Saturday, January 16, 2016


Sunset pillbox with Christian

Walking to one of our favorite winter beaches.  Every time I walk through there I cant even believe I live here.  Its magical.

Movie outside.. girls being girls

We got to go sailing with our neighbors the other day and we had the best time!! We saw whales and a baby whale and its always just so fun to be on the water!! AND Capri lost her third tooth!

 in the middle of the sea

My buddy

One thing we did during break was get passport photos.  
This kids is so cute. Both ladies at the post office were dying over his cuteness.
He is my little buddy. Every night he sneaks into my bed, strokes my face and wraps his arms tight around my neck and stays there until morning.  I asked him why he climbs in to my bed every night and he replied "Because mom I lub you too much."
He loves his sis who he calls "tink."
He whines often (or his voice is just naturally whiney.), but on the other hand he is my happy happy easy laid back boy. always laughing. and he has been like that since he was little.
He loves to color, he just got a bunch of really cool toys for Christmas but ends up playing with all my tupperware and wooden spoons still.  He always finds a stick or two to play with, and usually carts around a tupperware of money.  He loves buying things with his own money.  He loves his mickey car, bubble juice, smoothie bowls and hummus.  Lately he has been making me sit on the front porch step and saying "awww its so nice out here."  or "Im so happy!! Are you?"  And if i get mad at him/or anyone he says "Why you be mean mom?" Which makes me feel really bad and usually helps me talk nicer.   He is my "why?" kid.  He asks me "why?" for everything. "Why my name Matix?" "Why that color green?" "Why is this named carrot?" "WHY?" "Why?" Why?"  
He still makes me lay by him for every nap, and bedtime.  I love it.  Its my time to stare at him, and play with his curls.  Our heads have to be touching and arms have to be crossed.
He HATES wearing pants.  anytime I get him dressed I turn around and he isnt dressed,  I ask him why he isnt wearing pants and he replies "I NO LIKE PANTS MOM!"  "What about a shirt?" I ask.  "I NO LIKE SHIRTS MOM!"  He is always in his undies and I kind of love it.  Im pretty obsessed with him, its hard for me to say no to the kid. One thing I am really grateful for is that we get alone time together.  Almost every day, we ride our pretend horses to his bedroom.  Give our "plane tickets to auntie" and get on our airplane "his bed" and fly to grandmas house. then we make cookies, and pizza, and repeat. I love my little curly haired boy.

A summer tease

To say we loved Christmas break would be an understatement.  I never wanted it to end.   My kids played with each other so well, and the weather ended up being so beautiful.  One of the last day we woke up early, surfed "chocolates" went to Waimea and watched the big wave surfers, picked up Babe and went to Kawela bay and surfed and played hard until dark.  It felt like summer and made me so sad to think I had to send Capri back to school!!


 2015 made all of my wildest dreams come true.  We found a lot of happiness in the little things and got to spend a lot of time together.  A lot of positive changes happened for us this year.  Being so far removed from everything has helped our little family unit grow closer than ever.  We have "unplugged" and have found our groove, we dont need the things we used to.  We live more simple and its helped us focus on what is important! Cheers to one of my favorite years ever, with my favorite people.

For New Years Eve we met some friends at V-land and had a bonfire.  It was so fun.  We got there early and had the beach all to ourself.  Even the path down to the beach is pretty magical.
  The sunset turned out to be amazing.  Matix was catching all of his friends in his net!

Capri and Cooper were digging for burried treasure.  Then they decided to find and make their own treasure. I love those two together.  Their little minds are so similar and they always come up with the greatest inventions/plans/yard sales etc.

We Roasted Hot dogs and Marshmallows for dinner. When it got dark, our little family broke away from everyone and took our flashlights to walk down the beach and hunt for crabs.  After a ways we turned off our lights, sat on the beach and looked at the stars.  These are the moments that I know without a doubt that we are where we are supposed to be. And I am so grateful.

 On New Years day, we hiked up to the Sunset pillbox.  Its always so beautiful up there.  Capri hiked like a champ and of course, Matix made someone carry him the whole way.


 2 years ago we were on our way to Moab and Paul and I decided to make a "Moving Back to Hawaii Pros and Cons" list. It was long. We thought of everything.   I think in that moment we knew what we wanted we just needed to find a way to make it happen. I kept that list in my car and anytime we were on a long drive we would read it, dream about it, talk about it, and consider it. For the last 2 years we planned, saved, and dreamed of moving back. I know to most people it came as a total surprise, because lets be honest, no one ever believed we would really do it. (Even in my mind I had my shreds of doubt). I also know it was really hard for a lot of people to understand why.  For us there are so many reasons, we knew we had to follow our hearts and do what we felt was best for our little family.  One of the biggest deciding factors for us was time. Time with our family, time with Paul and time we can't ever get back. Paul would get home at 6:00pm every night. We put our kids to bed at 7:00pm and they would get to see their dad for 1 hour. Sad. We knew that isn't what we wanted.  We knew moving here Paul would still be on Utah time and we would get to see him more. We knew he would have to start work at 5am (Paul is not a morning person so this is how I know he REALLY loves me).  After 8-10 hours of work it's still semi-early here (late in Utah) and Capri is usually just getting home from school. Sometimes he works later if he has to but even then it gives us a lot of wiggle room.  He still works the same amount of hours but we get to see him so much more, we have become so much closer as a family unit and my kids are used to having their daddy around I am forever grateful for that.  Second, it's Hawaii.  Another huge factor for us was we want to raise our kids in a simple environment. Life is simple here. Most days I pick Capri up from school soaking wet, barefoot and her teacher (who moved here in the 90's to surf) asks me where I surfed that day.  Matix wears his swimsuit or undies everyday and I wonder why I even buy clothes. I want to teach my kids to LIVE. You know, not just go through the motions, but really live. We want to spoil them with experiences. We don't want them to worry about things, new trends, and dressing/looking/being perfect. I want them to be aware of their community, to  appreciate, respect, explore and enjoy this beautiful place we live. There are a lot of reasons but ultimately these were our  biggest. I know Hawaii isn't for everyone, but I do know everyone has a place that has their heart, where they feel like they belong.. ours just happens to be allllll the way across a big sea... and for now, we are so so happy to be here.


MAY 16 2015
Last year while visiting Hawaii we fell in love with a house that we wanted to rent, we stayed in contact with the guy managing the property.  Towards the end of March we got word that this house that we wanted was opening up May 1st. After that everything happened so fast.
 It was a Thursday and Paul said to me "Lets just do it! Let's just jump!" I had a ton of reservations. I didn't know if I was ready to leave my house that I loved and all of these amazing people that I loved.. not to mention its a HUGE move. I told him, "OK!" and didn't think a lot about it.  An hour later I got a phone call from Paul telling me, "a shipping pod is coming in the morning." I was in shock thinking "Ok. We are really doing this I guess!"  I will forever be grateful for Paul for being the one to "just jump".  I started going into crazy packing mode. Boxed up as many boxes as I could in 1 day and went to bed exhausted. The next morning Paul put our house up for rent. Within hours we had it rented out. We had 1 week to be out of our house. Everything fell miraculously into place, there is no way I could doubt our decision. It just felt right. With a lot of help we managed to pack up everything that we wanted into a pod. Sell everything else. Patch walls, paint, sell my car (and everything else), and booked plane tickets for May 1st. So crazy. I felt like my brain was literally mush. On March 28th we left our first home, the only home Matix has ever known, it was so bitter sweet.  I loved my house, location and neighbors, but I knew good things were coming. A week and a half before we were supposed to be flying out, the house we thought we were getting, you know, the one we just dropped EVERYTHING for, the one we were in love with... well it fell through. We had no idea where we were going to go, but for some reason I wasn't stressed about it. I just knew everything would work out and we would end up where we were supposed to be. Since we had a month before we had to leave we stayed at Paul's parents house and my parents, we loved spending time with family and friends and I am so grateful that the last month we got to spend time with everyone instead of having to move.  Our month flew by in a blink of an eye, the next thing we all knew we had all of our bags and we were on a plane.. headed back to the island, our island, our new home.. a dream come true.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Too long

It has been seriously way too long since I have last blogged.  I  gave up on blogging, but lately I have been showing Capri our blog of when she was little and it makes me sad I missed a whole year of blogging. So even if people don't read blogs anymore Im going to try and keep mine updated for my families sake and mine. I love going back and reading my blog and I love knowing that if something happened to all of my pictures I have this to fall back on.
 I obviously wont be able to catch up so I gonna start by talking about this cute boy. He just turned one.  This kid is such a happy boy.  I dont think a day has gone by where someone hasn't commented on his happy nature.  He is bursting at the seams (chunky ones) with happiness.  When we were at Disneyland he would stare at people, like a little stalker,  with the biggest grin until they acknowledged him. He is so social and loves to make people happy.  He is so sweet and is a true mama's boy, but will go to anyone with food. He has the most adorable curly hair. Im obsessed with him.  He loves his sister, and they are buddies, she watches out for him and is really protective of him.  For his first bday we had a small family party a couple days early because we were going to be in California for his real bday.  He of course, loved the cake.

We went to the beach on his real Birthday. This was his first time at the beach and he loved it.  This made me happy, I dont know what I would do if one of my babies didn't like the beach! It was so fun to be at the beach again. We miss it so much.

The next days  we went to Disneyland and California Adventure, we had a blast. My mom is a Disneyland freak and she always wants to go from morning until it closes. I think we successfully wore her out this trip which is a huge accomplishment if you know her. Capri was in heaven and it was fun riding all the big rides with her, and Matix loved being in the lines with all of the people, and it was fun that he could go on most of the rides Capri loves. AND we are lucky to have such a fun Grandma around, we had fun spending time with her! 

Capris favorite ride is the Tower of Terror. The whole week before she told grandma that it was the "tiny tower" so she could trick her into going on it.  As soon as grandma was out of sight she said "Mom. We don't have to call in the Tiny Tower anymore cause grandma cant hear us, she is going to pee her pants." She loves to scheme, and be sneaky.  She told everyone about her grandma and her evil plan.  Lucky for us the line wasnt long so she rode it to her hearts content.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meet Matix

Meet Matix, my new boyfriend.
Feb 24, 2013, 3:00 pm
6lb 3 oz -19 inches long
He left the hospital weighing 5lbs 10 oz and is the tiniest cutest thing. Seriously worth the wait. I feel like I waited forever for this litte man, but he is perfect and I am so in love. Worth it.
Everything about my delivery was so opposite of last time. It was pretty fast and I only pushed 2 times. AMAZING. I was so scared going into it because Capri's was so hard and LONG, and had a lot of complications. When it was time to push the nurse came in and told me that I needed to be a good pusher cause his heart rate was dropping, I started crying and said to Paul "what if Im not a good pusher?!" (I pushed for 2 1/2 hours with Capri) Paul told me I was. haha. thanks babe. and luckily he was out in minutes. The second I saw him I was instantly in love, I cried my eyes out for a good 30 minutes and just couldnt believe he was mine. Seriously best day ever. Pure bliss. about a week after he was born my mom took Capri  to Disneyland (I will post pics) and I had my boyfriend all to myself for a whole week. I cuddled and just stared at him all week trying to soak it in... his tiny toes, his tiny ears, and hands. seriously so cute. not gonna lie though, I missed Capri.. it was sad without her. She is my sunshine girl and brings so much happiness into my everyday life. BUT, it was so good to have that adjustment period, get extra rest and know she was having the time of her life. My mom is seriously, hands down, the best person ever. best mom ever, and best grandma ever. Since Capri has been home I feel like its not a ton different having two kids, obviously I dont get any sleep, but in the day it hasnt been a hard adjustment yet. He still sleeps a lot, so time will tell. Capri loves to help, is happy doing her own thing and hasnt gotten jealous yet. My friend Megan took these cute pics! If you want her number let me know! 

The big sister