Sunday, February 21, 2010

Two Months Today!

Two months old, our Maggie is sweeter than ever. She holds her hold up pretty well and loves to be talked to.

These pictures make me smile, she looks so much like Ben at this age it's scary! She has his exact coloring.

She smiles so easily and the kids love it! The next few pictures were taken while Ben is singing to her, which is a regular thing, I was thrilled to be able to capture a precious little moment.

Preslie, on the whole, has done pretty well considering the situation. No doubt, the novelty has wore off and I think Pres has realized that Maggie isn't leaving. She loves to hold her but tires of her easily. One thing I will say she is incredibly helpful and brings me anything I need when I'm changing a diaper or nursing.

Out of all the kids, Benny never gets tired of her. Always wants to hold her and is always checking up on baby by saying, "How ya doin Mags?" It's pretty sweet.

I had to throw in this last picture. I came downstairs yesterday to find this-- Four children completely captivated by Dad. How did I get so blessed?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Four Weeks

Maggie is four weeks old today. Hard to believe really. She is a dream baby, eats ands sleeps without hardly any fussing. My kids have done so well with her. They adore her, constantly wanting to hold her. In fact, several fights have broke out with "You always hold her, it's my turn!" I'm so grateful. I read an article about bringing home another sibling from the hospital, and what that feels like for the kids already at home. The article compared it to a husband bringing home a new wife. I don't know about you wives out there, but I think I would be ready for an all out war if Aaron brought home another wife that didn't leave!

She really is our little angel.

Preslie insisted on sleeping by her. I love this picture.

Without a doubt Ben holds her the most. He loves me to show him her feet and hands.

This transition has been made so much easier because of amazing friends and neighbors that have brought us meal after meal and who have offered to take my kids. Thank you, thank you for all of your thoughtful acts of kindness. I love you all!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Our Miss Maggie

Aaron and I are thrilled to introduce our little babe Maggie Kristen Paugh to all of you! She arrived on Monday Dec. 21, at 4:11. I was induced and got started at the hospital around 7:30 a.m. I got an epidural around noon but still had some serious back labor because she was posterior. Not that I'm complaining, my epidural was heavenly. Maggie weighed 5lbs 12oz. She looks so much like Ben did as a newborn and has the same red hair that he does.
I am doing great and am so grateful to not be pregnant anymore. I don't think I've recovered from any birth as quickly as this one, which is such a blessing. Short of a cold, I feel amazing!

I was so sad some of these didn't turn out very well, we lost almost all of the pictures taken right after she was born, (which I nearly cried when I found out):(

The hospital gave us a stocking to take her home in and we left on Wednesday. Mom came and stayed with my kids which was so helpful. She cleaned my bathrooms, my house and took great care of my kids. Thank you Mom, what would I do without you?
Just to give you an idea of how scrawny this one is. She weighed 5lbs 8oz leaving the hospital. Her little chicken legs are so precious.

Parker and Ben think she is pretty wonderful. Ben is completely infatuated with her because they share the same hair. Finally someone else in the fam with red!! Every time Maggie cries Park looks at me and says, "oHHHHHH" like he can't believe just how pathetic she sounds.
It's this sibling we've been so worried about. Preslie has been the princess in charge for the past two years, so we have been praying that she will not seriously hurt the infant! But she has done great so far, and is my big helper for sure.

We're working on the definition of "soft" and she's doing better. The first day was kind of scary.

I am overwhelmed with complete gratitude as I look at this picture-- Maggie so helps our family feel complete. Her birth was such an amazing experience and to bring her home was wonderful. There are no words to try and describe the love you feel. I can only say that I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a Mom. To me, it is the greatest gift. This entire pregnancy and birth has reminded me that God can do the impossible and that miracles and mercies are extended often especially if we can recognize that they come from HIM. My heart is so full --a Christmas to remember for sure!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Two Years Ago....

Two years ago, our baby girl Preslie was born. It was a birth unlike any other. PINK. I knew instantly that she was strong and had a serious mission to fulfill. It is unreal to me that two years have passed so quickly.

She had to get glasses in August and has done so well with them. A couple of weeks ago we had to start patching her one eye a few hours every day to strengthen her weak eye. We call her patch her pretty sticker and she loves it. The boys help by making a big deal about how pretty she is and she is anxious to show it to anyone that comes over.

She absolutely loves dresses and pretty shoes. This very morning before church, she called down to Aaron and the boys, "Guys look at me!" She is our doll and the boys do anything she requests! I'm so grateful she's getting a sister soon, she is definitely our Queen Bee.

Something I want to remember about her at this age is her attention to detail. She honestly has better fine motor skills than Ben! She loves to write and draw and mimicks Ben and Parker in everything academic they do.

Of course I'm completely biased but I think she's genius!

Her birthday was on Tuesday and we have a long standing family tradition that on the day of your birthday you're woken out of a dead sleep to the song"Happy Birthday". Parker and Ben were so excited to wake her up they were up at 6:00, in the shower, and completely ready with gifts in hand to start singing. It was adorable. They got her a build-a-bear bunny and they knew she would love it.

She kept saying "Oh Bunny, oh bunny." It was so darling.

Her first pair of dress up shoes. She pranced around all day!

(These pictures are in no order apparently,) That night we went to temple square to see the lights and loved every minute despite the cold.

Earlier that afternoon, we went out and played in the snow. Another thing about her right now I want to remember, she loves being outside and lays crumpled at the door if someone leaves without her. Daddy's girl no doubt.

We ended our night with candles and cupcakes and after she finally figured out how to blow one out we seriously re-lit thirty times

Look at the look of complete personal satisfaction.
Oh how we love this girl. Happy Birthday Sweet Preslie!