Sunday, February 26, 2012

Capri was SOOO excited to see her Papa and Grandma! We got to stay in Honolulu the first few nights and that was so much fun, a mini vaca! The first night I kept telling Capri we were meeting Papa and Grandma at the hotel, and she kept saying "please. can we go to the high tower?" My parents got in late so Capri fell asleep before they got there! We woke up to Capri saying   "MOMMY!!" scared cause she had no idea where she was at, then she turned her head and saw papa and grandma in the other bed and jumped up and said "SEE MOMMY!!! PAPA AND GRANDMA!!!" She was so excited to have them here. She ignored me the whole time they were here and wouldnt let me help her do anything. 

Capri and her Papa

 They had penguins at the hotel and she loved them, I think she liked the flamingos more though. of course, they are pinkalicious! 

Grandma (everyone thought she was my sister) and Capri

fireworks at our hotel! 

my cute girl never wanting to wear clothes

paddle boarding with Papa and Grandma up Kahana River

 My parents rented a house right by one of our favorite beaches Alligator Ponds 

 Going to watch the surfers. PS yes we are wearing jackets every day. it has been raining and cold a ton. felt bad for them. 

Cuddling with papa


end of the road beach

 Dinner outside.. love it.

 watching the surfers @ Rocky point

 My parents were so awesome and watched Capri 2 separate nights so we got to go on 2 loooong dates and sleep in!! It was soooo nice! We havent got to do this very much so it was a good much need break!

Watching Grandma go skydiving!! Capri kept saying "I wanna fly too" she even through a tantrum that she didnt get to go with grandma and fly too. 

Waimea with grandma

the zoo

It was sooooo nice to have my parent here! We were so sad to see them go. Capri cried, and now when I punish her she cries for them. We miss them a ton! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that looks so fun! yes your mom could pass as your sister, she looks amazing!
Capri's little faces are so darling and animated! Can't wait to get her and Carter together again =)