Friday, December 25, 2009

Our Miss Maggie

Aaron and I are thrilled to introduce our little babe Maggie Kristen Paugh to all of you! She arrived on Monday Dec. 21, at 4:11. I was induced and got started at the hospital around 7:30 a.m. I got an epidural around noon but still had some serious back labor because she was posterior. Not that I'm complaining, my epidural was heavenly. Maggie weighed 5lbs 12oz. She looks so much like Ben did as a newborn and has the same red hair that he does.
I am doing great and am so grateful to not be pregnant anymore. I don't think I've recovered from any birth as quickly as this one, which is such a blessing. Short of a cold, I feel amazing!

I was so sad some of these didn't turn out very well, we lost almost all of the pictures taken right after she was born, (which I nearly cried when I found out):(

The hospital gave us a stocking to take her home in and we left on Wednesday. Mom came and stayed with my kids which was so helpful. She cleaned my bathrooms, my house and took great care of my kids. Thank you Mom, what would I do without you?
Just to give you an idea of how scrawny this one is. She weighed 5lbs 8oz leaving the hospital. Her little chicken legs are so precious.

Parker and Ben think she is pretty wonderful. Ben is completely infatuated with her because they share the same hair. Finally someone else in the fam with red!! Every time Maggie cries Park looks at me and says, "oHHHHHH" like he can't believe just how pathetic she sounds.
It's this sibling we've been so worried about. Preslie has been the princess in charge for the past two years, so we have been praying that she will not seriously hurt the infant! But she has done great so far, and is my big helper for sure.

We're working on the definition of "soft" and she's doing better. The first day was kind of scary.

I am overwhelmed with complete gratitude as I look at this picture-- Maggie so helps our family feel complete. Her birth was such an amazing experience and to bring her home was wonderful. There are no words to try and describe the love you feel. I can only say that I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a Mom. To me, it is the greatest gift. This entire pregnancy and birth has reminded me that God can do the impossible and that miracles and mercies are extended often especially if we can recognize that they come from HIM. My heart is so full --a Christmas to remember for sure!


athompson said...

Congratulations, Paugh family.. We cant wait to meet her. Mark and I think she looks just like Parker does.. She's a cutie.. We already love her and we haven't even met her before..

Alisha said...

She is so beautiful! I'm so glad things went well and have gone well -- knock on wood. I'm ready to have the kids over any time! I am just dying to see her, but I will patiently bide my time. Congratulations!

Will & Cheyenne said...

Oh my's just perfect! I am so happy for you guys!

Um, those chicken legs are HYSTERICAL!!!

Happy to hear you are feeling so great!

Melissa said...

Congratulations to You! She is beautiful! How precious babies are, they are a great reminder of how amazing life is. What a great Christmas present to you! Yeah!

The Beebes said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and I love the name, too. Very happy for you.

Raelene said...

Congrats...I can't wait to hold her. She does look like Benji. Great puffy lips! She is beautiful and not to mention her mom looks great for just having a baby!

Becky said...

Congratulations! I am glad to hear that mother and daughter are both doing well and are healthy. She is such a cute little one. The kids all look thrilled to welcome her to the family.

Bringhursts said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations, Hil!

Collins Crew said...

Oh- what a doll. Great name too! My Maggie was the best baby- so hopefully yours will be too. Best of luck to you guys, your such a beautiful family!

Megan said...

What a darling girl! I saw you had a blog on Facebook... hope that doesn't make me a complete stalker... anyway, just wanted to say congrats and I'm glad you're recovering quickly!

Amy said...

Way to go Hills...she is a complete dollface. I love the name Maggie and with red hair, what could be more perfect??? HOORAY

The Strange and Awkward One said...

She is beautiful. We are thrilled for your new addition and wish we could be there to help. We love and miss you guys.

Goodwin Family said...

Congrats Hillary! She is beautiful, I also saw your blog on facebook! :) I'm so glad to be back in touch with yuo!!

luvbaldp-ssy said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm another little bald p-ssy to lick really soon