
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hello Blog Friends!

I'm breezing in today on the winds of change... more Artfire Store!  Don't worry if you didn't notice its departure from my one did....haha!  I just decided that 1 store is enough.....and chose Etsy instead :)

On that note....just a quick reminder that the last day of my Jewelry Sale is tomorrow...y'know...just in case you were waiting to stock up or something...haha!

The biggest thing going on around here right now is preparations for a month long camping trip!
I don't mean RV camping Hubby's a purist (and a little conservative in the money department...heehee) so it's tent camping for the 3 of us.  Up the coast to Northern Oregon and back down again.  We did a shorter trip last can see the highlights here :)

We leave next week!  I'm going to miss you guys like crazy!!!!

....but back to the changes.....
The most drastic change that happened today was Summer haircuts for us girls...

Maggie is growing out her bangs, so we didn't want to go too short...

But, the back often got tangly and always needed to be put up for Karate class because her neck gets so sweaty....
Now, it's cool and stylish :)

As for me, the long hair I wanted "because it was easier"...started to wear out its welcome.  I love how long hair has versatility to put up or down, braid or curl.....but, all I ever did was put it in a ponytail and go. 

...and can you see all that gray?!  I thought having long hair made me look younger.  Kinda hard to pull off when you let your roots grow out that much cuz having that much hair makes it a pain to color!

So...snippety snip...and....


I'll leave this one at Medium size...haha!
I'm loving it!  I can't stop fluffing it in the back...and feeling so cute in the process :D

Other changes include a room makeover project which I'm very excited about...but will have to revealed later....sorry, I can't wait to show you, though!

I'll be back on Friday with the results of the Mad Sea Party Giveaway.  Micki mentioned on her blog that I always select my winners in such interesting ways....that said, the pressure's on to make sure I don't dissappoint...haha!  I'll see what I can do ;-P

I'll be back sooner than soon.....with hair not in a ponytail!

Many hugs and more smiles,
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