I was amazed to see that I haven't posted for a week. It's been a busy time. My husband had a surgical procedure done on his eye which, besides being worrisome, required driving and sitting in waiting rooms. Everything went well, and although his vision may not improve, the problem has been arrested, and the scary complications did not develop. Yesterday we went to Chicago, checked on son, daughter-in-law, and of course most importantly, the twins. Everyone is thriving. We then had a terrific dinner at a new restaurant called
Powerhouse; it's one of those places where the menu is seasonal, the meat comes from small local farms, the produce is organic, etc. Delicious, but expensive. I had cod (NOT local, obviously.) Then we saw La Traviata with Renee Fleming at the Lyric Opera. She's so lovely that you can forget the idiotic, courtesan-with-heart-of-gold-dying-nobly-of-consumption plot. It didn't bring tears to my eyes like the film Atonement did though.
As far as creative things, I have gotten this far:

I need to applique the circle and sew two last sections together, and then I will put it aside for a while and work on the Hoffman challenge. Later I'll come back and think about embellishments and quilting. Thanks for everyone's input.
Looking good!!
Interesting piece Kay. It makes me feel like I'm looking through a textured glass. I like it.
I love this piece. I can't wait to see how you quilt it. It looks like looking through water to me.
PS, glad to hear your husband's scary complications did not develop. This is good.
This is a beautiful piece, I love the interplay of the blue and yellow, one of my favorite color combinations. The shapes are wonderful.
Thanks for your comment on my blog, and I will be back here to see more of your work!
I am jealous that you got to see Renee Fleming!
I get that textured glass feeling too, it's almost shimmery!
Oh, my! Renee Fleming, a beautiful quilt, delicious dinner, and twins too. Your cup decidedly runneth over! (Oh, and hubby's vision being saved is not bad either.)
wonderful! quilt, opera and hubby.
I really like this piece, Kay.
Kay, I love your TIF piece! What a beautiful design! I can't wait to see it after you've quilted it! And, Renee Fleming! I am drooling over your opera night!!
Oh my! I really have missed wayyy too much. This is spectacular.
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