Showing posts with label upcycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upcycling. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


I've been trawling the charity shops like I always do and found a cheery scarf whose colours evoke for me boiled sweets by the seaside...[bad for the teeth but hey, we were young, we knew no better...] It had to be bought, and so it was.

It duly got shredded (well, cut into long strips). And the strips stitched together. A large crochet hook was located deep in the bottom of stitching craft paraphanelia box no.59 [third from the right, second shelf down].

Google was fired up and my almost annual search for how to perform those basic crochet stitches unleashed.

I was beginning to wonder whether I'd have enough of the strippaged yarn to make anything useful (cos, y'know, it's all about usefulness round here ;-) ) when, lo and behold, deep in to-be-upcycled-sometime-this-century stash box no. 33 [extreme left, bottom shelf] what did I find but another candy-striped scarf bought in a different charity shop sometime last year and utterly neglected, nay erased from the memory banks entirely.

A silver lining in the cloud of the hideous forgetfullness that forms the very core of my being these days.

Still not sure what it might end up being, but I do love it...

Sunday, 29 June 2008

just what do you do when the kids grow out of their clothes?...

there are the obvious options, to pass on to friends or family or send off to the charity shop...the brave few might even ebay them...but you know those little bits of clothing that have a special resonance...the ones that you absolutely adored on them...or that remind you of a special occasion,...or were given by a special someone...what do you do with those? I just can't bear to let them go...I'm pretty good at moving things on and looking forward rather than back...but some things I just can't say goodbye to...

they've been hiding away in a special box until recently...when I took them out, gave them a freshen-up wash and did this...

trousers Ms Reva wore to Florence aged 3 months (and a felted cashmere sweater of her dad's - the moths got it so it had to be...) the back has the smock you see below...

from my favourite smock of Ms Reva's, back when the girl would still wear anything floral ...before she moved on to robots and spacepeople and living in t-shirts...

from the dress Ms Bester wore to the Venice Biennale aged 2 months...and a pretty vintage button

now I just need to score me a billion pins...

what do you do with those special somethings?