Showing posts with label Animoto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animoto. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2013

Separation of Powers

Here's my animoto on separation of powers. I will certainly use this in my Civics class to introduce the concept and as a starting point for discussions. This is a concept that students have trouble with at first and I hope that this little presentation will make them more comfortable with the topic.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Here's an Animoto I really liked and could use in a freshman World History class. It is on the "Seven Elements of Culture" and was recently created by Lyz who is taking this class in the West Hartford cohort. She is a 5th-6th grade Special Ed teacher. Even though this video was created for use by a teacher at a lower grade level it would be very useful as a catatlyst for discussion and to introduce the theme for the class.