Our secret paws presents arriveds today! And they are from the Island Cats.
Both the Giant Kitty and me are so excited when the postman cames and saids that Mr Beethoven Heng and Mr Boy Heng had a parcel. It was even more exciting when mine Mummy openeds up the package for us. See, we couldn't waits to finds out what is inside!
There is a lots and a lots of catnippy stuffs inside!
Catnip really doesn't affects me that much. In fact, is there a special smell? I cannot tell. But just looks at the Giant Kitty! Just a tiny whiff and lookys at his face. He's in the seventh heaven of nippy delight.
And you knows what? He drooleds all over my presents too!Even mine Mummy had a special present!
The Island Cats are really generous!Lookys! We gots so many presents!
And take note of the piece of paper where the Island Cats printeds their greeting for us on. Lookys at the corner! The Giant Kitty's drool!