Monday, January 18, 2016

Training to be a Jedi Ninja

I have to be the most talented person ever!  Christmas Eve I was taking stuff to my room and I (was training to be a Jedi Ninja) tripped and fell backwards hitting the door jam. I thought dang that is going to hurt!  Super sore on Christmas the day after Christmas me and the best husband ever went to go pick up a couple of things and I could barely lift my arm and it hurt to breath.  So I told the best husband ever I need to go to the emergency room.  Went to the emergency room waited forever!!! Finally got taken back the nurse was the same one S had when he had kidney stones and one of my customers at the restaurant.  The doctor and nurse both thought I just slept wrong and pulled a muscle.  But will do x-ray's while they were taking me back for x-ray's I had the best husband ever call the Spanish Fork restaurant to let them know I wasn't going to make it to work because I was in the emergency room.  The doctor finally came back in and wanted me to go get more x-ray's done because he has only seen one other person who has fractured their scapula (shoulder blade) and he was a bull rider and a bull stepped on it.  Anyways, they didn't do more x-rays because it was obvious that I fractured it.  This is the worst bone to break and 1% of all broken bones is the scapula and most people crack it on the edge you know the bony part that sticks out and mine is about 2 inches in. 

Went to make a doctor appointment and found out that Dr. Stacey had retired :( trying to find a new Dr seriously sucks!!  Someone suggested a Dr Clark (not impressed) so I went and seen Dr King and he wants to get a bunch of tests done he thinks I have osteoporosis when I can move and have insurance I will get the tests done.  He wants me off work for another month :( can't afford that so I had him write me a note for 2 weeks and then we will see.  I understand that if I go back too soon it is going to be bad and I might have to get surgery but I can't afford to be off work this much and I am terrified that I will lose my job or I will no longer be the manager. I don't know what to do....

I needed a break from work but this is ridiculous! So ready to burn my couch tired of being on the couch really miss sleeping next to the best husband ever.  I am not able to work, can't even drive :(  So grateful for best husband ever and my boys they have helped me out so much! Keeping the house clean and cooking dinner.  So blessed that L and C have been bringing our granddaughter over!

Road Trip with Lyna

It has been 20 years since the last time me and L went on a road trip and that one didn't end up to well.  So we had every right to be nervous on this road trip, but it turned out to be AWESOME!!! It was Me, L and her mom E went to Los Angeles, California to visit her sister LA and her family.  We have been planning this trip since February we were originally going to go 50 miles for 50 years to celebrate Lyna's 50th birthday but we soon realized that we would end up in Nephi and decided to go to Wisconsin to see her niece Rocky but for whatever reason we decided to go to California to see Zane and Marley.  I was able to take 10 days off of work and I was gone for 6 days! It was really fun but I sure missed best husband ever and the boys!!!!!!

L and her mom came and picked me up early Saturday morning our plan was to drive to Las Vegas stay the night then continue to California.  We were making good time (even with the many stops along the way)so L decided to drive straight through to California.  L took the first shift on driving she made it to Mesquite had lunch then I would drive.  They gambled and I watched I had no desire to throw away my money (I suck at gambling) It was windy leaving Mesquite didn't think anything of it even after I had to hold open the door so E could get in it kept hitting her legs. I was nervous driving Lyna's car she has a brand new 2015 Ford Focus (Oliver) it wasn't my car and I have never driven it before I just thought all the wind was because I wasn't used to her car.  We were about 50 miles outside of Las Vegas when we hit a HUGE SANDSTORM!!!  It was like driving into a brick wall you could not see the vehicles in front of me so much wind it was horrible you could only see maybe 10 feet in front of you. Once we reached downtown Las Vegas it did get better but not by much. When we could finally see good enough realized we were stuck in the express lane and we had to get gas of course I would take a wrong turn trying to get to the gas station finally get gassed up and it is raining and windy so not fun to drive in the first part of our trip we had really good weather of course when I drive it is horrible! We stopped again in Victorsville for a break we switched drivers in Barstow L wanted to drive El Cajohn Pass (The day before there was a wildfire at El Cajohn Pass it burned 8 cars and a semi damaged a couple of other ones people were leaving their cars and running up the hill super crazy) It was a downpour with the firefighters and tow truck drivers I think our top speed was 20 mph.  With it raining and windy L decided she had enough of the freeway and wanted to get off even though we only had a 1/2 mile to our exit to get to the hotel. We were so lost we ended up in Downtown LA, East LA and China town (the worst areas to be in) finally get L to follow the direction to the hotel and we make it there safe.

We stayed at the hotel called "The Moment" it was on Sunset Blvd across the street from Guitar Center.  It was really nice kinda small especially for 3 of us it had a really nice roof top deck that I spent alot of time on when it wasn't raining. LA, A, M and Z were all waiting for us at the hotel they took us out to their favorite dinner "El Coyote Mexican Restaurant" me and Lyna laughed that I don't get enough of Mexican food in Utah that I had to go to California to eat it. It was good different but I prefer ours.  A wanted to celebrate L's last night in her 40's and he order all of us Margaritas I tried telling him that I am not a drinker he wouldn't listen so I gave my drink to L they were strong!  The first room we got at The Moment was only a one bed so the first night I stayed at LA's and slept on her futon oh man that thing is so uncomfortable!!!
After we all got up and ready went to the hotel to pick up L and her mom. We went to the La Brae Tar Pits it was ok next time I go there I want to go on a tour of the actual excavation the younger boys will like it.  After we got done there we met up with A and went to Roscoe's that was the best place I have ever had fried chicken and waffles!! So yummy I can't wait to go back!!   Afterwards we went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. L and E did some shopping then they took the boys back to the hotel.  Me, L and A went to Tinhorn Flats for a bourbon tasting thing again not a fan of the alcohol. Afterwards we walked around the Walk of Fame and I got some souvenirs for everyone again it was still raining, I kept teasing L and A "come to LA it never rains they say..." Finally got back to the hotel and we were given a different room they were 2 queen beds but I think they were doubles! So me and L shared a bed until I kicked her out of it oh my gosh her snoring was horrible!!! I forgot how horrible it was I was wishing that I was back at LA's sleeping on that horrible futon.  I went up to the roof top deck and there was a homeless person sleeping under the covers to protect the furniture went down and told the front desk, dang it was scary!!  stopped raining!!! L slept with her mom which equals none of us got sleep again!Next day we met LA at the eye doctor picked up the boys (got lost trying to find her and they we got lost trying to get out of the hospital) finally made it to Del Taco to wait for LA. LA finally found us and we dropped her car off at her house and we went to the Natural History Museum it was ok my kids would really enjoy it there was so much to see and do we didn't even get to the second floor or cover the outside. LA has a family pass to the museums and we were able to get in for free and if you have handicap parking sticker you get to park for free you don't have to pay.  We went to Zankou its a Mediterranean place really yummy. We got it to go and had dinner on the roof top deck finally
LA had to work so we went to Venice Beach, love that place!!