Saturday, January 16, 2016

My buddy

One thing we did during break was get passport photos.  
This kids is so cute. Both ladies at the post office were dying over his cuteness.
He is my little buddy. Every night he sneaks into my bed, strokes my face and wraps his arms tight around my neck and stays there until morning.  I asked him why he climbs in to my bed every night and he replied "Because mom I lub you too much."
He loves his sis who he calls "tink."
He whines often (or his voice is just naturally whiney.), but on the other hand he is my happy happy easy laid back boy. always laughing. and he has been like that since he was little.
He loves to color, he just got a bunch of really cool toys for Christmas but ends up playing with all my tupperware and wooden spoons still.  He always finds a stick or two to play with, and usually carts around a tupperware of money.  He loves buying things with his own money.  He loves his mickey car, bubble juice, smoothie bowls and hummus.  Lately he has been making me sit on the front porch step and saying "awww its so nice out here."  or "Im so happy!! Are you?"  And if i get mad at him/or anyone he says "Why you be mean mom?" Which makes me feel really bad and usually helps me talk nicer.   He is my "why?" kid.  He asks me "why?" for everything. "Why my name Matix?" "Why that color green?" "Why is this named carrot?" "WHY?" "Why?" Why?"  
He still makes me lay by him for every nap, and bedtime.  I love it.  Its my time to stare at him, and play with his curls.  Our heads have to be touching and arms have to be crossed.
He HATES wearing pants.  anytime I get him dressed I turn around and he isnt dressed,  I ask him why he isnt wearing pants and he replies "I NO LIKE PANTS MOM!"  "What about a shirt?" I ask.  "I NO LIKE SHIRTS MOM!"  He is always in his undies and I kind of love it.  Im pretty obsessed with him, its hard for me to say no to the kid. One thing I am really grateful for is that we get alone time together.  Almost every day, we ride our pretend horses to his bedroom.  Give our "plane tickets to auntie" and get on our airplane "his bed" and fly to grandmas house. then we make cookies, and pizza, and repeat. I love my little curly haired boy.

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