Showing posts with label portfolio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portfolio. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journalism Portfolio

Today I was having one of those mom days where I felt a little left in the dust. Right now at this point in my life, my career is being a mom. I am completely content with this decision on most days, but it seems lately many of my friends are going back to school, getting or finishing their degrees and finding fulfillment in a new career.

After just recently working over time to finish my daughter's school yearbook, I honestly don't know how working moms do it. I have been a total zombie all week trying to catch up on housework, take care of the kids, run errands and fix meals.

At any rate, back to my I was feeling a tad inadequate and went down to the basement to try and locate my design portfolio in hopes that seeing what I used to do would somehow make me feel better. Well, I didn't find the design portfolio, but I did find my journalism portfolio. Here is a page I did of my most memorable interview ever...with Heather Locklear!

Holy Eyebrows Batman!...clearly I hadn't yet discovered eyebrow waxing yet. LOL!!! So here's the scoop...Heather Locklear, Timothy Busfield, Chloris Leachman and Micheal Beck were in town filming a made for TV movie called "Fade to Black" (this was before her Melrose Place days). I piped up and volunteered myself to interview for this a journalism major this was about as exciting an opportunity as I would get, so I jumped at the chance. Heather was "nice" or should I say polite. She didn't want to be photographed really, but then agreed to let our photographer photograph her from a distance. Fortunately, I was friends with the photographer who used her zoom and got a tight shot anyway!!! I could tell by her non verbals that Heather Locklear wanted the interview to be short and sweet, so I tried to accommodate.

Later that same afternoon, my editor got to interview Timothy Busfield (from "Revenge of the Nerds" and "30-Somthing") and I got to sit in on the interview. Unlike Heather Locklear, Timothy Busfield was so cool and extremely friendly. He sat down with us and just kind of hung out for a while. It was a fun day for sure.

These layouts are pretty basic and just contain clips from the articles I wrote.