Thursday, September 6, 2012

What a weekend!

We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend, packed with fun stuff. On Sat we went to the Discovery Center
 Even Jillian loved all the experiments we could do. Erik spent lots of time controlling robotic cars, not pictured-cuz we have too many pictures to post.
 Using the great invention of a pulley to life his own weight, well Daddy helped a little, but he was soon told that Erik could do it on his own.
Which of these 4 is the REAL Jillian? I'm not sure she knows either.
She spent a lot of time in front of these mirrors. She kissed the other girl in the mirror...
 ...and then she went looking for the other baby, she's gotta be behind the mirror right?

 Go Daddy Go! Make those lights GLOW!!
Ok our kids totally LOVED this kid-size grocery store.
 Check out all that Mac N Cheese, he said he needs a lot of that. And look at Jill taking cans off the shelf.
 Also she's making sure that carrot is fresh. Well sorry to disapoint sister, but that's a fake carrot, don't eat it!
 She's adorable, I love it! I loved watching Erik 'ring' up his groceries too, he's so cute!
 After that we went to the Boise Balloon Classic Night Glow! Check out Mickey!
 Jillian just loved running away from us and having us come catch her.
 Thanks to my brother I have this lovely photo, love the growing baby tummy(not) Oh well.
 To keep the kids entertained until dusk Grandpa brought M&M's. Jillian loves them.

 Grandpa with Jack and Jill. Yup nursery rhyme cousins.

 Check out the Glow!!!
 On Labor Day we went to Lucky peak with our wonderful neighbors and friends.
 The lake was cold but the kids didn't mind, Erik was happy to float and Jillian didn't hesitate to play in the water.
 This was kind of a surprise to me because we went to Bear Lake in June and she was NOT a fan of the water, kept crying when she was in it. But this time there were NO tears and LOTS of smiles!

 Jumping in!
 Even Jillian wanted to jump in, she's so brave.
 I love this plastic dragon in the sand. I think the kids like it too.
 She looks so interested, but once I brought her up to the dragon's face, she wanted NOTHING to do with it :)
 Watch out! Jillian's got 3 squirt guns! Prepare to get wet!!
 We had a great weekend. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the outdoors with our family, I love long weekends!

1 comment:

John and Dana Lyn said...

That looks like SO much fun! I love the cute little grocery store! I didn't know they still did the glowing balloon show - I've never been! That picture of you floating in the tube with Jillian is my favorite. We sure do miss you guys! Glad to see you having so much fun! Luvs!