Saturday, March 29, 2008

Home Improvement

Awesome Goggles, DUDE~!!!

Nathan spent some time today replacing all of the toilet seats in our 3 bathrooms and replacing the faucets in the kids bathroom and the master bathroom. He enlisted the help of Dayton. Ever since Dayton was little he has enjoyed helping Nathan with home repairs. As a toddler he would crawl under the sink with Nate and just sit there holding some important tool. Mackenzie, not wanting to be excluded, helped out. At one point she and Dayt0n were under the sink and Dayton was instructing her in the proper way to attach the new faucet to the water line. Nathan has A LOT of patience when it comes to teaching and he makes it enjoyable for the kids... Maybe we could hire them out for extra money :-) ... Just Kidding.

Dayton is just about 2 in both of these pictures. He was such a cute baby. (still is cute, too)

1 comment:

Lyndee said...

That is the cutest. My favorite is the picture's when Dayton was little. So cute.