July 12, 2017

Hand Painted...

Sometimes it's hard to know when to stop painting.  In this case, it was easy.  As soon as things started getting "dirty" and messy, I knew I was tired and it was definitely time to call it quits.

There are things I love about this piece and some I don't - that's oil painting - at least in my world.  What did I learn from this painting - that I have a lot to learn!  Perhaps I should have used a larger brush for the petals...remembering my light source -aaack always a problem for me!  I tried different techniques - palette knife for one...it's a process.  I love/hate it all!  If you paint, you get it...


Jeanie said...

Splendid! Pansies are a wonderful subject for you!

Lux G. said...

Oh, wow. That's amazing.