
Showing posts with label mad tea party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mad tea party. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Halloween Tale ~ with a Treat!

Dreaming in our little beds...
A crow's call "Caw, caw" in our heads...
We wake with a start, aroused from slumber,
get out of bed and nearly stumble....
The ground all around is littered with bones, the distance, there are creaks and moans...
A chill runs through us, we're not at home...
We are in a garden where only tombstones grow.
Each skull seemingly peering...
into our very souls...
And inside the tombs is an eerie glow...
We hurry swiftly, quickly trying to find
a place to hide til this nightmare subsides...
Up ahead, there is a light.
A lantern on the porch of a crickety old shack
beckons us to approach...
Though a tingle says stay back.
A lump forms in your throat...
Better to go...
Then wait for him to attack!
The door opens without effort...
We peek cautiously inside...
One wall is ablaze with flickering candlelight.
A piano before us
looks like it never plays...
A broom leaned on its side...
Books and photos displayed.
A black cat sits upon the floor
near a chair and a cauldron
we swear wasn't bubbling before...
...and on a tray near the brew
are jars filled with a slew
of ingredients most bizarre,
Items like decay and spider eggs...and things grosser, by far...
Another room down the hall
to the the right
Holds even more peculiar sights...
Jewelry and candles..
pictures of a beau?
Edgar Allen Poe!
A hat stand for a Crone's cone...
And are those eyes we spy
in that ornate jar?
Plucked fresh, the tag describes
when beauty was ripe within these eyes...
....and hanging on the door
Witch's tights!
Have we found her boo-doir?
What could be next,
we wonder as we step
into the livingroom we go to inspect...
The fireplace mantle is shrouded and dressed...
...and someone is trying to escape the chest...
A boneyard atrium with a warning to beware..
we dare not let out spirits locked in there...
The table is hospitably set...
with tea and chocolates just waiting for guests.
Wait! Is that an insect?!
We find ourselves relaxing
even if just a bit...
...and I giggle to myself
as I tell you my secret.

I'm the one who brought you here,
My Dear,
to have tea with me!

Every year
Near Halloween
I prepare for company.

I empty out my pantry shelf
I cast a make a switch.
I close my eyes and make a wish....
And transform to my Witchy self!
Thank you so for joining me...and to the Lovely Vanessa Valencia for hosting this chance at spooky mayhem and revelry!!
Don't leave just yet, I have a Treat,
That one of you soon may receive...

Please leave a comment down below
and a way to reach you in case I don't know.
A guest will be chosen on October 29th
...and this crow will find a new place to reside :)

Okay, ryhming's over...phew!
Does anyone remember where I left my broom?


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mad Sea Party and Giveaway!

 Oh Alice....
Hurry along now child,
you're very late already.
Ocean currents make it much too hard
to keep the teacups steady!
Your place was almost taken
by a sneaky moray eel,
willing to venture from his hole
to find a savory meal.
So please take a seat.
They've nearly begun!
Stop splashing, keep still
and put your octopus on....
There now, isn't that comfy?
We saved this fellow for you.
He makes wondrous treats
and the tea's his special brew!
You need not lift a finger
he'll attend your every need.
And, I see that he likes you....

....he's included extra seaweed!

Welcome Fellow Tea Party Revelers!
I hope this bit of silliness brought a smile to your face.....
Please be sure to visit Joyce's Blog for more Alice in Underwaterland fun.....(a project we are working on together :D)

I had so much fun painting this piece and bringing to life such a strange scene....
If someone told me I'd actually want to create a painting of a girl with an octopus on her head serving tea...I would have told them they were mad...heeheeeheeehee!!!!
....And now, so am I!
I fear it is catching....but, if you have found yourself this far down in the post.....chances are you have already contracted this insanity already.....
Feels good doesn't it?!  Hahaheeheeehoho!!!
When my little girl saw the painting....she immediately broke out into giggles...and promptly spread them everywhere.  From her enthusiasm, an Undersea Tea Party was born :o)

We invited Jellyfish....
...and Mermaids....
....and surrounded ourselves with ocean these wave-y cookies :)
....Mermaid treasure...
...and booty...literally....haha!
We planned on Sea Cucumber and Cream Cheese sandwiches, but were most unfortunate to be out of cream cheese....
So we had Tuna instead...haha!
Ssshhhh...don't scare these little guys away before we get our mouths on them :)
It all came together swimmingly!
I'm sending huge hugs out to the wonderful Vanessa Valencia of A Fanciful Twist for hosting another year of teacups and mayhem! 

Hugs to you, as well, for coming to my party! 
To show you how much I adored your company, I'm offering a token of appreciation to one Party Guest.  I wish I could give a favor to all of you, but, alas....tis not possible :(
This Sea Glass Hair Ornament in the color of Black Tea and swirled in copper will, I hope, remind you of our time together.....
...and perhaps Octopus Hats, too...heehee ;-P
So, please leave a comment here along with any contact info you think necessary...and I will draw a winner next Friday, July 1st!
Hope to "sea" you very soon,
Cameron....still a bit giddy...tee hee! 

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Little Girl in the Garden - and GIVEAWAY! **(Extended)**

Somewhere not far from here.....on a moonlit night in a little bed....

A little girl sleeps soundly in a quiet house.....

A peaceful sleep....while dreams of childhood games fill her mind....

...of dancing in the wind and spinning and swirling about....

....of laughter and of butterflies in her hair....

Dizzy from twirling, she spies a pretty green door....

....with a mysterious invitation to "Join us in the Garden"....who is this "us" she wonders to herself....

She finds her way to the little Garden and a table waiting for its guests....

....bedecked with pretty plates....

...fancy food and sweets to delight and savor...

...and tea ready to be poured....

"Welcome to your Dream," says a strange Lady in a large, feathery hat, "share a cup of happiness with Rabbit and myself." 

"This is MY dream?" asks the little girl unaware that she was all the while, comfortable in her bed.... "Of course" answers the Lady, "What will you do first?"
The little girl licks her lips at the sight of the goodies before her....

.....but before settling into her seat....she gives a long and deliberate blink.....she is out of her fancy dress...the butterflies alight to new perches...and she sits, ready to a most sensible change of clothes.
...."I'll start with that cup, please...and pass the sugar...I like sugar!"

..."As you wish, Sweetness....and a dash of cream to make your happiness richer!"

"I'll not have such long sleeves and poofy layers slowing me from devouring these yummy sweets...even if they are only Dream Things!" she smiles.

The Lady laughs out loud with approval...

...the candles glow....
....the fairies...

..and other friendly folk are present....

....the tea is sipped....

....the sweets, indeed, are devoured, as evidenced by the face of the little girl :)

"What a delightful dream," she utters full with cakes and berries and lots of happy thoughts.
"Yes, thank you for coming," the Lady replies wistfully. "Now it's time to send you back."
The Lady approaches the little girl with outstretched arms and envelops her in a warm, cinnamon-scented embrace....because the girl's shirt told her to....
...and away she went back to her cozy bed, in the glow of the moonlight, in the quiet house....
But, if one looks carefully, I'm sure a bit of cake crumb can be spotted on her content, little face :o)

So glad to have you in our Dreams and Realities!  It is always a treat to have guests!
As a special thank you for your visit and support, I'd like to give each of you a chance to win a pair of earrings made by me :)

The are sterling plated chandeliers with an antiqued finish....sparkling and pretty in party colors of garnet, teal and clementine gold.  Fresh water pearls add lustre, as well.

To enter the drawing please leave a comment after this post with email information AND you must be a follower of this blog (please tell me you are in your comment).  A winner will be chosen Monday, June 28th and notified then! 

Wishing you all a wonderful Tea Hopping Saturday....until the next dream....

P.S. Thank you, Vanessa, for hosting this incredibly Mad Event!!!

***EDITED 6/27***  I have decided to extend the deadline of the Giveaway to Wednesday, June 30th!
This being my 1st year participating in this wonderfully Mad Tea Party, I didn't realize just how many parties there would be and how long it would take to visit as many as possible :)

In the interest of allowing more time for guests to arrive, I will choose a winner and post Thurs, July 1st.  Thank you to those who have entered so sorry for any confusion!  

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