Sunday, January 29, 2012

A real life conversation with Diddz & Yelz

And then there are those times when your besties compare you to a totally dreamy, hot, funny, romantic, but incredibly MALE... GUY!

A real life conversation with Diddz & Yelz
(while watching the Notebook - not that that's what we single girls do on a Saturday night):

Diddz: Kare, you know, I've thought it before, but you kinda look like Ryan Gosling.
Yelz: (Looks at Me. Then at the TV. Then back at me. Then slowly starts an open-mouth grin) Ooh myyy godddd.
Yelz: This movie will never be the same.
-Enter never ending laughter-

Diddz: You were both born into Morm families, y'all have the same nose, y'all even have the same coloring...
What I somehow heard instead of coloring: Y'all even have the same nickname (his last name being a form of BIRD)!
- Even more laughter -

Ruined: The movie, my self-esteem, and my affection for the dreamy, albeit MALE, Ryan Gosling.
Not a compliment, but I must say it makes even me laugh.

So I put together this little collage to make the girls laugh and RUIN their fantasies of RG.

Luckily the few crushes I do have, don't read or even know about this blog otherwise this post would blow my chances completely. Not that they were that high to begin with.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You're the one that I want!

Turns out, I've been Shake Shackin' since 1992.

Is it possible that I was subliminally predisposed to love Shake Shack as much as I do since WELL before I lived in NYC... or Shake Shack even existed? Yes.

If you haven't figured out from reading this blog that I love Shake Shack, then catch up!

How could I love something so new to the world, so much? - Other than the fact that it's delicious of course... Maybe it's because I've been receiving subliminal messages to love it since watching and reenacting THIS favorite scene from Grease OVER AND OVER AND OVER again since I was a kid. I was always Sandy, Whit-Hog always my Danny Zuko, and she would catch me around her waist as I jumped from the top kitchen step to the ground floor (dont worry, there were only a few steps, my house was a tri-level) and we'd bounce around singing "You're the one that I want!" I was watching this movie recently and suddenly the background stood out to me unlike it ever had before..... SHAKE SHACK!!!

What a perfectly good waste of your time this post has been.
You're the one that I want!

The in-betweens...

In between all the things I've been blogging about recently, these fun things happened...
I call them the in-betweens.

Kent, Connor, Ashly and I had dinner (and a subway photo shoot) in BK.

Diddz and I went stress shopping.

I got terribly sick. Food poisoning, I'm convinced. (The not-fun in-between thing)

We had a snow day.

And Lu and I had a formal snow day dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup to celebrate.
We wore our PJ's and watched Bridesmaids.
(That's right. We drink water out of wine glasses. Big whoop.)

Nanny learned to face time. Mom and Dad learned to face time.

Diddz, Yelz, and I had a secret photo shoot that's soon to be revealed.

I got a hair cut and started trying to wear it parted down the center. To which Diddz immediately protested and started making fun of me.

I finally wore my vintage Nicole Miller polkadot number. In the snow, hence the wellies. And I wore it with my crocheted tights because I like them and wanted to. And because... well... I'm an old lady.

You may see 'The in-betweens...' frequent this blog since I like listing ordain life events in pictures and boring readers with unimportant details.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

There's no place like home...

This past weekend I took the chinatown bus home for Bryce's cd release party. You know I love and support him and his music when I take the Chinatown bus for the debut! I don't even take it for mothers' day! The plan was to catch the bus in midtown at penn station directly after work on Friday and take the first one leaving Richmond at 7:30am on Sunday.
After getting home at midnight on Friday night, 7:30am on Sunday came WAY too quickly, but going home was the best decision I ever made and the tortuous travel was WELL worth it!
Here's what a perfect Saturday in Richmond, Va looks like to me...
It starts with a morning dip in the hot tub with Kerny while giving Bryce's album the run-thru to get us in the mood for the party later that night. Meanwhile dad stays busy smokin' some brisket on his new smoker/grill. His new catch phrase is, "We're smokin' boy!!!" And he says it every time he comes in the house from fiddling with it. A few cousins/neighbors stop by to taste test the brisket and mom and I make a quick shopping trip to goodwill. Then we party.
A successful 24hrs if you ask me.
I hadn't even been aware that Capitol Ale House had a music venue, but can I just say that it was the perfect place for Bryce's show?! It was big, but intimate and cozy at the same time. The house was PACKED with fellow Bryce enthusiasts - which really works out in my favor because chances are if you too love Bryce, then you're one of my loves! So I got to see loads of my closest friends and family. Some people I hadn't seen in years and some I had just seen while home for the holidays. But I was more than happy to see them again! What a big love fest!

 Also, I love these pics
(courtesy of Kevin Heraldo).
Manager/Talent meeting.

And my Toy was there...

Once you move away from Richmond, you realize just how rare it is for childhood friends to stay so tight knit throughout adulthood. New found friends find it mind-boggling, but it's the thing I cherish most about my hometown. Dorothy said it best. There really is no place like it.

Still have not gotten Bryce's album? Do yourself a favor and just buy it!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bri Bizzle

 Sadly, y'all bloggees don't have the privilege of knowing my Bri Bizzle very well yet being as she up and left me and this great city a little over a year ago (worst decision she ever made) - just before I started this blog. I also call her Biddy or Biddz so it gets very confusing... Ya know, with there already being a Diddz and all.
If you want a clue as to what Briana is like, just tune into Fox's "New Girl" on Tuesday nights. She looks and acts a lot like Zooey Deschanel's character, Jess.
So Bri came to visit! I love this girl so much! We're night and day, peas and carrots, nothing alike, but it works for us! She loves trendy concerts and eating out and I love Broadway shows and ordering in. If a spider was hanging from the ceiling, I'd scream and dodge it while Bri would laugh and get closer. That being said, we get each others senses of humor, laugh at the same silly things (except spiders), and love people with the same gusto. We balance each other out.
We met over a cup of gelato on a fateful night out, when I'd first moved to New York back in 2007, and discovered we were neighbors. We started nightly walks up and down Madison Ave and bonded over our love/hate relationship for the Twilight series, spending days in bed passing the books back and forth, and discovered a shared affinity for a good dance party in your pjs (and heels no doubt).

Biddz now lives in Salt Lake City and came out east to be with family for the holidays and lucky me, we got to spend NYE together! 

We lunched with our girl June Bug...

and got a little TOO eager to jump into our chocolate eclair soft serve sandwiches from Chikalicious. Yes, they're as delicious as they sound!

We spent 5 straight days searching for the perfect red lipsticks and practically made Sephora our second home. If you're wondering, we're both Nars girls. Her color is Cruella and mine is Red Lizard.

We ate at our beloved shake shack where someone confused me for Taylor Swift (Whaaa?! I'm sorry. But WHAAA?!) and said they were thinking of asking me to sing. Just for the record, I would've nailed it, but I'm not so sure that's something to be proud of.

Anyway, so that wraps up this week's episode of "New Girl." "New Girl 2: Red Lips in the City," starring Zooey Deschanel, brought to you by Sephora, with special guest T-Swift. Thanks for tuning in.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Let It Go

(Photo taken from Bryce's Facebook page. Stalker status.)
It's official! Brilliantly talented musician, and hometown bestie, Bryce McCormick, released an album.
If you're smart and you know what's good for you, you'll buy it on iTunes here. Or amazon, here

I bought it at midnight last night (today was the official release date) and listened to it on repeat til I fell asleep. It makes me so happy to hear his voice coming from my ipod/laptop, and gives me the warm fuzzies when he sings about Falling Creek and my old childhood neighborhood.

And guess what I listened to on my way to work this morning? That's right! Made for a lovely commute and a GREAT start to my day! 

Also, he made a music video!

So, if you're in Richmond, Va this weekend and want some crazy good live entertainment, come out to 
Capitol Ale House on Saturday night, Jan 14th, at 8:30PM! 
21 & Up... And it's FREE!
If you're in Richmond and just want to see me while I'm home, still come. Because it's the only day I'm there and the only chance you'll get.

I am seriously loving this album already and am SO proud of Bryce and all that he has in store! 

Funny side note - B had asked my dad to serve as his manager of sorts and help in getting him some press and that sort of stuff... Dad is honored, but was a little nervous (mostly excited nervous) to be in uncharted territory... however, his first attempt was a success! Here he is the day after Christmas headed to pitch B's story to the Chesterfield Observer. 

See you Saturday Richmond!

Delve into 2012!

I love rhyming in the new year!
My favorite past rhyme was "2009, feelin' fine!" 
Also there's, "Lookin' great, 2008!"
And this year, "Delve into the '12!"

Considering how much I love rhyming in the new year, I'm not really a fan of New Year's Eve. That is something you may or may not have known about me before, but now you do for sure. I've even been quoted to "hate it." But I don't think I do. I think I'm just a little bitter because it's never lived up to the explosive NYE of my dreams... where I look flawless and sparkly... and my friends and I never stop laughing OR dancing long enough to even speak to one another... then there's the countdown and both one year ends and another begins with a big BANG! AKA a good kiss. And the world stops spinning and the clock stops ticking and some handsome, tall, man is twirling me around and around... and somehow there's glitter falling from the ceiling... but I digress.

Also, not such a big fan of new years resolutions. Last year, I unofficially made journaling my new year's resolution and did a pretty good job keeping up with it (via this blog) and I have to say, I never thought I would have so much fun with it. I'm not only glad to have found a new hobby that I enjoy, but it feels really good to have finally stuck to a goal of some sort and seen it through. I've decided that new years resolutions aren't so bad so long as I choose achievable things that I will be excited to keep for a lifetime, not just that year.

at the start of this year, my new life goals are:
To keep my nails continuously polished/and or presentable.
To say, aloud, everyday, at least one thing I'm grateful for.
To pick up for at least 15min before bed each night.
To treat myself (emotionally) as well as I'd treat any one of my best friends in any given situation.
To make my bed every morning.
To treat my body well (it's been rather good to me, I oughta return the favor).
To pray more throughout my day.

This year however, much like the 2007/2008 holiday that I spent with some of my oldest friends Jared and Taj (more on that some other time - it was epic), I had a good one. I brought in the new year with some of the best girls on the planet. My Bri was in town and we counted down the clock with Diddz and Yelz at a private party at a bar in the west village called Galway Hooker. Afterwards, we made a mad dash to a diner in Hell's Kitchen to meet up with the Bug and other Time Square attendees before stumbling home tired and exhausted at 3AM.

The best part?
Waking up past noon the next day beside Bri, finally meeting Yelz & Diddz for brunch around 3:30PM, and then watching Love Actually with B, in my undies, as promised.

If the first day of the new year is any indication as to what that year has to offer, sounds like I'm getting off on the right foot!

I am a VERY lucky girl with a million and one things to be thankful for, but 2011, you were a little tricky on the emotions.
2012, please be good to me!
