Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Thanks! I'm Totally Back

Just learned from a friend that Google updated Page Ranks, so as always, I check my blog to see if there's any improvement with my rank. It's been a year that my blog's rated 0 (zero) and made me feel like I'm less appreciated. I know it's not the case, but I just feel like nobody's reading my articles. I always love to write, since I was a kid. And blogging is the only way for me to rant and to vent out what I feel. It's been so long that I have an article posted on this blog. And I feel sorry about it.

I swear, that from now on, I'll make it a daily habit not to sleep without posting an article. It's good to be back!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Im Back into this Fun World

I missed this a lot. Writing stories, sharing my thoughts and keeping in touch with my blogger friends, i definitely miss blogging. After almost a year of being silent, it's the best time to be refreshed, renewed and do the thing that I love doing the most. Blog, blog, blog!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Looking for Blog Themes

I thought that being a blogger is an easy hobby. I thought it will just need interest, your ideas and your burning passion to start blogging. But I was wrong. It needs technical ideas in order to have a very interesting blog. You need to consider a lot of factors. For instance you have to look for better layouts, better templates and gadgets to include in your blog. Looking for those things is not easy task. It needs a lot of web searching and of course patience not to feel tired and bored about it. If your using wordpress as your domain, a lot of wordpress themes are very much available in the web waiting for you to be searched. Sites offers you a lot of themes that suits your interest, your taste and even your personality. All of these themes are just a click a way. I thought that all of the customized themes are for purchase. But when I searched for free ones, I was not failed. A lot of free wordpress themes are also made available also in order to sustain the needs of the bloggers like me. So there's no reason to stick to your blog's theme if you feel like you never like it. Go search for your bet themes. Remember, it is all about patience and your passion.