I hung out at Firedoglake for the first Obama/McCain debate.
And boy, were folks there disappointed.
Over and over and over again, people were upset that Obama did not attack.
And what really drove them crazy was when Obama agreed with McCain.
I'm not entirely sure it was the right strategy for O' to be so deferential, but I think we've got to remember two things here.
First, this is where Obama was most politically vulnerable, especially on the guns and bombs and troops stuff, so clearly a decision was made to tread carefully from the get go.
Second, we were in Jackie Robinson territory here.
And clearly, just like when Mr. Robinson first came south from Montreal (Vive Les Royals!) to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers, Mr Obama had to be very careful not to alienate and lose the cracker vote right out of the box in the very first debate.
And in Mr. Robinson's case, he ultimately won those folks over not just with his skillful play but also by following general manager Branch Rickey's advice to turn the other cheek.
Which is what I think Obama was doing this evening.
But here's the thing.....
There came a time when the Dodger's Rickey turned Robinson loose.
I just hope the O' team Braintrust does the same with Obama soon.
For all those folks who have come over from FDL due to my streetwalkin' (for which I apologize, but this thing was a lightbulb moment for me that I thought explained a lot about last night's debate).......here's a little clip of Red Barber talking about what he thought really made Mr. Robinson great that was completely separate from all the hits and stolen bases (and please do not misunderstand me, despite the title of this post, I too truly believe that the greatness was Robinson's; Rickey merely did the right thing)
OK - and for the flip side.....the artist formerly known as SA23 gives you all kinds of musical reasons to pick O' over Mr. McCain......my favaorite is 'Baraaaawwwkkkk Lobster!' (the whole thing is good, but the music starts at ~ 3:10).
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