Showing posts with label Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Five. Show all posts

Saturday, June 06, 2020

5in5 On The 5th - Cutest Overload

I wondered what to do with my 50+ photos of my baby chipmunks. They are SO tiny & just beyond cute.  I have two sets of two, the "rock pair" & the "circle patio pair"  The rock pair were not as nervous as the patio pair so I was able to get more photos of them.  So I'm joining in with Sandie's monthly meme, found here:  Sandie's Itchifingers

"I wonder what it's like in this garden?"

You just see the second one under the tail of the bravest of the two.

"come on sister, it's OK, that lady isn't going to bother us - she'll protect us from the cat next door"

I could not leave out the very shy "Circle Patio Pair"

Thursday, December 05, 2019

5 in 5 On The 5th

It's been SO long, too long,  since I joined in with Sandie's 5 in 5 On The 5th.  You can find out more about this lovely prompt here:  5-in-5-December-2019

My five today are little handmade, knitted or crochet ornaments I have been gifted over the years.  Each is so very special to me because of the gifter (is there such a word, not according to spell check) & the time it took to make.  Every year when I place out I have a little thought towards the crafter who made (spell check doesn't like this word either).

These five are part of my Christmas Joy

Friday, October 05, 2018

Five In Five On The 5th - October

Today I am joining in with Sandie's monthly meme of taking five photos in five minutes on the 5th of the month.  You can go here to link in & to see what others have shared.  Sandie at Itchifingers

My 5 today are some of the fungi about ... I am keenly aware of fungi especially since I was told fungus prone foods  are a major cause of my digestive woes. 

While they cause me harm, I still find them a fascinating creation, much in the same way weeds are pretty just not in my garden, or in my case maybe tasty but not in my digestive tract.

"out of damp & gloomy days, out of solitude, out of loveless words directed at us, conclusions grow up in us like fungus, one morning they are there, we know not how & they gaze upon us, morose & gray.  Woe to the thinker who is not the gardener but only the soil of the plants that grow in him" ... Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Five In Five On The 5th - Armed In August

Today I am joining in with Sandie's monthly meme of taking five photos in five minutes on the 5th of the month.  You can go here to link in & to see what others have shared.  Sandie at Itchifingers

Mr Man & I had an errand to run today but once done we thought we would take a less direct drive home to maybe find some items on the SPSH.  We saw some lake side views along one roadway & decided to pull into a business's parking lot to get a closer look.  Surely a marina would have bells!
Enticing Lake Views

Turns out the parking lot was that of one of the many branches of the  Royal Canadian Legion.  Found nothing for the SPSH but did find some interesting things for today's agenda - 5 in 5 on the 5th.

Saw lots of geese as I walked down to the lake's edge.  They must be military geese because it was a mine field of goose poop!

As I found nothing for the SPSH I got back into the car & we drove around the buildings to discover a very interesting display of real military items; 

 a tank - Howitzer  ( the sign says do not sit,stand or climb on the 109 Howitzer tank)

an armored personnel carrier -

F86 Super Sabre



Friday, July 06, 2018

Five In Five On The 5th (Plus 1 Day)

Today I am joining in with Sandie's monthly meme of taking five photos in five minutes on the 5th of the month.  You can go here to link in & to see what others have shared.  Sandie at Itchifingers

This month the 5th fell on a Thursday & I needed to look after my own meme of Take Three Thursday, so today, one day later I am joining in with 5/5/5 + 1 day.

After 10 days of intense heat & humidity we had a break in the weather last night, a cold front moved through bringing much need & appreciated rain along with cooler dryer temperatures.  This morning I threw open wide all the windows of our 4 level home & I noticed I had at least five if not more wonderful views.  So snap away I did - Window Views is my Five In Five on The 5th theme. I'll start with the top level (bedrooms) & work my way to the basement.

From the top

From the living room

From the kitchen

From the office

From the basement

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Five In Five On The 5th

Joining in with Sandie's Five in Five On The Fifth at: Sandie At Itchifingers

My five this month are from a walk about in a river side garden in the town of Fergus.  We were there scouting out the "perfect" find for one of the items on the SPSH.  We noticed that the gardens have been through a clean up & addition of several artist pieces.  It was quite a chilly walk as the temperatures have taken a dip, but the sun was out & the sound of the river below made for an enjoyable walk.  It was also nice that other than us & a fisherman in the river, there was no one about.  I do hope you go have a peek at what Sandie & others have as their 5.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Five In Five On The 5th

Joining in with Sandie's Five in Five On The Fifth at: Sandie At Itchifingers

On Friday in Southern Ontario we had a major storm go through the areas, some of us had wind gusting at force 1 hurricane strength.  We lost power twice on Friday, once for about 45 minutes & the second time for about 5 hours.  Most thankful for the hydro crews working through the night to clear downed trees falling on to hydro lines, which was the major cause of power outages.  Of all the downed trees, it seemed healthy evergreen trees fell from the roots pulling loose.  Near us there is a stand of mostly dead trees & surprisingly enough there was only one knocked over.   We did not loose any trees on our property, just lots of twigs & small branches down & all the roof shingles are still accounted for.

So my Five in Five On The 5th were actually taken in more than 5 minutes ... so  give you 5 of the trees knocked down near me.

f you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. Khalil Gibra
Read more at:
f you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. Khalil Gibra
Read more at:

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for telling them to the trees."   Khalil Gibran

Friday, January 05, 2018

Five in Five On The 5th - January 2018

Five in Five On The 5th -

Joining in with Sandie's Five in Five On The Fifth at: Sandie At Itchifingers

Today when we woke the temperatures were unbelievably cold, with the wind chill factor it was -33(c).  The news is filled with warnings about the bitter cold, telling us how quickly unprotected skin will freeze - takes less than 5 minutes of exposure for you to receive serve frost bite!  So with all that in mind, the clinic is closed & no Saturday appointments to prepare for, I'm indoors for the day. Even looking out the windows is too cold a thing to do.  So what's a girl to do - craft of course.

My five this month are some of my newly purchased or gifted templates to use with my Big Kick die cutting machine - this would be my best purchase of 2017.   I can use these metal die cuts for scrap booking, calendar (daytimes) or card making.

My Five in Five On The 5th;  Shapes ...

Nested Shapes - stars

Numbers - so useful

Letters, upper & lower case - new- on sale - 55% off

Seasonal Shapes - the package that started the die cutting "need"

Phrases - so very useful

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Five In Five On The 5th - December

Five in Five On The 5th -

Joining in with Sandie's Five in Five On The Fifth at: Sandie At Itchifingers

As it is pouring rain outside with accompanying thunder & lightening I dare not venture outside. Hard to believe it's rain on December 5th but no worries, tomorrow the temperature drops dramatically & rain turns to snow! 

SO my 5 in 5 on the 5th are taken inside & in spite of lights & flash on, things are still quite dark, but no matter, my 5 are of the happy & light kind.

Five Santas from my collection with 5 accompanying Christmas quotes I like. I made the first & third Santas.

 Christmas waves a magic wand over the world & behold, everything is softer & more beautiful (Norman Vincent Peale)

It's not what's under the tree that matters, but who's around it.

Christmas, my child is love in action ( Dale Evans)

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other (Burton Hills)

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love (Hamilton Wright Mabie)


Thursday, October 05, 2017

5 in 5 On The 5th - October PLUS TTT

Joining in with Sandie's Five in Five On The Fifth at: Sandie At Itchifingers

My five this month are all from one of my final walk abouts at the farm that I rode at.  I have been surprised at my own tears & the saddest that I feel in the farm being sold - especially to an unknown in our circle of the horse world.  I have SO many wonderful memories from my time at the farm.  Even though my horse, Joshua, has been gone many years, I continued to ride at the farm through part boarding or leasing a horse there.  It is time to say goodbye.  I give you five of the farm, although I could have easily posted 500 photos.

The front stone wall that was part of a cross country jump.

The pond which I never swam in but several boarders did - the people not the horses.  Snapping turtles lived in this pond!

The indoor arena - thankful on so many rainy or snowy days.

The outdoor sand riding ring, shared by jumpers & dressage riders alike until two years ago, when we got a grass dressage ring - the jumpers were glad not to have to share.

Turn Out paddock, one of 10.

And now my Take Three Thursday - more of the farm:

In the beautiful Autumn light even the manure pile looks good (we bedded the horses on peat moss):

The flower boxes outside each stall
The beautiful, but empty stalls