Is it possible that I was subliminally predisposed to love Shake Shack as much as I do since WELL before I lived in NYC... or Shake Shack even existed? Yes.
If you haven't figured out from reading this blog that I love Shake Shack, then catch up!
How could I love something so new to the world, so much? - Other than the fact that it's delicious of course... Maybe it's because I've been receiving subliminal messages to love it since watching and reenacting THIS favorite scene from Grease OVER AND OVER AND OVER again since I was a kid. I was always Sandy, Whit-Hog always my Danny Zuko, and she would catch me around her waist as I jumped from the top kitchen step to the ground floor (dont worry, there were only a few steps, my house was a tri-level) and we'd bounce around singing "You're the one that I want!" I was watching this movie recently and suddenly the background stood out to me unlike it ever had before..... SHAKE SHACK!!!
What a perfectly good waste of your time this post has been.
You're the one that I want!
You're the one that I want!
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