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Dmitry Yudo aka Overlord, jack of all trades
David Lister aka Listy, Freelancer and Volunteer
Showing posts with label wot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wot. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

[WoT] Ensuring Fairplay

Hi again! 0.9.3 update for World of Tanks is now live.

Your feedback on the new things is welcome. Especially interested in the following this time:

A new automated system to ensure fair play

With this update we will be introducing a new feature to deal with unsportsmanlike behavior, such as:

  • Frequent AFKing 
  • Leaving the battle

Friday, August 8, 2014

[ALL] Teamkill or Not Teamkill

Writing this mostly referring to World of Tanks Blitz (well, to WoT PC/Xbox to some extent). 

Do you think teamkilling is a major issue in WoT-games? Does teamdamage in general a vital part of gameplay and atmosphere for you? 

For Blitz we are considering the idea of taking away shell-based team damage keeping ramming damage in place. If adopted, this will basically make obsolete the following things:
  • teamkilling complaints 
  • automated TK penalty system
  • credits compensation mechanics for being teamkilled
What do you think?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

[WoTB] World of Tanks Blitz is Live!

After almost 2-year hard work World of Tanks Blitz is finally live for iPhones and iPads. Worldwide. Start checking your AppStore. And giving feedback on the game.

Release video 

Friday, May 23, 2014

[WoT] Public Test of 0.9.1

Give your feedback on the 0.9.1 update that is being publicly tested these days.

Main things to pay attention to:

1. Performance and stability
2. New Map: Kharkiv
3. Marks of Excellence on barrels
4. Reworked matchmaking for light tanks tier IV-VII. Rebalanced MT-25 and VK 28.01
5. Increased visibility for TDs after firing
6. Two new Historical Battles added: Bryansk Front (USSR, 1942) and Siege of Tobruk (North Africa, 1942).

Thursday, April 17, 2014

[WoT] First-hand Feedback on WoT 0.9.0

The latest major update 0.9.0 (New Frontiers - yay! major updates now have names) for World of Tanks is now live for EU and NA servers. What are your first impressions?

  1. FPS and general performance
  2. Graphics improvements
  3. Turrets!
  4. New HD models for some tanks
  5. Historical Battles mode
  6. Reworked maps (Severogorsk, Pearl River, Malinovka, and Serene Coast)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

[WoT] 2014 Game Modes

Check out the new WoT dev diary video
  • New things to do for clans apart from CWs - Fortifications mode
  • Long-awaited Historical battles
  • Garage battles

Monday, March 24, 2014

[WoT] WoT 0.9.0 Public Test Feedback

0.9.0 is going to be next big hit for World of Tanks with:

  1. Historical Battles mode. How do you like it so far? 
  2. HD tank models for some tanks (T-54, Tiger I, M4 Sherman) 
  3. Physically based shading (better and more realistic materials)
  4. Disabled Confronation mode
  5. Reworked maps - “Malinovka”, “Serene Coast”, “Steppes”, “Redshire”, “Mountain Pass”, "Pearl River" and "Severogorsk"
  6. FOV configuration 

Especially interested in feedback on the points above. And anything else you wish to comment on.

Monday, March 3, 2014

[WoT] Restoration of T-34

Made in WG documentary on Restoration of legendary T-34.

Watch the movie here. RU voiceover, EN subtitles.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

[WoT] Feedback on Live 0.8.11

How do you like the recent update for World of Tanks? Precisely:

1. FOV changes
2. Any issues with aiming/reticle especially while leading targets?
3. National battles aka "Confronation"? Balanced? Fun to play?

Everything else also counts. Share your thoughts.

FOV issue is going to be fixed. Most likely will reverse to the previous one and make FOV adjustments in the settings. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

[WoT360] Moar Tanks!!

World of Tanks 360 for Xbox 360 is now live! Not yet worldwide (this is to come).

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

[WoT] 0.8.11 is Coming

How do you like the upcoming 0.8.11 update for World of Tanks?

Any major concerns or ideas?

WT E100 will lose 200HP btw. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

[WoT] Nation vs Nation

Well, guess, you've heard that. What do you think of the idea - having factional battles in World of Tanks (and may be some other our games). For now, as a part of random battles - USSRvsGermanyvsUSvs...

Will this give us a definitive answer: are the devs biased or not and which tanks are the best? :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

[WoT] Missions

Missions functionality has obviously been a great addition to World of Tanks. It has seen a few improvements since the initial implementation.

1. Do you like it now? What you don't like about it? How could the entire system be improved to be more useful?

2. What do you think about personalised missions, i.e. system that would track player's progress throughout the game (tanks researched and purchased, crew skills, etc) and offer unique missions based on that progress? In such a system, each player would always have a goal (or a few) to complete.

3. Missions could also be used for tutorial purposes to explain battle and garage mechanics. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

[WoT] Update 0.8.10 Live

How do you like Japanese tanks and improved visuals?

Any other feedback on 8.10 update for World of Tanks which is already live will do as well.

Monday, December 9, 2013

[WoT] Public Test of 0.8.10

While 2nd iteration of v. 0.8.10 update is being worked on, what are your thoughts on the upcoming patch so far?

As a reminder, it's a mostly content update that brings:
  • New Japanese tech tree
  • 2 new Soviet meds
  • Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Jap prem
  • Type 64 Chinese prem light
  • Japanese map - Hidden Village
  • Reworked maps - Karelia, Mines, El-Halluf, Airfield, Steppes
  • Shooting through some objects is now possible with AP / APCR shells
  • New maps added for team battle mode
  • Graphic/visual improvements - how is performance by the way?
    • Reworked lighting and light sources for all maps. Reworked brightness and contrast. Improved texture precision
    • Reworked mist/fog
    • Added moving shadows of clouds
    • Reworked "bloom" effect
    • Added sun-rays (god rays) effect and lens flare effect when looking at the sun
    • Added motion blur when moving camera 
    • Added full-screen filter settings (different brightness, colour, and contrast options)
Some screenies for those who haven't yet seen all the beauty:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

[WoT] A Fun Tank To Play

Tanks and their are a substantial part of WoT gameplay. No doubt.

What tanks are fun for you and what are not? And most importantly - why so?
What makes fun tank gameplay for you and what breaks it?
Do you feel like there are enough unique tanks in the game that can boast their character, or the game is trending towards average-like vehicles lacking in character?

Any vehicle-tank-specs-related thoughts will do. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

[WoT] Tiger for the Emperor

The Tiger tank bought by the Japanese government that could work as tier VI-VII premium in the game with the future release of the Japs in 8.10 update.

By the way the 1943 Henschel Tiger cost 295k Reichsmark for internal usage, while sneaky Germans managed to sell it to Japanese at a much higher price - for 645k. The Japs must have been over-diplomatic to bargain. The vehicle however never touched the Japanese ground because of "transportation issues" and - as rumour has it - ended up fighting somewhere in Italy.

For in-game version might want to change tracks a bit and make this tank more "amphibious" to give it a more Japanese look.


Friday, November 8, 2013

[ALL] Matchmaking

What do you think of the current matchmaking in both World of Tanks and World of Warplanes?
Is there anything about it that you don't really like?

How do you like the idea of economic incentives for "underdogs"?

  • individual underdogs (eg tier 8 in tier 10 battle) getting bigger exp bonus for fighting higher tiers, the bigger the tier gap, the bigger the reward. The system is currently in place, however rewards can be bigger. 
  • team underdogs (based on comparison of overall balance weights of all tanks in the two teams) getting some exp bonus for being slightly disadvantaged, eg team that has 1% lower overall weight gets 5% bonus exp regardless of the battle outcome

Thursday, October 31, 2013

[WoT] Team Up!

The massive 0.8.9 update for World of Tanks has gone live for EU, NA, and Asia regions.

  • 7 vs 7 team battles (7/42 mode)
  • open top German TDs (how is Waffen E-100?)
  • first Japanese tank so far (Type 3 Chu-Nu Kai)
  • gift tank - T7 Combat Car (thanks for Golden Joystick)
  • NA-based Northwest map
  • multiple fixes and improvements
First impression from the live version?

PS: meanwhile WoWP 1.0 public test has begun

[WoT] Krupp's Archives

Taken from Yuri Pasholok's (WG historical consultant and tank researcher) blog.

"There has always been some complaining of "compromises" related to historical accuracy of German vehicles. Surprisingly, real German WWII research and engineering exceeds the boldest expectations.

For instance, Krupp's archives have the following inventory:

2959 15 cm K, Entwurfe, Berechnungen enthalt:
15 cm K L/40 fur [PzkpfW "Maus"]
15 cm KWK in Tiger II
7,5 cm KWK und 15 cm KWK L/38 fur Pzkpfw "Maus"
15 cm K L/38Patronen fur Pzkpfw "Maus" 

And that's not all, however we are excited already."