediocre-philosophy-sells-it.htmlOutgoing House Speaker John A. Boehner, in his first one-on-one interview since announcing his resignation last week, compared conservative hard-liners in his party to biblical "false prophets" who promise more than they can deliver.
Boehner announced Friday that he would step down Oct. 30 after nearly five years as speaker amid constant pressure from his party's right flank. Asked Sunday by host John Dickerson on a live broadcast of CBS's "Face the Nation" whether those hard-liners are "unrealistic about what can be done in government," Boehner exploded."Absolutely, they're unrealistic!" he said. "But, you know, the Bible says beware of false prophets, and there are people out there spreading noise about how much can get done."
Boehner may have been the most ineffectual Speaker of the House, ever. It wasn't just the dysfunction within his caucus, it was also his complete lack of vision. But things can actually get worse for the GOP. Some are predicting that GOP Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will be chosen to replace Boehner, but that wouldn't sit well with the hard-line teabag types who drove Boehner from office. The hardline teabag types won't be satisfied until one of their own is in charge, which would be great fun, given the tea party's overwhelming unpopularityaround the country.
The reactions of Republican presidential candidates have varied from gloating, to veiled gloating, to caution and concern—because many of them are at a loss as to what to do. The GOP establishment created and fed off this extremist monster, and now it is devouring them.
"The Dark Truth Of John Boehner's Resignation"
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