Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2012

Fanciful Designs On Martha Stewart Tomorrow!

Hello! I am so excited to share that Noel from Fanciful Designs is going to be on The Martha Stewart show tomorrow! 

If you haven't had the chance to see her incredible artwork, I urge you to so. She is an amazing artist with such an eye for grace and beauty. Her paper flowers, books, invitations, well really anything she creates are pure magic. 

 tune in to watch Noel create her
Huge Paper Blooms
on the
 Hallmark Channel
Tuesday April 3, 2012
10:00 a.m.
see preview

Good Luck Noel! You are going to be wonderful! 


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Saturday, March 10, 2012

~ It's a beautiful Weekend! ~

And to celebrate....

Please enjoy a 10% discount off of everything in the 
Paris Atelier shop! Please use the discount code PARIS upon checkout. 

You can find the shop here

Happy Weekend! 
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

~ Dreams Come True ~

Hello My Friends,

 Paris Atelier

I have been thinking of you all very much and visiting your sites for inspiration. However, I 
miss you. I miss the interaction with my special friends that I have met through this journey of a blog and I have to tell you, life is busy, so busy that I chose to focus on my family, career, and other priorities. I let the blog slip for quite some time now but I just can't stay away from you! So, I am going to try my hardest to make time for some of the things I love most and one of those things is my beloved Paris Atelier. 

Paris Atelier

My best friend, Michelle, and I just booked a trip to London, Rome, and of course, Paris for the Summer and I cannot process it in my head yet. I am so excited and inspired. Dreams really do come true. It has been over eight years since my last visit to that magical city of Paris and that was also the last trip I took with my Mom. I can't wait to go back for what I'm sure will be a memorable, emotional, full of wonder and laughter voyage.

  Paris Atelier

I hope you will join me in the next few months as I plan, dream, and prepare for this special trip. I would love nothing more than to share it all with you and hear about special dreams you've made come true!

Bien des choses à tous,

All Photos ~ Paris Atelier
Please feel free to use, pin, blog, etc. with a link back to the original source. Merci!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Kashgar Travel Journal by Laura West ~ Reverie Daydream Artisan Boutique

Hello! I am so honored to be a guest on the most lovely blog Reverie Daydream todayIf you have visited Reverie, then I'm sure you have been enchanted and mesmerized by the lovely Melissa and her magical world. I am truly humbled and honored to have been asked by her to guest on her series Wishful Thinking. Over the years Melissa's words have been a constant source of inspiration and her blog a special place to revive my soul

Beloved Letterpress Card ~ Reverie Daydream Artisan Boutique

Melissa is the owner of Reverie Daydream an artisan boutique that offers beautiful, carefully crafted, ethically and environmentally conscious goods. 

Thank you so much to Melissa for allowing me to share a tiny place on her blog and world. 

Enjoy the post as well as the talented and wonderful bloggers in the Wishful Thinking series.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

My, Oh My!

Photo~SwankUnderpinnings on Etsy

Bonjour! Sending out wonderful wishes for a beautiful weekend to YOU all!

Image via Bubble Wrap My Heart

I plan on stealing away a moment to read a good book...

Image Via Tumblr

and kick off my shoes! Happy weekend!!!!

I have two exciting posts in the wings! Stay tuned!!!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keys To The Fleas: Paris

Hello Friends! I am so excited to write this post today. Today on my Facebook I saw the most wonderful post from the legendary Claudia from The Paris Apartment. She has just launched the most delicious and incredible App on iTunes!!! The app, Keys To The Fleas: Paris showcases Claudia's years of research and passion for all things Brocante and Paris Flea Market. This exciting app is just dreamy and includes amazing illustrations by Elaine Biss.

This fabulous new App is available for iTunes, iPhone, and iPad. I just spent the last few minutes browsing through it and I am literally swooning over the photo gallery and the illustrations. I can't wait to plan my next trip to Paris with this handy tool in hand. Even if a trip to Paris is not in your immediate future this app makes you feel like you just had a whirlwind trip throught the heart of the Paris fleas. Congratulations Claudia!!!

Claudia is celebrating with a giveaway so head on over to The Paris Apartment to enter for your chance at a free Keys To The Fleas: Paris app. If you can't wait for the contest, you can have it right now! Head on over to iTunes right here to download the app 

and her fabulous book that has become a Decorating/Lifestyle bible for so many!

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Friday, May 7, 2010


Hello and Happy Weekend!!!

Wishing all of you a very treasured and special Mother's Day!

Sunday will be bittersweet for me. Bitter because I will miss celebrating such a special day with my own amazing Mother. It has been almost seven years since she lost her long, difficult battle with cancer but it feels like yesterday that I last held her hand or heard her voice. She was such a special person and there will never be another like her. She gave me so many special gifts. I recieved the love of family, travel and culture, art, nature, quality, and books from her. I learned what it is to be giving, a good person, and the importance of beauty and laughter. These, among so many more,  she taught me.

I am going to celebrate her life and the fact that my Mom was also my best friend, that our relationship was so close and that I was chosen to be her daughter. An honor that I will never let go ofor take for granted.

The day is also sweet for me because I can celebrate another spectacular gift I have been given, my son. My little Prince is the most incredible miracle I have ever witnessed. Everyday he reminds me of what I truly believe in and he gives me purpose and a reason to be better with every second that ticks by. I felt as though I was born the same day he was.

So, let the celebrations begin! Celebrate those that are with us and those that have left us, the future and the past. After all that is the fiber we are all made of.

~Wishing you all a truly beautiful weekend~

.All images via Flickr.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another Adventure

Image from Sweet as Candy (A huge favorite of mine!)

Bonjour Mes Amis! If you have read my last post you know that I have been bitten by the entrepeneurial bug. I have always dreamed of owning a brick~and~mortar store and now is the time. A lot has changed since that last post that seems like it was ages ago but really it's only been a couple of weeks. We have found a new space and a new name that better fits our passion for this dream we are making a reality!

Source unknown: If it is yours please let me know so I can add a link and tag it properly. It is just too delicious to pass up!

After some new developments, some gorgeous, ornate doors have opened for me. I am partnering up with the amazing Ebony from Mahogany Maddison to open a different kind of boutique experience. I am very excited to say that our opening date has been pushed back just a bit in order to prepare our new space. We are so excited with this adventure. I so appreciate all of the amazing and encouraging comments and if you were planning to attend, please sit tight and I promise, it will be worth the wait.

We are planning so many exciting things and I can't wait to share it all with you! I will keep you posted and I am so grateful for you and excited to take this giant leap with all of you by my side. After all it is because of you that I've been inspired and motivated.
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Saturday, April 10, 2010

My search led me

I just fell in love with this image from {This is Glamorous} One of the most beautiful blogs I have ever laid eyes on and a long time fave!

Bonjour Mes Amis! Profuse apologies for not posting more often! I have been so busy with a very special project. I've been holding back sharing the news but I think now is the time to "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak.
I am so excited to announce that I have teamed up with the incredible Ebony from Mahogany Maddison and Paris Atelier furniture and accessories are going to be featured in her new boutique!

This is a stunning boutique in a French/Shabby Chic style. The brick and mortar shop is located in Historic Downtown Upland in California and it is going to be beautiful! I am so excited. I would love to see you there if you are in the area.

Even more exciting news: We are looking for unique and talented vendors to feature and would love to hear from you amazing bloggers out there. I think some of the most incredible talent is right here in the blogosphere. Please feel free to E~mail me with info, photos, and ideas at

I will keep you posed with news from this fabulous adventure and miss you all so much! I am off to explore what I have been missing in your amazing post over the last few weeks. Merci!!!

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Friday, March 12, 2010

~Spring is in the Air~

Soon to be listed

C'est le printemps!!! Spring is in the air and the Paris Atelier Etsy shop is having a sale! Take a look here

Amazing Tiara Headband ~ Uber Feminine and Glamorous!

Take 10% off  ANYTHING  in the Paris Atelier Shop!

Ultra Luxurious Pink Satin Bedspread with avaliable valance in thick, rich, satin. Brought to you straight from Paris

The sale starts now and ends March 20th. Visit Paris Atelier here.

Silver filagree miniature chair under glass~ Amazing!

Thank you all so much for all of your support, comments, and friendship. You all keep me going even during the hardest times! I adore you!!!
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bardot in Blue

Bonjour!!! I know I just did a post featuring this amazing new blog Bardot in Blue but you have to check out this post on the Alice in Wonderland (one of my favorites) inspired windows in Paris. Be careful, you will fall down a rabbit hole in her blog to a place of wonder, enchantment, and beauty....

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boundless Beauty

Bonjour Mes Amis!

What a whirlwind month it has been and it shows no sign of slowing down soon. I have so many ideas and so many new things I would like to add to the blog and share with you, so many ideas and so little time. 

As I have been gathering my thoughts and visiting your amazing blogs for inspiration and motivation I have run into so many new and amazing sites. I just wanted to share some of them here with you today. Just when I think I couldn't possibly see anymore beauty or new discoveries, I do! Isn't that a wonderful thought? Beauty is never ending and bountiful, it's literally behind every corner.  Enjoy!

I am loving Bardot in Blue this blog is a dream! A decadent site about a girl from California living in Paris. She is truly chic and her style is flawless.

A peek into her apartment will capture your Paris loving heart. Her endless soirees and stunning photography will leave you inspired and ready to sell your belonging and move to Paris! Just gorgeous!!!!

Mahogany Maddison is my new favorite addiction. I am loving this blog! The author Ebony is amazing! She is writing two books, writing two blogs, managing two facebook pages, running a cupcake business and opening a Shabby Chic pop-up shop! Whew, that's a lot of work. Her site is fun, flirty, and fabulous!!! Just be careful if you visit her other blog Mrs. Robinson's Cupcakes you might gain ten pounds looking at her divine confections! Yummy!

Cashon & Co is an amazing blog and website. I love everything about this gorgeous blog. It is inspiring, thought provoking, beautiful, and uplifting. 

I'm obsessed with this post in particular.  I can't wait to read all of the posts I'm behind on. Everytime I log on I always leave with something unexpected and beautiful. She also has a design firm and the website is exquisite.

I'll leave you with these words from her blog. I read this from her sidebar with every visit,

Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

Your job won't take care of you when you are sick; your friends and parents will: stay in touch.

You don't have to win every argument; agree to disagree.

Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

Don't compare your life to others; you have no idea what their journey is all about.

Over prepare, and then go with the flow.

Be eccentric now, don't wait for old age to wear purple.

Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

What other people think of you is none of your business.

Your children only get one childhood.

If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Regina Brett, 90 years old
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Image via

Bonjour Mes Amis! The weather outside is dreary and wet to say the least here in California and across much of the Nation. The perfect opportunity to cuddle up with the Boys and drink some hot cider. I can't wait to run up to the mountains for a snow day! I love this weather.

Image: Source Unknown

Here are some pics of The Eiffel Tower in bad weather. Isn't she grand and beautiful no matter what the weather!?!

Image via Flickr

To all of you in this wet and snowy weather, please stay safe and warm. It's the perfect opportunity to take a leisurely day to cuddle up with the ones you love and enjoy a little rest and enjoy the storm! Best wishes to you all!
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year, A New Resolution

Photo via Alphabetical Life

Bonjour Mes Amis!

I just wanted to say hello to you all and wish you a very happy, healthy, fabulous, New Year!

I anticipate 2010 to be a fantastic year!!!

I resolve to get back to blogging, even if it means lack of sleep. I miss you all and I hope that I can reconnect with my beautiful blogging friends after my petite haitus.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Merci Mandy!

Bonjour Mes Amis!

I have been in a blogging  "rut" as of late and have been needing something or someone to inspire me and bring me back to these moments in front of the computer that preserve my sanity and keep me connected to you~ It is in reading your posts and seeing the incredible talent and creativity you share with us that I too get inspired and refreshed.

Well, I decided to change the look and feel of my site to aid me in this task and could think of no better person to ask for help than Mandy at A la Parisienne ~ Une Ville Romantique Un Style Romantique ~

In keeping with the spirit of gratitude this week I have to extend a huge, resounding, heartfelt, THANK YOU to Mandy. She did an absolutely incredible job with Paris Atelier and brought such lux beauty and grandeur to the blog. I adore it and I hope you do as well. If you are planning a blog or Etsy overhaul, I encourage you to check out the other beautiful sites that Mandy has created and head over to Mandy's Etsy shop here. She is true talent and her creativity astounds me.

I am so lucky that Mandy accepted the challenge of revamping Paris Atelier for me, I'm afraid I was a tough customer. I could not come up with anything, I knew what I wanted but had no clear vision of the final outcome. In other words...I wasn't much help!

Mandy produced the most exquisite and glamorous site I have ever seen and I adore it! It is more than I could have imagined. I love my old banner so much but I needed a change after so long.

Mandy is such an amazing Blogging Friend, she is kind, helpful, honest, and pure. A soul so kind and genuine. I feel lucky to be able to call her a friend. I am so grateful for all of the beauty she has brought into my life.

This is just a taste of the exquisite beauty you will find in Mandy's shop

I hope you love the new blog as much as I do, it is everything I want Paris Atelier to be and more, glamour, sophistication, inspiration, and luxury all wrapped up in a perfect little package by Mandy for me!

Mandy has also started creating the most beautiful accessories for her Etsy shop. The brooches that she has created are breathtaking and decadent. Her blooms are so glamorous and versatile. She uses the finest materials and the quality is evident. Take a look at some of her feminine and gorgeous brooches here.

All Images are from A la Parisienne

Thank you Mandy for all that you have done for me and for your remarkable friendship. Your talent astounds me and your creativity is boundless.

And to you, my friends, I am so grateful for you and the inspiration and friendship we share with each other in this virtual world. It's a beautiful place to escape to, a wonderful place to recharge and get ideas to make my life more beautiful. I am a better mother, wife, friend, and interior decorator because of all of you!!! :) It sounds crazy but it's true!
Thank you and have a beautiful weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to my friends celebrating stateside

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Beyond Excited!!!

Bonjour Friends! I am beyond excited right now! Tomorrow morning I am going to be a vendor at the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market!!! I can't contain myself! It is my first time as a vendor and I have been prepping for quite some time now.

I have gone faithfully to the Rose Bowl for years now but only as a consumer, and now I get to see the other side of it all!!

I would LOVE to get a chance to meet some of you if you will be there tomorrow, come on by!

Photos via Flickr

Of course, I may still find some time to do some shopping of my own ;)
Wish me luck! I will post the pics as soon as I get home!

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Friday, July 10, 2009

A Little Bit of Pretty....

Image via Flickr ~ Juicy Couture chair
Bonjour! I have been a bit MIA lately, so sorry! I have been potty training my little Prince and it has been quite a chore. If you Moms and Dads out there have any advice, I would love to hear :)
Vogue ~ Romeo & Juliet spread

I just needed a little bit of pretty today, so I'm posting some pics I've saved just because they were pretty. Enjoy!

Image via Flickr
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture. It is perfect! I adore the colors.

Via Flickr

Backstage at the Dior fashion show


This is the cutest cupcake I have ever seen! A Cancan dancer and a sweet treat! CUTE! ;)

The above pic is from a fabulous blog A Paris Dasant. Her photos are heavenly!

And, of course a dose of Laduree. I know I feel better now! :) A bit of Paris always has that effect on me! Have a lovely weekend my friends and I'll be back on Monday!

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