I love rhyming in the new year!
My favorite past rhyme was "2009, feelin' fine!"
Also there's, "Lookin' great, 2008!"
And this year, "Delve into the '12!"
Considering how much I love rhyming in the new year, I'm not really a fan of New Year's Eve. That is something you may or may not have known about me before, but now you do for sure. I've even been quoted to "hate it." But I don't think I do. I think I'm just a little bitter because it's never lived up to the explosive NYE of my dreams... where I look flawless and sparkly... and my friends and I never stop laughing OR dancing long enough to even speak to one another... then there's the countdown and both one year ends and another begins with a big BANG! AKA a good kiss. And the world stops spinning and the clock stops ticking and some handsome, tall, man is twirling me around and around... and somehow there's glitter falling from the ceiling... but I digress.
Also, not such a big fan of new years resolutions. Last year, I unofficially made journaling my new year's resolution and did a pretty good job keeping up with it (via this blog) and I have to say, I never thought I would have so much fun with it. I'm not only glad to have found a new hobby that I enjoy, but it feels really good to have finally stuck to a goal of some sort and seen it through. I've decided that new years resolutions aren't so bad so long as I choose achievable things that I will be excited to keep for a lifetime, not just that year.
at the start of this year, my new life goals are:
To keep my nails continuously polished/and or presentable.
To say, aloud, everyday, at least one thing I'm grateful for.
To pick up for at least 15min before bed each night.
To treat myself (emotionally) as well as I'd treat any one of my best friends in any given situation.
To make my bed every morning.
To treat my body well (it's been rather good to me, I oughta return the favor).
To pray more throughout my day.
This year however, much like the 2007/2008 holiday that I spent with some of my oldest friends Jared and Taj (more on that some other time - it was epic), I had a good one. I brought in the new year with some of the best girls on the planet. My Bri was in town and we counted down the clock with Diddz and Yelz at a private party at a bar in the west village called Galway Hooker. Afterwards, we made a mad dash to a diner in Hell's Kitchen to meet up with the Bug and other Time Square attendees before stumbling home tired and exhausted at 3AM.
The best part?
Waking up past noon the next day beside Bri, finally meeting Yelz & Diddz for brunch around 3:30PM, and then watching Love Actually with B, in my undies, as promised.
If the first day of the new year is any indication as to what that year has to offer, sounds like I'm getting off on the right foot!
I am a VERY lucky girl with a million and one things to be thankful for, but 2011, you were a little tricky on the emotions.
2012, please be good to me!