Covid-19 and the consequent lock downs here in South Australia made it a funny year, reading wise. I should point out that I really don't use the challenges to push myself so much as monitor what I am reading.
First of all I didn't read as many books as I had expected to. In the nick of time, yesterday I completed my 100th book for the year. I had originally set my sights on 120, and then in November, and as late as early December, I revised my aim down to 95, but read more than I had thought I would, and got to 100. To be honest that is my lowest total for some years. However, I have been keeping these totals since 1975, and since then I have read 4408 books, mostly but not exclusively crime fiction.
Of that 100 books, 56 were by British authors, 28 by Australian authors, 6 by American authors, so you can see where my reading preferences lie.
Over half the books I read were e-books, and one third of them were "new to me" authors. In some cases I went on to read #2 and #3 in a series.
I re-read 11 Agatha Christie titles, mainly Miss Marple and Poirot books. In 2022 I am going to re-read some stand-alone titles.
Non-crime fiction, and translated titles didn't get much of a look in this year.
My local library remains my greatest source of books, either in paperback form or as e-books (Libby).
Recommendations for what to read come mainly from the reading groups that I belong to, so in a sense they are already pre-selected. I only occasionally browse book shelves either in a book shop or at the library.
I will probably use a similar system for "accounting for" what I read in the coming year, but may simplify it a bit. Below is the summary of my reading. You will find the books listed at
- 2021 Good Reads Reading Challenge. I have set my challenge at 95. Currently: 100
- Good Reads A-Z of titles: Currently: 18
- Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Completed in 2014, titles read in 2021: 11
- USA Fiction Challenge So far 29/51, this year: 6
- 2021 Aussie Author Reading Challenge: aiming for 20: currently 28
- 2021 Australian Women Writers Challenge: aiming for 20. Currently 15
- British Books Challenge 2021 currently 56
- 2021 Ebook Reading Challenge currently 55
- New to me authors - a personal challenge currently 33
- Not crime fiction - a personal challenge currently 2
- Nordic reading challenge - a personal challenge, currently 1
- New Zealand reading challenge -again a personal challenge. currently 3
- Translated crime fiction - a personal challenge that will overlap with many of the other reading challenges that I have undertaken. currently 4
- Snagged through the Library currently: 56
- Audio books: currently: 2
- 2021 Historical Reading Challenge. Currently: 12