Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price
Showing posts with label musings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label musings. Show all posts


Can I really craft everyday?

I sure do want to craft everyday.  When I woke up on January 1, 2014 I had big plans to go into my art studio and make a card.  Well I spent the day sitting around, cleaning, chatting with friends on FB.  I am alive, God is great, my needs are met, but today I feel blah.  So by the end of the day I just went into the art studio to grab my travel mixed media kit.  Thanks to the inspiration from Sandee one of my fellow artists on FB; I got in bed and did some 'zen-dangles' before I fell asleep.  

Today I WILL make that card and clean the studio for 15 minutes.  Well if I ever get off of this here computer...then I have to clean the whole house...then I want to go to the gym...oh I think my scrappy friends are taking a road trip to Hobby Lobby in the neighboring state...I better make a few calls. LOL 

see the vicious cycle!!!!!

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Write the vision! Read the vision! Run with the vision! Habakkuk 2:2

Dream Catcher by Tina Riley copyright 1998

I wish you could have been there, that 28th day of August back in '63
What a wonder my ears heard and my eyes did see
I know you think that all we ever did was march and sing
But something was awakened in me by the words of  Dr. King
"I have a dream" is simply what the reverend said
The picture he painted still echoes in my head
He talked about Lincoln and how he worked to set the slaves free
And it holds true today- that many still have not tasted the fruit of liberty
He recited part of America's founding creeds
He invited those mere words to manifest as deeds
What Dr. King did was challenge us all
I felt like I had to do something- I had to answer the call
Now I had felt this way before- every Sunday when I heard my own reverend preach
And I'd leave the service with a burning fire- determined my goal to reach
But before long the flame would fizzle and die
Most times before I could even begin to try

We all are guilty: We say that we are going to get involved
Then on March 1st all the excitement has dissolved

But the battle remains before us and it must be fought
Not necessarily with our fists, but by changing our thoughts
Back then "Non-Violence" was our war cry
But deep inside I know I must be willing to die
If freedom is ever going to ring
We as Christians must begin to live the words that we sing
Perhaps you're wondering "what can I do to change this world I'm in?"
We must stomp out all forms of injustice, hatred and sin
I've even questioned how this could be done
For I am no army- I'm only one
But I've learned that one impregnated with the word of truth
Is all it takes for society's shackles to be loosed
Perhaps I won't even live to see the battle won
But I've decided to spread the good news of God and his only Son
God sent Jesus to set ALL captives free
Not just those who were born with skin like me
There are chains greater than racism that can't even be seen
All I want- is to see those demons of oppression fleeing
The only way to change a nation
Is to offer it God's plan of salvation

We must still work to change rules, regulations, and laws
But political victories won't free the world - so don't be in awe
In order to change the wicked nature of men you must first change his heart
This can only be done if JESUS plays a part

So, what happens now- I mean to the dream
The saints must join together as one unified team
No one is exempt- so do whatever you are able
No excuses- just bring your strengths to the brotherhood table
Whatever you do don't just sit and wait
Pray, fast, study, plan, organize...JUST GO! Before it's to late


Happy Mother's Day

I went to church services all day so I would not be alone-and of course to worship God, but driving home I had to face it...I feel like a motherless child.  I miss my mom always...but ESPECIALLY this time of year.  She would say "..this too shall pass..."  For now I have a heavy heart and my soul is full of tears.  Mom and I will see Jesus together one day. Hallelujah!!!  I will take courage and know that the storm is passing over.

Mom being the funny lady that she was and posing for the camera.

Mom in her classroom.

Happy Mother's Day to all!
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Bottle Babe

Here is a 'no sew' muse that I made as taught in Barb Owens Mining Your Muse class.  I  made this tab head face previously.  I added more hair to complete this muse.  She is made from a recycled bottle, hence the name "Bottle Babe".

Front view

 Close up of necklace and cape.
Close up

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Another Artsy Fartsy Muse

In the Mining Your Muse class when Barb Owen showed the class how to make the first 'Artsy Fartsy Muse' we sewed enough fabric for the body of two muses.  I made another one and she is big just like the first one (LOL).  I guess my muses just want to be gigantic!  This one is a dancer too.

she has a paper flower and beaded noodle face & sponge paint brush arms.

Dance bag and tutu.  I think there is a tiara in her dance bag-just saying (LOL)

prismacolor pencil legs (I had a whole box of fluorescent yellow pencils in my stash)
She may a bit top heavy, but she has PERFECT balance.

This is a fun class, I have learned a lot.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.


A Muse With a Soul

I learned how to make this muse in Barb Owens Mining Your Muse class.  She calls it a muse with a soul.  The variegated yarn hair reminds me of Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmatians (LOL)

cowrie shell and beads

drama faces pendant necklace

beads and cowrie shells dangles

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Dimensional muse head

Here is my version of the tab head muse Barb Owens showed in the Mining Your Muse class last week.  She showed us how to give the face some definition with a few stitches.  I learned some very interesting things.  I am really enjoying this class.

sewn, stuffed and colored face

After adding hair, butterfly and earrings.   My muse was demanding jewelry (LOL)  She is a FASHIONISTA!

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Painted Button Face

I have been watching Barb Owens USTREAM show for a while now.  It is called "Creating Faces", ironically in all these months I have watched Barb make many cool projects, but she never painted a face. (LOL)  In the Mining Your Muse class she taught us how to paint a face onto a fabric covered button.  It looked very involved.  Barb is a great teacher and her guidance made the project fun, and dare I say, easy. (LOL) 

Now being easy did not stop my face from coming out crazy!  I didn't have all the suggested colors of prisma pencils, but being an artist extraordinaire (tee hee hee) I made do with what I had.  I have to stop right here and do a station identification...HALLELUJAH!!!!  Thank you LORD for giving me all the supplies I need for this class.  I have done many crafts over the years and it is amazing what I can find in my stash.  I am most grateful to God and the human vessels He uses to pour into my life.  OK...I can write all day about the goodness of God.  Here is my button face:

Soooooo, uhhhh yeah...I NEED a shading class and lots of practice. (hahaha)

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BIG, big, BiG...did I say big...

Certain members of my family , me included, have been known to have large heads.  My surrogate brother even affectionately calls me "big head."  So when I made this fabric muse she ended up with a big head just like me (LOL).  Another project taught in Barb Owens "Mining Your Muse" class.  This is my version of the 'Artsy Fartsy' Muse that she demonstrated in class last week.

This noodle spiral is twice the size of what the instructor made.  (LOL)

I used burlap for her wild and crazy  hair 

This was my first time doing free motion stitching. Sentiment: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5                                 

The entire muse is made from scraps(except for the felt).  I used a tape measure strap that broke off a bag for her arms.  I mean she is supposed to be artsy fartsy (LOL)

  Here is a close up of her colored staple fingers.

So, there you go!  I am BIG and so is she...ha ha ha  The scripture on her bib reminds me to let my gentle side show sometimes.

I love her, this was a fun project to make.  I am so enjoying the class.

This project was also entered in Word Art Wednesday challenge #51

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.


Lady sings the blues

One year ago today my mother departed this life and made a transition into eternity.  Being exposed to church goers and church lingo, I have always heard it said that we should rejoice when a person dies in Christ.  I truly understand the admonishment and I AM thankful that my mom was saved.  However, today I feel like the lady singin' the blues.  I miss my mom.

Thanks Helen for the lovely birthday card

Have a sweet rest mommy.  We'll meet again.
May 30, 1946-September 29, 2011

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Like mother, like daughter...

Ok these are the grand kids/nieces, but I was mother like daughter.  I must have gotten my love and compassion for children from my mother.  Not to mention a whole bunch of other characteristics and skills.  As a paraprofessional for many years she came alongside of countless special needs children and helped them everyday.  As a village member or neighborhood nanny of sorts I am privileged to do the same thing.  I am glad I was her pupil.  I honor her legacy whenever I pour into another child.  Thanks mom, for being such a good teacher.


Thanksgiving 2010

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Like Buttah Baby!

You know how you take a million pictures with the intention on scraping them?  No?  Just one else has that issue.  Oh well (LOL).  Well, back in the summer I went to see Paula Deen at the state fair.  It was a spectacular experience.  Even though I attempt to make healthier eating choices, I most identify with her southern style cooking.  Most of my family is from the south and gosh darnnit we love through food (LOL)

Paula talked with the audience the whole time while Michael (her husband) and the sous chef did all the cooking.  It was great.  I still plan to scrap the many photos that I took.  Really, now stop nagging me, I said I was going to do it! (LOL).

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon


If I could have used duct tape...

...I would have. (LOL) I am getting ready to make my holiday batch of Chai Tea.  I grind all the ingredients up in my Magic Bullet.  Wouldn't you know it...the magic bullet broke.  What ever shall I do...I have requests to fill...folks are expecting Teen Teen's chai tea.  

As it turns out many folks have had the plastic gear on the base of the Magic Bullet to break.  There were so many negative comments about the company online.  Well, my machine was a gift and I have had no problems before. Like a typical crafter, I tried to glue the broken piece back together.

Yeah, uhhh...that didn't work.

I went online again and found a fix for the problem, because folks were commenting that there was so much red tape to get replacement parts from the manufacturer and that the parts were expensive.  I was so frustrated when I trying to get the darn thing unscrewed.  I was determined to fix it!  I solicited help from my girlfriend " hold this nut while I screw.."  The thing wouldn't budge.  After two days of trying, I trekked out to the shed in the cold, uphill both ways, barefoot...oh that's is the wrong story...LOL.  I found some WD-40. 
Viola!  It worked. 

I guess I should mention that the directions online said to turn the screw counterclockwise....NOT!!!  The screw needed to be turned clockwise while holding the nut in place.  I was following the directions at first, but then that summer of engineering school physics class kicked  in (Thanks Mr. Pomeroy) and I figured out which way everything had to go.  By then I had tightened the screw even tighter.  At any rate...I have a fixed Magic Bullet and now I can hopefully make lots of tea. 

This better be the best tea ever!

 Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.

Feeling the blues today

This picture doesn't begin to capture all the cards I received after my mother's sudden death.  I stopped counting at 150 I placed all the cards on my long coffee table.  It was very comforting to walk pass the living room and see all the expressions of sympathy and support.  Some of the cards were from online friends who I have never met before.  Today I took them all down and wrote thank you cards for each one. 

I wish there was a guidebook for grief (LOL)  My weepy, crying moments come at the weirdest times.  Like when I am in the shower at the YMCA.  If I am not careful I will end up with a shower stall full of naked praying women (LOL)  Well I think I am babbling...Those who know the LORD please pray for my strength.  Thank you for all the support.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.


Carpe Diem!

For two days now I have spent the day buried in my office with my face in my computer. How in the world did that happen? I woke up this morning with great plans. O.k. so yesterday, I did manage to wash my hair and do a teeny little bit of housework. And, oh yeah...I fixed my leaky toilet, but for the most part that is all I accomplished outside of my office. So today was supposed to be different. I was going to get so much done today. Ahhhh, one can always dream. It is afternoon already and where am I? Still in my office. While I am thankful for this space and that I get to work from home...this room is starting to feel like a dungeon. So I am busting out of here and going to play in my craftroom. Just like when we vacation or travel, I am putting 9-5, pencil pushing type work on the shelf and going to create. I am trying to rediscover the happy and relaxed person that crafted this z fold, envelope, mini travel album. Whatever you do today remember to feed your spirit by doing what you love. Sieze the day: Carpe diem!
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